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Show f (f WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, OCTOBER 1 9, 1 978 A Autos Crash 3 A LAYTON Mrs. Mary Noma Williams Rowley, 68, of 1500 North Angel Street, Layton died Wednesday Oct. 11, 1978 in a Murray hospital. born Feb. 24, Heber City, a daughter SHE WAS ' 1910 m William James and Catherine Olivia Bancroft of W illiams. 11, Aug. On Arthur in Ogden. married Row lev 1919 1929 she Burton He died in Dec was an acof the LDS MRS. ROWLEY member tive A runWEBER ning garden hose stuik m the ilnnul ot a 21 , vear old girl in Smith Weber has been determined as the cause of death, an mdmg to an autopsy per-lo- t rued on the ( laid Church. She had worked in the Primary and Relief Society. She had served as Relief Society president. She was also active in civic affairs. Surviving are two sons, Arthur W. Rowlev of Layton and Robert B Rowley of Salt lake seven City, giundchildren, one sister, Mrs. Irene Baum, Heber City FUNERAL SERVICES were held Saturday Oct. 14 in the Layton l'lth Ward Chapel. Burial was in the Chai lesion City Cemetery DR. RI( HARD Pihl of the state Medical f e e said the child's aum.K h was mpturcd and a, iter Hooded the abdominal , jvily, causing her death. ) Ut sum 'be excessive water was apparently brought about in a water hose being forced no the throat area (ilRL was identified as 1H1 Jessica Brown, foster child of Mr. and Mrs David Richard- son, 1961 Fast 7775 South Weber South, Detective Bud Cox of the Davis (ounty Sheriff's Office said no complaints have been issued in the girls death but that an extensive investigation will be continued. MRS. RICHARDSON told investigating officers that the child fell on the hose as it became lodged m her throat She said the girl became startled while drinking from the hose, fell and the hose became lodged in her throat, grb Layton Accidents On Oct 3, two cars were involved in an .iccidenl on Gentile Street and 30!) Last in I ton. The first car, driven In Williamina F riekson was slopped on Gentile attempting to make a left hand turn second car failed to observe me stopped car and collided into the rear of the vehicle D images to the second car, diuen by Richard Strong mwuntcd to $700. He was nt-ifm following too close and !e lung the scene of an uc- d t lilellt. W1DNESDAY, Oct 11, a itoeecar collision occurred at 'he intersection of Fort 1 ane and Wasatch Drive. One car had slowed down to wait for pedestrians crossing the street in the crosswalk. A second vehicle also slowed down to a stop for the pedestrians The third car failed to observe the two stopped cars and the pedestrians and caused a rear-encollision Total chain-reactio- d damage to the n Wednesday. Cause Of Death SOUTH chain-reactio- crash of three autos at Fort Lane and Wasatch Drive, Layton, slightly injured three Layton High School coeds last Services Held thiee cars was TREATED FOR lacerations, bruises and whiplash were Sherri Bright, 17, Connie Tanner, 15, and Lisa Favero, 17, all of Layton. school students. They were not seriously injured. The driver of the third car received a citation for keeping an improper lookout, dmg MISS BRIGHT was cited for to keep a proper lookout, grb failing - LAYTON Every 17 seconds someone in the United States requires a blood even more. Those coming in can credit the blood to where they work, church or whatever. THAT BLOOD must come from somewhere, and the only place known to man so far is from another human should be or over and weigh at least 110 lbs. Those on blood pressure medication should not donate or others with illnesses, he said. About one pint is taken but the body manufactures sufficient quantities to replace that amount within several hours. The average adult carries pints. The program is being conducted in conjunction with the Bonneville Chapter, American transfusion. being. Blood is in short supply in Davis County as well as in the entire nation and to help build stock, a blood drive will be held at Davis North Medical Center Oct. 27 from 1 p m 6 p .m. All types of blood are needminutes should be set aside to complete the process, says Steve Miller, laboratory ed and about 30-4- 5 director at the hospital. "Blood usage is continually increasing and with the deer hunt usage will increase BLOOD DONORS Her A i DEER HUNTERS W? haver plentyTol Good.'BoxesltoT put ' 10-1- 2 Red Cross in Ogden. THOSE WISHING to donate should inquire at the information desk. Gene Underwood Is In German Exercise ( apt Gene K. Underwood, son of Mrs. Mary Farnworth, 412 Blue Lakes, Twin Falls, Ida is participating with , other American and allied troops in REFORGFR 78, NATO's largest yearly exercise, held in Germany. MORE THAN 11,009 soldiers were flown to Germany and some 37,01)0 tons of equipment and supplies have been shipped from the U.S. for the massive exercise. REFORGER (Return of Forces to Germany) results from a 1967 agreement between the U.S., United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany. The to return stateside-baseforces to Germany each year for exercises to allied demonstrate solidarity. agreed d three drivers and occupants weie juvenile high All Miss Bright and Miss Tanner were m an auto that struck a car which had slowed for a school crossing, driven by Miss Favero. Occupants of the lead car of the three-ca- r mishap were not injured. Blood Drive Slated At Medical Center U S $3,825 " THE ENTIRE exercise emphasizes the orderly disposition of forces and stressed deployment procedures and techniques. Underwood, a company commander with the 3rd Armored Division in Hanau, Germany, entered the Army in February 1967. He was commissioned through an Officer Candidate School. THE CAPTAIN received a masters degree in 1977 from George Washington University, Washington, D.C. His father, James L. Underwood, lives at 286 W. 700 N., Clearfield. 20 Year Pin - A HILL AFB service pin has been presented to Layton resident Emily J. Brown at Hill AFB 20-ye- ar ceremonies. SHE IS a supply clerk in the Directorate of Distribution. She and her husband have one daughter. O) ..a iegriiy and Principle Over Politics SSll7 is 6ifi a & (a 611 s 55 a si fifrlTO QfiTiyiUD QD Paid for by Committee to ' ) 1.1 Re-ele- ct Dub Lawrence Sheriff Chairman Mike Crippen |