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Show WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, OCTOBER 19, 1978 Seeking Reelection To The State Senate respect, either as between localities or as between classes of service Standard Night For Layton West Stake RAEANN nished number BLOOD MISS COOMBS brought with her the clothes she wore in the Mis-- , America Pageant She entertained the group with the same pi mo number the last I that she played in the Miss America talent compt tit ion I he standard night was under the diteclion of the av ton L lah U est St ike fades M u t u Young Pu sick n v chug fur She was accom Karen Hymgton Featuied sj c aki r lot th evening was lami loomhi panic d hv session v) i J gisl mire c rT L SUPPORTS legislation he i me is Peak Dixti u t of the Bov scouts of Aim mu ,re planning a bike lukt and i Sidle p irk 1 he a v v be lit Id on Oil 27 and 2k w hey will connect wnh An lelope Drive and piece id on hi-- , ic li sirec t uni il lhe hi ir imping an i s AND akt v it w i igh hoi hood Mteting foi ill gni scout leaders, to leaders, or gamzers and consultants will North m the tducation Building of hi Communitv Church of iv 1000 t 1 ton is the m in - N tgWhorhonu (I 1575 West, 1 ii hve in his c hur b activities and served in m my leadc rship positions HE WAS first , ssisi ant in the Priest Quotum He h is attained the rank of I ag Scout, and has rteei"d Ins Dutv Jo C.od aw ltd no has Provo be en ac c I d i, nfh M's $050 from PEL Quick Shop at g ne w is lavton Aest, tires, coins, gas, leather gloves, oil, beer and some food WATFR SKIS, fisk i ib, , knife and a feh box md h.ic s rt a value more than $Sli were reported takt n horn u Some $200 in cash was reported taken from the arol Dean Page residence at ssl C I East 225 North and tuts valued at $100 owned bv Richard Hamblin of tt.l Ucst State in Farmington were taken from a Lavton auto ( n l ii o i iv li i is I M It (hi i I i i M c w Gotti d I u Si Fireside Scheduled A $2 Goods taken in luded a pistol revolver in a leather holster, i , D Winona (iodds valued at nort than SO were taken from inotft r construction sun Joe B njt , of 10s5 North 12V) I ,si ,o fast lav rori told I a , ion h pol ice Inc ludi d w u e i asc s and took 24 1 0 i i hlKti Hu h e a goods were taken r n rr o Mrs 0 I in ( r ll Il g I W t s d f H , n! I , hi ' s p i ,t multi il aye omh on Slim, a Dit J1 Hu Si o i' I ( t liter THIS IS I i in, nk a I n r c h i ' i r uul ,i n K n s', its k e s, t ( ,ii j I ai Hung i n i Ds Skil-- t s (ii.t si p, iki i f ir I1 c ii n me wul hi i c'i I (,i u I1 I l f 1 I ' I 'll" o ,n i l him Sw1" 'IDs I , drive Mis W right hit k to hi r home and spt nd a few (lavs there wnh her They letormd NORMA PREFCF Bv e ire or.lv in s ih u j i il hi tic r) i . i nv, i nnu M h is "i a h ne i e than per t n dt i me the past He is in f e.oi of in of jo ' gt ani t h U h i h imwh ' i r i ill 376-875- 1 ( hi i r ,0 0 lah Pioiv , Mur rav MORE THAN 400 Mt in r k t It ( ti kl ng do C1 h it s' ale and local Meet ill; I avion I! old I)LP 1 police reported North Ider Jones gradual, from Davis High School He was on the track and eiox, country teams at Davis He irewell meeting Sunday, 22, at 4 p m at the 20th Ward Meeting House, 198 West Center, Kaysville On Oi t 2h he will leave for Ihe sirm lion of lin NopIi I i t ane and tnpods md survey tools vaho a at $ lion nit t iken from the conslt oi n site of Home ( onsti ji ion t A rifle valued IAYTON at $200 was taken from the Melvin West residence at 1710 of Ward Mission His farewell is Oct 22 at 3 30 in the Fruit He ight Second Ward Chapel Santiago North Mission HE SPOKE at Sacrament Meeting strvues on Sunday il the ( leai field It nth W'ard He will leave on Oi t 14 for the I 1M in Provo 1 giaduate of C lear Si hool and the four Mats Seminary pi ogi im there He