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Show I WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, OCTOBER 19, 1978 n Dountiful-Layto- Set For Annual Gridiron War Tliurs. Dost Tiling To Do Is To On Tilio Butriolit By DAVE WIGHAM Everyone knows that ideally the best thing to do is to win the region title outright and get an automatic berth into the state quarterfinals But what about the other three teams who face playoffs to get into the tour nament? IS THERE any advantage to finish third instead of second, or vice versa? Well lets take a look In Region One the first place club goes directly into the tournament as mentioned Their first game is against the winner of a playoff between Region Three number 3 (which looks like Olympus, Last or Cottonwood) and Region Two number 4 (..hich looks like Orem ) Brandon Flint matching strength against the likes of loe Denning and Taz Murray, lhe lancers are bigger but the Biaves may have the edge in quickness The kicking game could decide the outcome of this contest and Bountiful proba-blhas the upper hand here with punter Wayne Nelson, one ol the best around, plus an added thieat in leturn man Damn Gleen who ran a ku koff back 80 yards foi a been thinking about each other a week eai Iv When these two clubs meet the word muM use d is classic I ast vear tor t x imple U toe k a fourth quai tc r go ii line stand for the lancers to pre serve the league title plug 1 I ACH VAR these tw h sve a great game onlv topped the following vear T hi c two ate currentlv tied for the league lead with Bonneville so ag on FOURTH PI ACE fuim Region One diaws Region numhi r 2 (Skyline), in he playoff to see w ho plays Region Two number (Brighton) in the quarterfinals It looks on paper as if the si cond place finish is better with thi number four spot being almost suuide hue I 1 the league championship could ht dcndid hv this . ame av ton h is had a tuugiit r deft use th in the Hi av ts in league plav but on tf o min r side of tilt coin the I'uun'itul hour things an a little difft lent The top automatic illy host quarterfinal bciths looks like ogan and Davis have locks on these two bulhs The third plate club lrnm the region (which could be eithe l Bos. I Ider, Bui omond or Woods C loss) will have a plavoff with the third place club from Region 5 (which is Joid in or Cvprus) The wnuu r of this contest would then travel to the first place team from Region Six (fudge ) for the quarterfinal IN RFG10N two clubs will 1 offense his ir cifft THE id ninie m-- ' ith AM LRS in tneir time tunning hicks Todd Staplev Dave Bn ike I and Ar' cot m nnlv from 1 rv f Li Li kJ Ui Vjl hi t Tilt re vou have all the pairings, ceitnn people would think finishing in one spot would be hater than another The tuck is still to get to the tournament thin it s anvb idy s g tme V sc or points Both plav hold no a d defensive football and bo'h aie snniewh it louse iv no e u 1 Li U l J LJ passer than either Tracy MANY OBSLRVFRS feel the lac k of intensity last wti I was clue to the game this week, both clubs might have eber W from Region One has a plavoff with the thud pi ice squad from Region Two, which will be either Hillcrest oi Grangei ) The winner ihtn diaws Region Ihi e numbu (which is Wtst) in the cju irtei final f one I Mike Krammer who run ou' anything except the option If Bountiful has a definite advantage anywhere it would be at quarterback where Lynn Muir is by far the better of Chatwin or Mark Vigil of the quarterfinals Jiii d Brad LaComb ana GAMES HAVE been moved up to Thursday this week due to the opening of Utah deer hunting on Saturday 1 ast week both clubs had harder times than anvone had anticipated with the Braves coming from behind to nip Skv View 27 20 while the Lav ton teim had trouble getting going in their win over THF SECOND place club from Region One plavs off with Region Three number 4 (which again will be eithu Cast, Olvnipus or Cottonwood) Then if they win theyll diaw Region Two number 2 (Hillcrest or Granger) in the I Lud-dingto- - Now that BOUNTIFUL the preliminaries are over its time again for World War III as the Layton Lancers get ready to invade the Bountiful field this Thursday night under the lights at 7 30 p m By DAVE VUGHAM