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Show f WEEKLY REFLEX NEW HOOVER Vacuum cleaner asking 40 00 Call 82S2375 MOBILE HOME 12x60 located in Layton Clean good condition 71 2 bedroom Champion R37 pups 825-389- 6 DOBERMAN OUR MEDICAL team needs you! Top salaries starting at 4 72 per hour up with experience Our fringe benefits are tops Call AKC pick of R36-3- 376-353- QUEEN S WAY TO FASHION for 3 4 hrs work 376 51 1 2 R34 - EARN $30-$5Call Connie 5 month old Call skunk Dauna pet 766-064days or 399 4141 ext 2305 evenings Have alier gies must sell R17 HYDRO SWIFT Boat iYlT 3 Tn Huli open windshield 100 HP inboard outboard with 7 5 HP trolling motor canvas Me Call $4500 00 jackets 376-298R37 REYNOLDS Coronet $75 00 or best offer 376 834 7 R37 NEW 2 ALL purpose hydraulic beauty shop chairs used only 2 mo 1 shampoo chair new also Gibson upright freezer 1 2 8 cu ft excellent cond also round 2 leaves kitchen table 40 make 6 table 4 chairs sturdy BEAUTIFUL prestigious office in Ogden is expanding rapidly Lar network in the world We are hiring sales agents who want a successful future in real estate Call office for information or ask Pat to set up an appointment 393 8411 or home phone 376-073R32 40 DAIRY FARM help wanted milking and other dairy farm work phone 867 5268 R36 37 COOKS HELPER Needed in our kitchen 9 to 2 30 Monday thru Call at Shirley Friday 290-229R36 37 cond (white) 295 7573 R37 OLDER CHEV ton truck $350 00 or best offer Also 6 7 V W $600 00 or best offer 867 2598 R37 SEWING MACHINE operators needed to work m Layton Day & mght shifts available 867 5425 R36 37 WASHERS b DRYERS out a Salt Lake dealer We have a fme selection of washers & dryers All late models all reconditioned like new $ 79 95 $119 95 Perkins Appliance 295 8229 R35 42 WE HAVE just bought not sell it? Call collect R37 295-200- f 69 MARQUE Exel cond lawn mower rmsc - 16 1 977 DODGE Aspen .tat. on wagon has air power steering great shape 867 5158R37 60 JEEP CJ A great hunt.ng vehicle $800 or best offer 71 Pinto 2 000 00 engine 4 speed $500 2 snow tires and rims 295 5360 $50 376 4604 1 after 5 weekdays R37 978 CPE DE VILLt S U er Leather Seating Loaded Kays ville Inc is accept for Santa Claus Claus For infor REPAIRS TO most brands Refrigerators, freezers air cond by an experienced Repairman We re now covenng the Kays ville area so call Perkins Appliance 295 8229 R35-4- 2 US FILM your neift office or house party with sound color film 600 foot reels or your wedding graduation meetings or your family loved ones in action We will film almost anything So give us a try you will be glad you did Call 766 1394 after 3 30 p m Jim Film Eiaeda my p.otf.irr HAMILTON S Rototilling 6 leveling service New yards a CHOICE LOCATION IN SOMERSET Farm located in acre level Farmington Over lot for the home of your dreams Close to community club house pool and tennis courts Call 176 4105 NEW CHILDREN now Kaysville 1978 GMC miles radio 376 5953 3 R 867 501 1 or 363 501 Seasons Realty Inc R37 appo ntments n 0442 766 finance R37 19 76 9 kusv.llp ft Can Jl, h 120 id VN 2 3 4 ) 766 29 8049 after 4 30 71 teroofs and roof Free estimates 36 R3 ! 