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Show J DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, OCTOBER 19, 1978 WEEKLY REFLEX Brace SpoFis BiFooton At 1 Mutation record I put some recruiting information in there about the By DAVE WIGHAM - community and college but mainly about the program Bruce is also responsible for putting out the programs for each home athletic event In regards to the bcxiklet Bruce relates a story that is typical of some S I D people and that left him a lit- Ask SALT LAKE CITY Bruce Woodburv what he does for a living and youll get a plain and simple answer Hes the S I D at the University of Utah Bruce is the sports in- n formation director at the university and there is nothing plain or even simple about his job tle embarrassed. BRUCE IS a native of Bountiful having been in the first graduating class at page BRUCE WOODBURY answering any questions about players or coaches that anyone may have In general he simply has to be available to answer any questions that the media might have FOLLOWING THE game he has to send the final statistics to Kansas C lty to the NCAA S1NCF BRLCE wasalieadv helping out with the depart ment he was a natural choice for the job and he took over fulltime in the summer following gtaduation in 1972 computer so that they are able to get nut their informa turn all over the nation as to the leading passer, etc In the event the L'tes aie playing an away game the job Then in 1976 Biuce was named as the S I D and currently has three jour naltsm students helping out "The situation heie at the U is different than some schools in that we also have a fulltime SID for the women's sports and a fulltime promotion man that is in charge of all the promotional work that a lot of S I D people have to do at other schools Bruce went on to note that he looked at his job as the liaison between the Acschool and the media tually what I do is a service job lor the media people make sure they get all the information about games or players that the want more becomes complex Bruce goes into the city wheie the game will be played about three days before the team arrives lie then goes around to all the radio and television stations in the area to give interviews and previews of the club He takes along with him pictures and stories for the print people and film clippings for the television interviews 1 1 at the Prior to the start of attv football or basketball season each university puts out a press booklet whten contains think all it amounts to is getting paid to watch athletic events whether home or away People just dont realize the scope of the job, they come to football games about ten minutes before kickoff and leave right after the gun get here about three hours before the game and leave about three hours after the contest " During that time Bruce has to set up the press box, make sure the statistic crew is ready to go, give all the press people any information they need Help the radio people get set up During the game he is responsible for getting the fust half statistics to about 20 different places, within about two minutes, 54 sj.rv i r goals On the surface OGDFN this game pitting Clearfield against the lakers of Bonneville might look like a Bountiful and love the an-- i Basketball has been fun to be around and now football is un the upswing I meet a lot of people and dont have to sit behind a desk all day And most ot all, the kids here to work with People think the college athletes ate just animals, but believe me they are super kids I took Jeff Jonas home to dinner a couple of times and he was super to my kids and now he s there idol " Afterall the Fal4 in league play cons ate and while the Lakers are one of three teams tied for the mismatch 1 1 ad ONE PF.RSON that doesnt look at this game as a misli arc-gre- is an aspect of like, the his job he doesn t its match Futute favton of MFASLRFMFNT front widest points and from hase of skull I highe st point, ..veruge of the mi isurerrent will be tikm One point will hi given for inch point over two tni his Highest point total will win If a tie should in ur eai best In ad in will win i is though with the Royals as he was ,th ( iearfield w It seems in this league cer tain teams have tough times with others and the Lakers h ive never had much success igainst the Clearfield teams tin four children Kimberly, lohn, Scot and Dav id So to many of us, Brin c Woodbury has a good job, but to be good at n you have to be dedicated and hard winking Mr Woodbury is all of that he the Bonneville coach Two weeks ago prior to then game with Kov, tne faker coach notea that he wasnt as concerned travel lime