while the Braves have a trio of their own in John i i t to run urn b id lu option u,n L, u Li V LAYTON PROBABLY gets the edge in the line with the likes of Chuck Ehin and v seme last week THI GAME pits strengths igunst strengths Bountiful, with the passing arm of Muir, is stronger on offense, while the lancers have been aw fullv lough to score on It ii It s dills lorn on the ly c r gy ittle Cotton wood ( anvon hut thats w hire Utah's fust mountain goat', pre'er to be Those inquisitive dark eyes, staring out of a massive shroud of while hair crowned by spiked horns, are' usually spotted hv onlv the hardiest hikers IN SUMMER, the remote I one Peak area is a haven for Ihe-i- t sure fooled goats, whic h w i I up exist on vegetation 'hunned hv other animals oft Billies are often solitary and mtoleiant of the other animals Nannies, kids and eat Imps mav be sc t n together in family units Billies will seldom fighl each other However, unlike other big game species where fighting is often ritualistic, the billys infrequent en counters mav be "to the death foliage and matted bedding mav aleit hikers that mountain go us have been in areis tht vicinity The cloven gnat tracks are laiger and more square than deer true ks In wmttr, it mav he possi bk in see a mountain gout Horn the canyon road Fven this is not an eisv task the winterv agamst A goat b K kgrnund will w s h usually c a s i a v i shadow on the white snow MAIL GOATS, or billies, can be distinguished fmm ailed nannies hv ol their horns A billy usually has a w idt r Ii i si d horn, which a pt rs Ii m lit s c lhe sh ip quit klv to the tip horns of i n mnv sh ndt r a the b tse w hile the ait more nati hee Jnton W Wildlife Resources big game supei visor, Rodney John, savs mountain goats are not dangerous to humans More often than not, the animals aie cunous rather than shy around people When John and a companion were hiking near Coalpit Gulch at about level several the 10,0iif)-foo- t eai s ago, a nanny and a yearling came within 20 fat v of them The two men weie able to watch and photogiaph the animals seveul for minutes In Julv j7 two billies and four nannies, Ltahs first in (reduction in recent years of an exotn b g game spt n s wire placed on the ro kv slopes ht tween Big Colton wood and title ( ottenwood I hev C inv oris had hi t n a on lick ubo salt trapped lake W i na 1 hee re i r and it h i i R iJ L Rodney John comments, W e arc alw a s c one orm d an about ixolu spates n pine mg the n Hive spt it c C It w a i me he in 'he ht re for goal s not am otht r b g gam if bv X THE MOLNTAIN go its st m to have adapt d will to their new ' southern ' en v ron inert last spt ng a v t i DW R j)f Miiri' spni ted ll mountain go Us im hiding smn Kids lod'c a inns aie that the pnpul i',un mav me hide mum more i i i t ! But ding isnn usu xi ill. cuts during No. t mht r and tht kids an hoi n in late mint s t't an th1 am spt mg oi t to about v i id i at t a aim tv nix of k I X) j t ii ,nti a r e or i mi m lit IMF H II Rl i f the mount mi go it m t t ill m i , n ude i in t d hunting sr isnn dut ms tl in l I w i t loin Swenson Deployed In Norway Air ok e Senior Airm in Alvm ( Swenson, son of Mr and Mrs I nn A Swensen of I Prestigious Memberships Available Now! I asl 9 0 North, lavton has deployed with members 202 of his unit for temporary duty at G.irdernu n AH. Norway AIRMAN SWl NSI tor Handball Coats (4 glass wall courts Facilities lor Spa complete pool, spectators), swimming room party room tK.th men and women Lockets weight Pro Shop Courts Tennis (lighted) programs. 6 outdoor or Racquetball Nursery & NO teaching pros tor Tennis COURT FEES IRaajwM r-- ; 00 a Members $265 Per Family and $23 month You can join in $175 00 for singles and $18 00 per CLUB on the fun at anyhme at YOUR RACQUET OFFICE LOCATION 497 N. Main Street Kaysvllle, Utah (Brough Realty) 7654)011 CALL FOR INFORMATION AND YOUR MEMBERSHIPS TODAYI N is an integrated avionics systems at ( aminn AI B, N M , with the 27th Tactical Lighter Wing The airman is partiup iting in exercise "Coronet King fisher " This exercise is socialist designed to I i stveia tionx, h Resourns roULhoui d t o. W t.f d c m is1 ihlishing a r . t H s' , i n t m t asaxu t F edet a t ton Id n