has earned his Duty In God Award and is an I agle He is a held High Sc HE IS the son of Mr am Mrs Newell J law of South Mountain Road Frui Heights A graduate of Davis Higl School he has been employee by Purler W alton ( o in ( n terville He has attended ont yuirat Utah State Univeisit' in I ogan c out Al DAVIS High School hi was a member of the Ff A and was an honor graduate He is an ac tive member of the I ruit Heights Second Ware and is active in church sport and scouting is served in pitsidimy positions in all ol his priesthood quotums He has hi n employed this past u ai wuh his f ilhi r in i ons ti uc Hun wink v sb IN HIS w ml he h HAS HE Laylon Area Police Report variety L I DS will leave Oct 26forthetr, in Provo prior to his depar lure to the Argentina Cordob, i ST WILL b, Mis , i no i att in i in t In itjf gir tv i her C ountv Si h ml l)i rut if ou ai woi king t n I hi 0 t in the round prints oi i hi d dibit r badgi s vou want to h. sure to lake ad ml igi ol I' is win kshop Mrs H i p h Pi t 24at7pm atttl be held Oct North in VI Elder Brian Charles lav Elder Jeffery N Zaugg son and Mrs Vergil N augg of 747 Wist )(X) North, Clearfield has been called to serve a mission to the Chile of Mr Ds ( h of Til at R i .c h a me s unit is A l ii is S' S, i g, ml s in of Mr and M i s Gull ito Got i f " a M iv hi io uf, Ri on x, y SI li(,l a Cm ' oi ; i Ihol i A Is i , I i i i M( f g s V I prt Inusl - ll D ! tie I r HU w in t st I o' dll 1, "IS r i If. ' S ll v i 1 ,nt i' Rome f, il V, f I lilt r I imex ( ini ) Hale s, son of Mr and Mrs William Halt s, has iccuce d his call to serve a LDS mission to the I ranee Paris Mission He will t liter ihe I I M in Provo on D t 28 He is a me mber of the K iv sv die lht h W arc! ) C i ,1 , a C i a , O -- flu t k H t i c home Sunday evening Elder Cory Kennah who recentlv ipturned from seiv ing an LDS mission lo the Louisiana Mission is new making his home in kavsv ilk with his grandparents, Mr u D n w ( nd c 1 k is Not ih Mi die al ( c the fruit Countv orchards ot I) i i Chairman Alton Burmngham and M rs William Pai k r and also visiting with ms other grandmother Mrs Lucille Kennah Core is ihe son of Mr and Mrs Richard Kennah of I nrborrii, Ohio c He returned to his home m Ohio aflei his mission and the n a me to I tali to hi with his grandparents and is now employed in Ogden Mr and Mis (twin Horn-- ' c and family members spent the long weekend at Lake Powell for four days wheie they enjoyed their stay on a houseboat fhtie members of their the spec nil outing 1 ! Haven ca n handle it wisely. were 17 irmly on n Mrs Myron Manning of ruit Heights underwent sur gery last week at the Mi i Dee Hospital She re lui m d to hi r home on J hursd iv - p np p illa S,i u ti f! f U w fTk ti L1 Wi H f n f uM h li T11 e n Auditor Democrat lohnson hfl W ednesdav in i risidire Muriel Stuart 2S75 North 400 West No at 42 in lavton And golf clubs and equipment valued at $2(lh were taken from an au'o owntd hv Koheit D ovltv ot til W est 2000 North w h h dealership ALSO TIRFS valut d al $ 0 wtrt taken from a om-trDon site of Baldinck (on i pat ked ui I a' a P a ton pol ii , s "d us, h m. e t i ! ( )j ll -- MOMU'Is i r ! 5 i A & u A Y v I ':::YZr x .Ji i tew stake presidency, cleiks and iveutive secretary have been sustained to head the Lavton East Stake New "line is include, back, left, John O STAIIE PHESIDEfJGY Milling executive secretary , T Gerald Ik ft idge, stake secretary, and Harold 'I'l.iMiient assistant stake clerk Front, h laa M Moss, 1st counsc loi, Robert J (liKtinsen, nesident, and Dick R Rogi rs 2nd ounselor i e Vrfei t 1 Penns 19 15 on 9.1 . . Frosts Til7 Senior Citi zen Discount PHONE 825-843- 1 A-Fa- ir Beauty Salon pleasant conversation at the bank with the heart of gold Were willing to listen attentivelytowhatyou have And willing to tell you