45 1 EARLY Invader 22 ft. Brand New East n 376 3840 3 R 7 3 PART TIME HELP he cute and very COUNTY Community Ac is now taking applications to f Outreach $ b month Applications auepted through Or I0be ?6 in the Personnel r? if; PART TIME Homemaker posit oris ava able tor the Count H On Aq to wn in trig Department Buunt tul area $2 78 h ci . r App'ica ons W'h he at(fpc1 a' the Farmington C KiMhouse room 14 ihr ugf O tn e 1 ) te 37 jil done at the Dans County Department your child Located near Davis High EreUent references Call on J Courthouse R3 7 mother wdl tend LANCE typing Resource um an graduate 824574 home H je i Special st M jsi he h gh school BABYSITTING done tn my home Day or night neat Country Oaks and Oak Forest Subdivisions Call R37 FREE R t m my !d! C;r:i Pi- QUALIFIED nnpnsEHTATion ELECT J RALPH HLSCnH' 485 Worth Main, Layton - 376-538- 0 Sherm Is a family man who cares about the effect taxes and flation will hae on the quality of family life of future tions 7 $tnorette 0 tation Mahme 376 4945 R3? typewrite Shorms family puts their trust in him - 5' ertrr IBM efficient legal service to county government sUI have in stock some 1973 arid a few 1979 Great Divides H3Y3 ycur Trcllar Winterized now only 20.G0 Now I a good time to pack and inspect your wheels For nett year's vacation S4.50 per gat. Non toxic antifreeze Good selection of Batteries on our Deer Hunters Special DAVIS T Who supports capital punishment and who will provide capable and W's Phone dependable 296340b R 3 7 N A R COUHTY ATTORNEY 1978 Great Divide 25 ft. 1972 Great Divide 20 ft. PART TIME help Over 18 needed 2 Of 3 afternoons & eveninqs per week 3 to 5 hrs per shift Must tion Program 37b 2128 ELECT A 1972 Prower Exellent Condition Tape Player 1975 Road Ranger "Top Shape" with antenea Kaysvihe concerts 292 4354 EXPERIENCED 829-677- 4gS5D0 i. Tribune b'ke call morning routes colleges etc For more info & color video audition tape call Rocky Mountain Booking 292 79 79 or KITTENS 1 milLEZRS 1S73 WAITING for world famous Avon products Become an Avon Represr ntatfve You can make good money and have flexible hours Territories avaHa be now For details call 3 76 3352 394 5627 or 356 5147 R 3 7 38 MUSIC LOVERS' Got the music blues? Tired of the worn out DJ that travels with the mobile disco? Tired of hearing tho same song so many times that you re ready to go crazy? Well .refresh yourself with energized rock music by the rock band Lazer We play for ail occasions good with kids 905 E 300 Layton 3 76 1969 R37 1 Paid political ad by Klamm for County Attorney Committee ARE WAITING' THEY RE FREE 1 Democratic Candidate fer Davis County Attorney B33IT U DICK ADAM'S AVON CUSTOMERS parties studio apartments Vi baths room for washer and dryer Call 876 2620 Mt Green or Morgan R37 39 WANT down Cherry Lane off Hwy89 E Layton Frt Sat R3 7 11 GARAGE SALE Sat Oct 21 am 426 So 725E Layton Milk cans rmsc R37 stomps 1 Seasons Realty Inc R37 R37 TO bnqhten yojr days? A little moonlight can put a lot of sunshine m your life Earn extra income in your spare time Phone 376 931 3 for further in formation R3 7 8 New 2 bedroom 136 SYRACUSE location Future commercial subdivision poten tial Super investment oppor tunity Only 13 500 per acre Call Shirley Aamodt 867 5330 All or 86 7 501 363 501 Ni Jv ROOTS pa is ip - IN 315 1 R35-3- 11 PLUS ACRES J Call 867 2656 NOW RENTING acres Would make a fine mini farm Possible contract Located in Farmington Only 79 800 Call today Jay Harrison 7 86 5011 363 5011 or Res 86 7 51 72 All Seasons Realty ijiith.iing er fi levelr i