involved whnh takes him away from his lovely wife Nancy and then I PI EASF cheater v - Patricia The big game season has batelv btgun, and airiadv tiespassmg piohtems are be mg lepmted to the Itah W , Id of fe Division Resouu i s I) ise She in lest Squidion - Nani iti - I n I (V dsate h K i 1 v not lie s ri mil children tit iw iv am t AM s, n f in i j , to - t t n tii i - IF Lii ft U Li 11 4r JC" v Y 1 . THF I rate i j It dlls f n n r Li k j J hi Kaysville I ittle I eague propi am is sponsored bv the Kaysville Citv Recieatmn Department under the d ru turn of Paul Smith, rt creation dirt c tor np 4 4i hs tu C k Pf nt m ai k 4 W mt rn V 5 J - , I ( 1 I il J I DF tol kit and a $10 gift cer m ' i m The armington urns p will sell In ki ts this i ,r U r the pheasant hunting tut. lit tween Banish lam- - north to Shop ird I am-- , wi n of F I ( z.i L Permits imaged hotns be shot bv contes t ml or.lv end only shot in the state of I'ah Tag must ac i ompanv hi id Prizes wnl be a die ( in 06 or !! 10) a b! ick pi wdi r pis r peg, i d rj i m m m US in covings m 1 Wr W 63 m n g,ka m ui 9 S m m fp i I tlflCdll I HE lit K F IS will b. dvailablt afti Oct 2 i il Hu C A. S Servile Million, Inti nth M ml Street m f unungti u t he W llson Sti i us st i oi , Olsi-nc lub I pi sub i said I he prof.ts f nm II pro r t will ,e u i d t i i c V CAROL DEAN PAGE For Davis County Recorder ' " v e i i c improve lilt ill i i 101' lab Hoijm ( Sf ASON op, ASr so ta tu m s , put! based . I arming'on HtF Nov I . 5 i e K ,s In- i K Completes tavy Study I Nav v Airm m D iv id von, son of Don I von of pro North fittest, I avion, has completed recruit training at the Naval Ti dining (infer. Sin Diego 1 I v ? . A X f L DL RING TIU eight week , V training cycle, he studied general military subjects ; years experience working with the county recorders office, so I know the job. I will continue to run a friendly, courteous and efficient office, with respect for the county records. The property records are very important and will he my greatest concern. I will make them available to the public. 20 (y Paid politual ad by Committee fir Carol I)-a- Page desipmd to prepare him for further academic and on training m one of the N ivy's K5 basic occupational the-jo- b fields Included in his studies were seamanship, close nrck r drill. Naval history and first aid Personnel who complete this course of instruction are eligible for three hours of college credit in physical education and hygiene He joined the Navy in August 1977 The Bank of Utah ATS account (automatic transfer service) lets you keep all your money in a daily interest savings account. Until you write a check. Then we automatically transfer the needed money into checking. No idle funds! No lost interest! Keep all your money working with ATS. Its an account worth asking for at... ennicofuFDIC Member (twenty offices to serve you) i i!) ircmic: - (all nme oft, e tu ould pull o'l the ups, t Coach Boh Rickman Ihese two skilled coaches have liken three of their teams to the Bowl in the past 10 wars COACHING the Pams all Vic ton, v t wav to o.u h linn lhompsun and li ll m the 'li d i n- i - at the til m i The Kavsville team w is undi feated m the Division Plav off affoidmg them the opportumtv of competing in iht- Bow! rhi Bowl game is i c ulminat urn of t hi st ts,,n plav foi little It igut the in loot I 'h q ui ) is put p uind n m 1 list h J VJ dgmg through to wm the Will t s K J championship title J- ,t n Coach Brent Hancock ot Clearfield used to coach at Bonncv lilt- - pi tin to a stmt with Weber State so lie d like nothing belter th m to wm this i V, i win to e a t gt-- El U i prua'i-piop- quartet Bonneville needs th slay alive in the chain ptonship picture, Clearfitld needs the win to save some-fac- I , rtv a yards and score-som- points difn Id must find a w iv points on the board 1 might be then hist bet with Lai tv Read throwing to the kt s of Roger intent in Steve Keal Read can put pi ssute on the I aki r d ft me w ith a lot of roll outs IF YOU ARF onfionted bv an Hate landowner this f ill dont wave vour hunting pei nut in front of him He i u still kick vou lit f his propi i tv or worse, piosi i ule So to avoid unnecessarv problems this Mason ohtiei the owners pi t m t - si on before trudging ovir HO some holes thev can li ( to n A her hush Wdnt have thi back sneak fot si ore tt THI and the Bobcats ran i hill Mcrt-tai- mils 3 ceremonies A t . lis li- n Sustained Superior f erfor mance Award at Hill Af B SHE IS iu I a special elk or deer permit is not a hunters personal passport to hunt on private property without permission BONNEV ILLF 'S defense seems to have one