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Show WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL. -- r OCTOBER 19. 1978 11 v IT - A county FARMINGTON 5 f ij signature by the commissioners, the county is absolved of responsibility if computer programmer has to received the travel to Oregon in an attempt to sell computer programs. b, - Pope's programs should not prove satisfactory. Davis Commissioners deferred signing the contracts until Crook County officials have made a decision THE DAVIS County Commission gave its nod of approval Tuesday afternoon to the trip by Bovd Pope, an in the county employee clerk s office He will go to Redmond, Ore to meet with Crook County officials con- t7 IF PROGRAMS are accept- ed, installation might take three days and Mr. Pope said were he to return to Crook County it would be at no ex- com- sidering purchasing puter programs for use on Bunoughs equipment pense to Davis County County Clerk Rodney Walker said he felt Mr Popes action would be a conflict of interest but said similar to what Davis County Uv s He will leave Oct 30 and return the night of Oct 31 program computer package if Crook County puu haves it or paid separately by that counts if the plan is reacted, Mr Pope told the commission Zl Members of the Davis High St hool varsity crosscountry team are, 1 to r, Wayne Ilnto, Reid Neumann, Chad Jones, Paul Stenquist, Quinn (latitll, Todd Thompson and Coach Mike Jones up CROSS COUrJTRY The I mss Davis High School tountrv Team is con and over the sport thioughout the state again this eai turning to show its power maintain Us dominance CROSS COl NTRY running became an ofliuul high school sport in 1971 when sanctioned by the Utah High School Activities Committee Seven years have passed scoring lots of second places for Davis stale championships, and tition IN DUAL meet competition has soared to an Davis impressive 77 win 4 loss lecord, and winning six region titles and one second place finish Nowhere in the state will you find a better record The reason for continued success is the hard work con tinually put in by the runners Davis High runners actually un between ten and fifteen miles a dav doing various type workouts programed b Coach Mike Jones COACH JONI S feels that good runners are made by hard work, and are not alwavs born with natural talent This year's team is no ex replion to the rule 7hev all have worked especially hard Davis' number one runner is Wavne Pints, who is one of the finest runners this state has seen PINTS, AS a ninth grader second in state In his competition sophomore year he was the finished state champion, something that has never been done befoie bv a sophomore Pints is only a junior this vear. and is expected to repeal as state champion He is so determined Ihit he runs five to ten miles everv morn mg before breakfisi, hi sob doing the evening woikmi! dt sigm d bv his c oat h v V w mann (Jr ) his b pushing Pints all lie wav en and LEARN TO PLAY THE GUITAR Call Dave 376-54- He specializes with beginners. Evenings and Saturday lessons are available. $3.00 cost per lesson. mand at Fort GARDNFR PRIVATES father, Gardner, lives at Stowe Road, Hemet, THE L Larry Texas 13725 Calif ENTERED In other action, the commissioners signed contracts extending state funding to Dec 31, funding for several contracts prepared for odd vSJlcu