utili- 2 Bedroom Apt Kaysville no location No smoking dunking no children, no pets TERMS ARE NEGOTIABLE tree transplant in toe trimming outside lion e painting garden tilling rid g lawn M inn windows mow. r J62110 RJ7 YARD Seivue High sliced v wd $140 00 RENT ties ON THIS 7 6 TRADE niy skill as vocal violin oi piano saxophone cUnnit te,n het reined al read for n g tutor roof repairing LL M n All FOR subdivision Curb and gutter Best offer subect to court approval 532 4236 R37 Col1 J. an Lundgreen ib R35 38 4 8 2 BEDROOM full basement, garage new carpet, no smokers or pets $230 00 a month Call 376-024- 3 to see or 376-372- 7 ACRE LOCATED of Bear Lake SLRVICL SEWING 01 YMPIC '3 DRr SSMAKING weddit g lines a so alt. rations and coats rt 7 R37-3- R37 376-883- on EasTide interest in private beach Only 12 000 Call today Cliff Porter 887 5011 363 5011 All Seasons Realty 10T IN Bloomington Hills No 3 1 on turner es pa ts cany on true k for fast eionomiral scivue Pei kins Api liance Servire 296 8229 7 1 bedroom unfurnished apt large living rm . cute private kitchen, nice shower Non $150 mo Call 376-963- 5 smokers & drinkers preferred KAYSVILLE. 3 BEDROOM home carpeted No pets Kaysville close in Call laketownacreagF FURNACE REPAIR EXPERT 1 EAST OAKS ACREAGE LOCATED IN Fruit Heights A full 4 79 acies for 19 500 Beautiful view of Great Salt Lake and mountains Call Jay Harrison 86 7 501 1 363 501 1 or Res 86 5172 All Seasons Realty GREAT LOCATION FOR A TRUCK equipment or machine shop Good freeway access too Located in Salt Lake City Call Cliff Porter 867 501 1 363 501 1 All Seasons Realty WASATCH CHIMNEY SWEEP PLUS clean and efficient service for your chimney stove oi furnace Call after 4pm for Special Chevrolet sx ton pickup with 1969 Idler 10'; ft camprr See at 1 6 Good condition St Layton Utih or Phillips 376-858R37 1978 BLAZER like new load, d Call Shirley Aamodt 867 5330 REPAIRS 19 70 RENT acres choice f8rm land with water, close to the Freeport Center Clearfield Calf 825-027after 6pm R37 FOR -1 I- Winter s open Wonderland Enrollment Limited Also PreSchool availaole Call Now 376 0792 R33 - Heavy half 4 500 call 376 9669 DEER HUNTER S Day Care CLEARFIELD BUILDING LOTS GREEN PASTURES Subdivision (3rd North & 1350 West) all over 8000 sq ft - prices start at $9000 00 - some lots will accommodate animals - will subordinate to qualified builders - Call 292 4423 for details Birdsong Realty 85 W 500 South, Bntfl R37 "7 Phone Dean Free Estimates spe. ally A37 376-120- 1 REFRIGERATION REPAIR (licensed) R30-3APPUANCEREPAIR REPAIRS TO most brands washers dryers dishwashers disposals ranges by a qualified repairman Most parts carried on service truck for fast service Covering Kaysville area Perkins Anpliance 295 8229 R3542 LET 3753827 R37 197 WINNABAGO 20 i ft t . . Generator t ruise r ontiol , Six all the extras $30 00 day 292 8277 295 822 i BOATS pm weekdays clothes mile VW Rototilling 376 8314 trees 176-432- 4 ANTIQUE Small oval window - needs some restoration R37 $600 00 376-531MARQUE Real Good condi tion Call 766 0895R37 'eTSuSTANG 2 dr hardtop with air condition 289 mg New tires Make offer 57 OF shrubs and small TRIMMING 867 5391 or Dean Sessions 7 3 waitiess wanted at Lotus Restaurant in layton Ap ply in person at 1480 North Main St R37 SANTA CLAUS NORTHPOLE HEADQUARTERS ing applications and Mrs Santa mahon call 