h aid two 40 i hannel C B idios and donated them to Av ili!if W Fedr ration groups the stair Division i t J t tht Ri Division of W ildhfi snot res nm them region foi hv constivalion offiuts m Summit and Davis ( ouniv ( B r olios mav bt time a vi tv i.npoitunt enfotarrunt tool if the sportsmen wll hi i ome involved in reporting discription of those involved, and the license plate number, ( olor and make of any vehicle involved Report this infor m on via C B or anv othi r nn u s as soon as possible to .my law i nfort enn ill oft.c e hunting seaxui x ( oiixi i v i rs wdl inoiitur ( B i h uat !x 14 ami and ,lu ir C V h.l'idh w he Spurts ta n iiUii t to. n ( ot t ol RI WARDS I P Oi Sum of ft d for inf irm it ion li .ding to the aiicx' mil i on v u ion ot pt t sons uni iw hil !v tan ng h g g uni if v i, a art a w n ni xs to a g mu v l til a t .on vou should i In IHI MAJORITY of rx now have (I) olfit t i DW K s and hi div ixnui i cm out iging xpoitxnn n tn use then IBs tu v iol Hionx t in port g f w X& WA-i- iy --. Robois bt ing populat ized in utrk- - of science fiction are not a thing of the future T hey arc aiie" and working in many automotive plants THI LSL OL robots stum d out gradually, mainly doing b .sic welding jobs, but their development has been so rapid and sophisticated that tht now are demonsttating capabilities of doing far mote intricate work reports thi Information Automotive ( njnul m lit rials to mac him ly , lo id ing trucks, bundling glass doing foundry wot k, and a hoxt of others THI 1 C familiarize stateside Air I orce units with the unique aspects of operations in the I umpean thtater 200 APPROXIMATE Lit aircrew and support personnel were deployed from Can- non, along with fighter aircraft, to take part in this North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) exerRoa! cise with the Norwegian Air Lnrce Airman Swenson is a 1971 graduate of Lavton High School H.s wife, Terry, is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Russell Galley of Lavton Mi an M X itid his pair ni d ! in M x h ndt I Owen Horm game at St (it mg ist vu k w ht re M r an M t s D i. hoi-rs son I m Hwni p! m d on the Si ot' xj i It irimna AN go Jim is Itt lid in g hix colli ge in Ari7on l w hi f imilv lormt rlv liu d Mi and Mrs ( lu stir (ail at ti nth d he Inti nation (. lull Dog Show Kt urn it ( otlonwood P it k in S ill uD wfu re thi it itv hull C i to as J find says om pi rfsrm as many differt m functions, inimJ nturt r Thiyalsocin he m ide to xir" and to st lec d'ffi rent po i x On fgm V c rl iid Mrs Mi W ilki Mi and Mis R Vi ( ornoik s;n nt last wa k it S it ilk v W vo , T i ton N i imn il Park Yellowstone Na tionil Pjrk and mi to B oi man Montana win re tluv ut'endid sales matngx tor I lu. i t ( labs f ind ( om 1 C H dog ipp . won b' st of hr. t d n I u and also fourth pi n toy group ( nmpt IH ion w is wuh otht r toy bn i ds Mr and Mix ( tn xtt t ( el h ive n tut nt d fmm a trq to Hoi in axhuigton and On gnu I tu . n in Ru bland Spok me and ( n route ho. n v ixiti d w ith hix sixtt r ind brothi r in hi a Mr imi Mix I aV ir Woodwatd it Out i in W ixited i hi si alb ill n "g in in hr' t Ms t as pc r (. ndt d tin fum i a1 at th- - Hall Mortuary r and M ( 1 i I hurxdav of lu r nt r in law t h i r It x Pht i The Mi Phi e famiv nit t at tht ( arrol! home ufk r for ditni r Members of Mr Vi Pht t s fat illy wt to Mr Mi ind M i s Norman Mt Pht t uni d itighti r, Jt mult r, of k h ini W ixi Mr and Mrs It try Mien lamina. Wash , Mr and Mrs Jt mid Me Phee, Sail I ake ( ity a brother of Mrs I arroil Mr and Mrs Howjid A Jtssop, Tempe, and Mr Me Phee s wife, Uludvs Ale Phee of Salt Lake Ariz I itv P Mix Lit ilia And son and iij it r ( arolv n, v ixiti d i t v Iv programed D V' atn team against Dixie tolltge o a t hihuahuj ig'x, tl ey are framing complete auto bodiex, stamping and as sembl.ng frames, feemnp d mm t ht wt t kend w ii h hi r im 'hi r Mrs ( orilla Sessions !dhn and at Sod i Springs w ut lu r two xixti t x Mrs S ir ih ib hdon and Mis i'ui nt i Mior at ( ht so i fit id I iurn and Mrs D u is Milk r ihildrt n of Phanix riz vixilt d dut ing the wt i k with hix grandmother, Mis N 0 Millet and with otht r ri Hi ex Also with hix aunt and uni k, Mr and Airs Mi