v. " rSoThC, Li I lores how CV ' Syracuse S' O A'-- vX Bv VIRGINIA S. BENNETT 1 'll3C a flur More you Uvr two wayi Everylim you thj has to be belief Now n add on ro quai tv grocear ana Every' me you shoo at our More you Mve Two way mat has to be better' Now n ado t on to qua' ty get ery trim and food values everyday you can race v f ne qua ty q Ms at You ree ve no evtra coat iut by saw nq our G ttene coupon one G tfrneh coupon w th each IV porchave eriud ng sa e tax and only coupon f If a G ftchek iaver book You II be amaied at how toon you tl be eorhang nq your GiHchek coupons tor valuable g Ms mr U W kmfvir 45102 PI offer c::d j AT A ny Plans are well underway for the annual Country air that has become so popular in the LDS Syracuse Fourth Ward these past few years The time and date has bun chosen for Saturday, Nov 4, and all waid membtis uie working around this spi it GENERAL ELECTRIC CLOCK - rs ' SAFEYAY 1 store i:i Till STATE c? it;.::! 1 time Mr and Mrs Wilburn Mul fold spent Saturday in South Salt Lake al the home of then son in law and daughter, Mi and Mrs Jon Watts and the it family Mr and Mrs Watts are the parents of a newcomer that arrived to them at the t ar he r this month Mtkav Hospital in Ogdt n This is their second daughte t Ihe other grandpatc tits ue Mr and Mrs Wavne Watts of North Ogden Dutlv President and Mis Palmer spe nt sonic time tin-- , past week at tin ir cabin m Wyoming Richaid Schaeffer is no, home from the hospital wht he spent several davs follow ing an accident that cauvd him to lose his thumb and index fmgi r in a prop c t th u he- - was involve t in at hs home Mrs ( leo h irbt r is gt ttirg around now with a east on be r It ft ankle She ft cc tun d it when she fell She also suf led a p cinful iiiurv to nt r tit nt It ft shouldf r in the at ( urt hnstt risen It ft In Sunday evening for hts s it n n in San Diego. ( aid al the H tl boa Hospital wht re he is serving in iht Navy He spi nt a w et k at to home oi his patents, Mr uni Mrs Robe rt (hi iMi o i n and m itle the (np to tin nd r. the w t ddt rig of h is m Shelly Vnn to D . . d Hog in Mrs Idt lb lv v !i"i ( hai lesion South t u mn t spent Satuni iv and Sued i e the home ot hr mphtw Mt and Mrs Michael M lorn Mrs Ivey is here v isiting with faintly in the Ogden art a Mrs Dora lones, Mr lotos mother ds staved Saint anil Sum! tv BUY SCOTCH HALVES r SUCCS SCOTCH BUY CUM' YELLOW BATHROOM I 'J L 1 Wa cm WHIT1100CT. AGL-J- .uldSCII- - i) cjtj- J4- - 11 ' W) N S$AT SAFFWAT Sfftlc Biuj uvv on Rbn Fruit Drinks SUPPUMl s Apricot Halves 0 C Bartlett Pears Crs'it AA Fel 'ji LUCERNE AA tareje i)l( WGVMf cOC MAhQ is or mm Pork Ceons & D town Spectacular Views. Great Homes. Unlimited Design Selection. . i n ) tk SAFFWAT AU I A (H !6t .Si 19 74 Of Slict By aod rC: laU tt n if or - rr--7 x r - r.iir. 2 dG5 n A Btii n mU v 6 -- Sarvt SR f : .. TOR W 14 (if Ta(t Arn Gaarya tthr C Capar ( Ef 'Graaa Fti C laah I Slngi Miyvray lal o u wJi aiif. UH-- t rt Aa ep Oaa loa'BrrMi EXTRi n JCI (I U a. LJ Spteliai IN m t ' 1) M m tl 4 J 2, , 7 J LEAMSLvCKY SLAB BACON CENTER HAM SLICES MlWNMFt ' R fWVV OI . UUTMVOR VURfUrm Mountain,! Ionic 3rEas! 700 South Fa'-- ' 'PzJZS.tU, CHIPPED MEATS MTWrt KIAIMI M(AfWriAiniMIKM1 HARH1HI i,i ngfon TVifiy fntJ Sl'(l i Jatky SuH,ng Stic d lactm 8( Bo'caa St, k , ;i ..'i iijti Mml (Unit .139 SAFEYAT BONELESS TOP SIRLOIN STEAKS f Ij 1 uj fi Iriikttl l" Jttk frtik Tog Rox4 t4rfflm JtMkiT ,'- 1- '' $lict4 .f Vdty Pttk Brt(fgff4 Btf iNtki'.