3 76 1 36-- NEW experience in cooking Come learn all our special diets Full and part time Experience helpful but will tram Call Shirley at 2902291 R36 37 A FAMILY desirous of buying piano Do you have one not being used? R 376-529- 7 376-348- MOTOR HOMES E 9 76 ESTABLISHMENT Roof A r Model Cab Air Generator Micro Wave 2 AM FM Stereos CB and more Fxtra clean with low mileage C art t 'p finance Kaysville 3 76 3 0 (VIUIUH HOME FOR REM EXPERIENCED Why tilt wheel P B AM FM cruise sliding rear window 7650 00 Call NURSES AID tor new Convales cent Center in Bountiful Good Benefits AM shifts available at this time Call for appt Mrs Driver at 2902291 R36 37 lUNED RiS PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Interior or exterior Call for free estimate Clint R.gby 1978 CHEV Vi ton 4x4 Silverado 9000 miles 400 eng air P S gest residential real estate excellent 292 0883 I at Top salaries starting up with per hour experience Fringe benefits ere great Before you go anywhere else come in and talk Ca1! Mrs Driver 2902291 R36 37 LOVEABLE RtCONDJ AND medical experience helpful 6 16 $100 00 gold set R37 7 REHAB PIANO beautiful antique over 1 00 years old $ 1 00 or best offer 7 5 R37 A DIAMOND engagement ring and matching wedding band CUTE Driver at 290 2291 Mrs the litter 1 black & rust male 1 red & rust female 7 weeks old Call 825-457R37 White OCTOBER 19, 1978 LEADER, OCTOBER 19 1978 DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, can put your trust in him. Efeci Sherman A. Daysmen! Vctr too REGION VIII CAA 972 South 2r Kaysvi'h Association State Coordinator I Hf U AH Sta'e f An 1 in- Stale Senator District Clearfield, N. Layton, So. Weber, pot4ac4i 4 a tty edwenj lor 15. J . f i 'A i Sunset, Hooper. Roy, Riverdale pjmrnt 6on Ibuymrnl ChAuinn 17. Just follow the one, two, three and see what you can see "" f i 21 rz- - ' 19 It is fun Go llumpty Damply nmmti n (Mnlul i t ' fh rt'vg h , w- - 4 7' k n e r ! If f A R You can n tah r. i - r t e7r I 1 pegM ,f r j" te p f k f , r i t a vi I ft nvi a Jr r dec b r 9 ' r at tins) ar IHEHTtF' pal) VurwjPPi 4 fh 1 delight The t f Hit iTfni first to a- ,r,Un ,t,. rQcrwy Easy access to ar J to town yet very rn,i!.' No uC"rr,P Cft n an ' U; 'JM C,Arc is f Nr 'j. Asking $:3 9:o Th 'n l. , HOUSE HUNTERS SPECIAL de rj Mr wn3t7t COUNTRY 14'? fry ff a y 'CK 4r cor A r-- 3 t'5 tn C j e r t i, , l jf isure 1 m .. (i"i.? 7. iy Kaysvrl.e even clcser , - mofp ' , . ai d'rpi ' u 1 t ixo the ahinljp) tice to n Ar m ro' m pn rr a n f o ,f m a 4dl 3 r J I la?m jEjT ' R A f s Instruction either by the day week or the month c q, 0 1 ESTATE Bea a f A p1 Layton Roman brca f3 c f 3" f iwyinsej wrt t 240 KU to Va ey V p fn man O . h Cha n kna iorn flrvj e 2 2 C4 hav hnrVj G d 3 ha or 4b 14 1 ft nvm j t f , a a C hying n land a ferai dot FOR RENT CR LEASE C3'rf n3 Ibrg Oit t j I ,n J3gS k'riqoom wth frer'aA 2 Car J250 V moctn pe'3 g tpnrM kit t reg e d Ca1 tn C nprerencpt and Pea 625 1601 4 n STEPilEFlSOri REALTY Clearfield 530 So. State Ph. 825-160- 1, 773-482- 6, 825-740- 2 1 376 041 or 202 44T-- 3 K1 So Slowest Bountiful 4 cr M7 2303 (Fa'mmgton) 2J2 44 Call us to list your home NEXT WEEK YOUR HOME COULD BE IN THIS SPACE Dave Welch, broker 23S9390 LaVell Shiner 235 2435 "We Are Ycur Neighbor f'ooJ Professionals 825-948- 9 Humpty Dumpty Haven 651 East 2000 North Layton, Utah J j |