v m ot? and family Vi n d two i 1 t c I oohmg kt an eloph ml x hunk, robots cjn duplicate the actions of hum ins, from Iv mobility of legs, to thi mnvi moot o' xhouldi rs i vv t bowx istx and 1, Some h ive sever il ri tor greati r vi rsatilitv ks ITIF PAIN I INC. of vi hit I. bodies iiktlv will be one of the largext employers of robots Robois already can automa Alvin A c i note the time and plate of violation, the physical viol it inn . I ht firs' ti il tt H w in hi dut log I he big g ini ii In dtvelopmc nt st xdvsRodncv .n'' a (m 1 filh d i i W ildlife ounty ition From their own funds the Davis County ( x t il vi irx llowi st r it is Iv tn it ii in .phinis to ot hi r a ix along i tie W ax in h 1 loot w II be modi Club Racquet Athletic Club with a g,f u was-clutf- spt .ponsor this program was the Dans ah n u.i f i ist Salt lake Valley as a suitable reli use site clue to its rough, pre pi tons terrain and suitable vegaa tiw gtowlh Mountain gnat i are n itive to the northwestern mu d Stati s and ( amnia habitat AM ( Ax a r xg.t im ri txi one ern hv x, , r s m n unlaw ful wild1 tc , n v ,i OM OI Val-im- a but tht lit A new progt mi i f unliia ( B n t idios to tt p tt any v iol w il h to l t) VK itl d i m him r S aunt. Wash THI Rl GGFD an a i Tilt. ir vc II c & a! J moie bk' Rocky this By ION c idi , OF DIVISION n P itches of white han left hv animals, grazt d shedding W i ( iU r 1 ton has a good offense and Bountiful has a good defense As sophomoies the Lancers won the game, last year the Biaves won in junior vaisity competition This is the deciding game The two are almost di ad equal wmch points to a great battle once it mi Federation presented the Division of ildlife Resources two CI3 radios Jai k Rensel, regional superv isor act t pted the radio from Dam II Sorenson pieMdent of the group AKo pictured in the prx, ntation art Lloyd C'olemtr, .Jon 1 atoam and (i ne Ri dw me const rv.ition offn 0B "ILDLic looks like a Bountiful offense agairixt a 1 av ton defense Don t fmget though thal lav H H W start one will , v , Lancers Chatwin played most of the game against Weber but Vigil came on in the fourth period to move the club leaving Coach Gary Hansen the option of which tu ally apply paint jobs to a half dozen d.ffeient car body styles in any of dozens of colors offered To leach the tohot how cacb bodv style should bt painted, an expert human painter guides the through the re om mendixl procedure Eberhard Eberhcrd Eberhard Equipped Eberhard Eberhard Eberhard Efficient Eberhard Experience Excellence Eberhard Eager Eberhard Economy Eberhard Eberhard Exceptional Energetic Eberhard Efficient Eberhard Enthusiasm Excellence Eberhard Eberhard Eager Economy Eberhard Eberhard Energetic Equipped Experience m it tune With mu roprocesxnrs dis s and other t lot romi systems, the robot is programmed for each bodv style and then can perform the various jobs around the i Im k The electronic gejr can be t ixilj re programmed for am desired i banj,is mi mory BUT 11IL future holds far more for robots They are ex able to perform nit led t fairly mint ate sub jxxembh jobs, such as asse.nbling n strumi nt p rnelx While robots will make steady inroads, they wont inherit the world, said the Au candidates for Davis Countys four-yecommission seat, only Ernest Eberhard stands out as an experienced administrator. He has twice served as a mayor and had many other demanding administrative jobs. He knows how to stretch the taxpayers dollar as far as it will go. He believes in limited government and will enthusiastically seek ways and means to keep Davis County one of the worlds most desirable places to live. Of the two ar , j Of the two candidates, only Ernest Eberhard has an announced platform, and a specific plan for the development and use of our county resources. Inmotive Information Couni il, bx ause the nix'd for humans alwavs wall be there because rohots cannot think and humans are more versatile ADDITIONALLY , robots are extremely expensive, and the auto makers are busy spi nding vast funds to design future autos to meet government-mandated regulations of robots is the The inroads article subject of an in the current issue of "Au- tomotive magazine Industries Vote Nov. 7 Republican |