what you re doing well with your money, as well as how things could be improved Even though the suggestions we make might not put a coin in our coffers If you need financial advice for your family or business, tosay VELVET 825-103- Always Prompt Courteous Mr. Steam Method "The Gentle Method" Safe for all types of Carpet Service 7 FUemTURE Insured Experienced All Work Guaranteed ENJOY FRESH CLEAN CARPETS BILL LILES - owner-manag- er THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Phone Quick Drytng Free estimates $ 1 stop by for a chat or a lengthy discussion After all, who has more knowledge about money management than a bank? And at our bank, were prepared toshare the wealth YES.j WE DO Call Today for an Appointment Hair beats a heart to heart talk pNOthmg You can carry on a very 376-424- 1 THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK Phone 376-125- 1 Layton, Utah Member of F D I C. Close to you i summers being employed w en at the nter Paxl by voiurvtwrs lo elect Burnmgharn bet i I III D wuh Mr and Mrs imptnn Clark is al d s lending dental school it ISC I In y spt nt f hit dav s wnh tlu ir f i m it s W i Mis Car igot of Ikiiow in has bun visiting at the h " if of hi r s.ster M r a id M s Mm i is Johnson the put w i k Mi and Mis jt . ( V J n t 1' II i Hu V( , linn 1 " ,t l v s, g) Mr and Mrs of mildll S , sp no in a c visions Mi and Mis Dak Bow m m and daughtei , Nat Hu and in Ai thui of Kavsv Hit , Mi ind Vis Hubert Whitman of I ay ton (hove to California wht re they visile d with Mr and Mis Hull u d Bowman and two childitn in os Angeles Riihord is attending medical school al Cl A I hev also in Korea N Mi and Mis Melvin Jen sc n ol Ogdt n wt re Sunday mn Philips ri al men! Iasi 1 t always mteresti cl in agru ulrura projects and has spent hiu GIL I East Fourth Oct M al the IT Leaders Meet GS he HE ENTERED Piovo on Oct 12 He is a member of the KavsviPe t VOl UNTFFRS ARfc ne, d wnh this sc out mg prog ( t ding d to help I I Oak Lane Drive, Kavsville 1 1 i Elder Raymond Jones will I DS mission serve a two-yeto the Japan Sendai Mission He is the son of Mr and Mrs Donald E Jones of 540 I ast School He also graduated hum the Kavsville Seminary Dining Ihe p ist year he has ai tended Weber State College and the Ogden DS Institute He will be honored al a Hill Air I one up displays and di moil nations on the island ELDER LW ELDER JONES TAYLOR TAYLOR is an giaduate uf Davis High linnoi S mil d iv , B isi will si t st Ol then It idt i s uni a Ion and Ka v sn le will Paul on t Ik lr hi kt down Gt n! lie Si rt el ot Gor dun Aw nut In 'he Bluff Hoad 1 f LL Dfc R I ill t I Ider Kenneth R Tavlor, a mt mber of the Kaysville 20th I DS Ward, has received a call in serve in the Japan Tokyo No! di Mission He is the son ot Mr and Mrs DeWayne R lav lor 2740 East Pinewood, I ay ton 1 nti lope Island irnporeeto A v FIBER 1 T i ir.i mlifc which will make changes in Scouts: Bike Hike I - 4 c. v i 3. it I V- i & the of 'X i g Ms favorable opinion is expected 2 Adequate funding and support for Davis County Area Vocational Center in central Davis County legislators in establishing and fund mg the first state vocational institution in Davis County at about LDS standards of living and their importance in the lives of girls special musical a She talked Miss Amenta X testified before the Iublic Service Commission and a Miss Utah and candidate for The Layton Utah West Stake held a Beehive and MIA Maid Standard Night Tuesday evening, Oct 10 at the Stake Center Theme for the even All ing was Apples of Gold girls 12 to IS and their mothers were incited to at tend There were 2V) people there to enjoy an outstanding program ' DAVIS COUNTY is entitled to county wide service without toll charges, and also to toll free telephone call to either Satl Lake City or Ogden, fie HnRwanBsnsntt |