weakness, thev ate ov er aggi essiv e which has caused them some pmbltms as of late Against Sky View they all blitzed and is thf full k ind U t id c m In ak until ' mis ji iv 'on mui h men ills In P ns . , t on t the ( h Freese of fay ton has received A in to h RUNNINGWISE THE f al cons have had problems with bigger lines Thev arent the biggest team in the league on the line, bul if hacks Mike At rant or Doug Hamblin get 1 Gets Award AFB s m at in- by middle f ulton who who loves to hit people tin in e ( ot v as the r qumo-back ( ory is an t i c lie lit passer who cun also run with etfec tivcm -- s ANo tin ir big olb h k Man m plavmakt r lbs who is one of the fastest bai ks in the - lab , I Ills li is the cap dnl iv ' hi, iking anv i inning plav for a big g mu i Bonneville seems to be m the drivers seat as f ir as the league title goes with Clear field and Viewmont on the ir schedule, while the other two clubs, Bountiful and favton face each other this week It AFD rs i Slyvcstir have-bee- n (EH! am 1 HF I YKI RS m sc tiled on s C Hill Trespassing: It Happens Every Veer fdvm linebacker Chris is a great plavet avion win would the title a put tilt against the Viewmont club Iearfield lost both of those games, to all but take them out of post season contention Defensively the f alums as gooa as any in the league the past tew weeks but they haven't offensively generated mui h have pi ived lakers are led Bountiful wins then due to their win over the Btaves the Iakets would look good for PEOPLE ARE starting to wonder where the offense of the Falcons has gone Two weeks ago they were shutout b Weber then last week they could only muster a field goal At and pi ak points or broken or Bulk mu-- l - - h By DAVE WIGHAM Bruce is quite content for now, "I really like it here at the university I was raised in America Chapter ate sjjonsoring the annual Big Buck Contest Entne-- s will be sold in the Ag Shop or anv of the chapter members for $1 I nines must be in bv Oct 21) All heads must he in to the1 g Shop bv Nov Z Free Demonstration "" As for his professional lil U i locks recommended your police department. BOBS LOCK SHOP i I BRUCE DOESNT mistakes though He is considered one of the best at his jobs bv his biggest critu s the media people I a STOP BURGLARS Use deadbolt as r? make-man- farmers 1 1 play with those kids again Contest enjoys putting them out "mine are media oi lented so the reporters can find what they need, stuff like when were the L'tes last time r. the final product I didnt look at this page so the book was printed with the wrong players. At a luncheon when he first saw the booklet the coach remarked, do I have to Dig Duo!: BRICF HAS won awards for his press booklets and is probably one of the few who yards rushing on the went through Sponsors anyone could possibly w mi to know is contained in these booklets was a 166 I Layton FFA the names, and usually the pictuies, of all the players and coaches plus background information on each of them The past, present and futute schedules ate incorporated, results, individual and team records, ust about anything 1 So when IF THLRF HF IS Al SO responsible to make sure the travel plans ot the club are fn m "1 don t set up the airangements but check on them when get there to make1 sure the tc arris plans i un smoothly sports information job and 376-46- For some reason wanted s Jorgensen, didnt write example (ant SID, Cratp Hislop, left the school to take another iob at Utah State by are to r, front, Shawn Robinson, Erik Herrara, Scott Blair Giles, Darren Jensen, Lenard Wright, Kevin Swallow, Dan Granado, Kevin Hutchins Row 2, Andy Keck, Roger Greene, Brad Clark, Robert Green, James Uharnet, Paul Howard, Kevin Leachman, John Uharnet and Troy Jacques. Row 3, Drew Johnson, Enk Thompson, Bruce Willard, Waroon Transki, Mark Mower, Mike Jacobsen, Mike Woodward, Steve Sargent Coaches are Don Thompson and right, Robert Rickman np memln-r- used the previous years team to show the printer what we paper Following a mission to California, Bruce returned to of Utah and the I'mv-rsi- ty soi n became the sports editor ot the school paper, The Chronicle As editor of the paier he became closely associated with the sports department ot the school and in his senior vear the assis MANY PEOPLE Kaysville 100 Pound Little League Team won the Bowl Championship Comjvetition at Weber State College recently. Team 1 Viewmont High back in 1066 While at the school he was involved in sports, playing tennis and involved in journalism, editor of the school look was I making up the dummy copv for the printers and on the page where we print the starters with their backups |