-- . AAR Lftwi LJ n TSTATCIS J" soil... 9 ill f . NATURAL CUT ROTS. 3 tr a u. LJ v STERLING BRAND SKINLESS FRANKS MH "t IA1T M MIT IATII X UNIFORMLY SLICED BEEF LIVERS itnntntmm (ST ) urn' M V101HS xT. v 3r 49 11' ar ALEAN J. RAISINS I- HANu'NG BAXXnS poniNG LJ ALL.1G3 f AfStCAN j SHEll PIANUTS . ta ::gr ASSORTED MUMS M - J. iv y -- lk r PRUNES CABDENS1DE SEEDLESS eUtOCdH 4 SKa. 1aH9i'r t DtalU ., xi NAa 'ta Ilka n CARROTS . colt C CaSfa FWFSTaiA WFTN IAN ' ' 0e1 Fwa $ laraa amt ifnagi tj WaMy f TEltOW ONIONS C01DIN CASH mn4 I T'taMHM Vfi lvaain FWi ham T WnAf ImiimH SewiB Taraal att' i c::j ya;.:s h 4r" .Kf'sty Spwdwl ul iMvGfvl ngff r 21, 1f73 13, 19, ID, A fRJTT Li S'XOOO S L - PROOT fiUDtH TS3f3CAl CAIWORWIA Taafpai y a DAAAS 01 loBfr(fgol im A SAFFWAT CRARANTIFD CstoUr O-- Uu CYH1A&V tCASOW turn ff rou Li UKim r Mayonnaise, .. ; $1 59 I Tcgless Tea Dags batteries ICECHEAn c!cj c 3,r,8 tc.vils STIIMK s329, Bunt Hot TRY .5 r n qo c 1 r 'iiu imi Table Syrup O foa u i' 41 CCZM m CT3' . MAM MY mu nm 47 Cut Green Deans 99 Sfayvc Pe0A StIBYYV $175 19 vsoe Q CW Af w KtHI 89' .. Scrfclt Buy Bu'uui 001 ANf A m Ciw fj-v- YELLCV KOKUITIIIM Tomato Juice cnfiircais Cttl Slew Freezer Paper I ;,'59e fvl Vienna Sausage :69c f . 'i $253 ccicin ,S. g K.J - AZS2ZZZ..T r , :;69 : L (OR I Opil -- Suui Trr'I I i 1 IJcuT Ccr.dy r Fun Size Ccr.dy MiM Ccr.dy Fun Size Ccndy Ilershey Bars with Ceatn CKIIi 49e Strawberry Preserves Freestone Peaches p Round Waffles b"69 Ice Cream Sandwiches ,bl59 Ccl-ci- Bta-dy- - MI M i us FOR YOUR f m , H 4 ROU r TO COTJ Germany the 13th Corps Support ComHood, Mannheim, High School, Ridgewood Estates, Lavton, a recently was assigned as tank turret repairman with . and Pints make a great one, two combination The rest of the team is comprised if Chad Jones, sophomore, Paul Stenquist senior, Todd Thompson, sophomore, Quinn Gatrcll, Jr , and Randy Neuman, senior Year in and year out they are a team that cant be beai t 30 Army in April 1976 He is a 1977 graduate of Big Bend Community College Gardner, S He , DAVIS HAS st veral n'h. r mils! inding runnt is lh U i on k. i tribute to iht ir mu ie-- In Pvt Michael son of Mrs Muriel D Stuart, 3725 North Hill Field Road, ir-lT'- a since that time and Davis High School has won four second place and two third place finishes in state compe . Gardiner Assigned MR. WALKER was also concerned at losing the computer programmer when the computer is being utilized to prepare tax notices But Mr Pope told the commission tax notices should be in the mail by weeks end WILL OFFER the 111, Oregon officials four basic piugr inis developed by Davis County including one for laves and voter registration Amount the county will teteive depends on which programs, if any, Crook ( ountv accepts OKS&J" . planning, (WIC), family human development, maternal and child health and handicapped programs, tb County Attorney Milton Hess found nothing irregular in the Mr Hess said there action is no precedent and well have to wait and see with trip cost to be covered m the existing health department programs The contracts cover the Women, Infant and Children program already hil.ofl TiL .4 Sliced tahnrn i'7" Rt4 Snoppor Ocooe tillf'i Cook flol Sfc.twty (g Rolls .i |