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Show WEEKLY REFLEX- - OCTOBER DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, 19 1978 Seeks Election To Commission Seat . , .. ,3 , t T ' t?v x MR. FARMER lived in Bountiful for lGyeats, moved to Kansas where he attended the University of Kansas then went in the United States Marine Corps He served as an infantry officer for three K 1 fk.' ri seat n ' t on ' years then returned Si! to Esoun in the real estate business, affiliated with Tracy Realu ( umpuny, industrial division X, ! DAVID M FARMER Of ATE S more et fective use of the peisonnol, money and materials avail,! Idt at Iht ( ountv level and supports etonomit develop-nt to strengthen and stabilize the lax hast Mr I at mer and his wib Barhatd have two daughters David M Farmer, a Boon l In if ul is resident, Democratic candidate fot tht two year counts onions urn HI I RGI S that all t Hit ns ot Davis (minty v fit on Nov 7, and know iht ( mdid Hi s tlu v volt tot 4 s. . I , (TDQ Qffl x ML AD "U, Mill n ti tiful The candidate is currently f o m r i V. t-- ri V-- VJ r j n '" s LJ Lr .. (X q'n'pr U r ( iiaraQ 7 ,r : chilli q . r p ,15 L a SiiiiiiarcsKj auci; 70 W w uronLor 77X in; . t 7j . M ') H -$ i i ? Seeks Ceelestion To State Senate strong i one KaLQ. tor tas rn i 70 JxrJ : C?, ' u i' i 4 'I If limitation measures coupled with an t I fei nvt hum record, are the marks of ( hi legislative t fforts of Sen Keith C X) Warner SENATOR WARLR was appointed chairman of the Higher Education Study Committee and is a member of the Higher ducatton Appropriation Committee He also serves as a member of the Business Fconomu Development Committee and the Intergovernmt nt Kela tions Committee r: 1 Mr. Warner r Ll the is tit i' c Democratic candidate for Utah State Senate Distru No 4 (21) He was unopposed for t rx the nomination from his party Senate District No 21 encompasses the communi-tee- s of Roy, Riverdale, Hooper, Sunset, Clearfield, South Weber and Notth lav etfect in Weber and Davis ountv In set king icelcc turn, Sei i lot Warner said hf will support legislation to limit actu d CJ d V X f Vis-- J i m 4 ,?''IlX'vi Vj L Wi I r v d f J. Clemens four children Senator Warner has established a record of limiting taxes in Utah While in the Senate he cosponsored a property tax relief bill for the elderly. "There is a growing concern and awareness for the needs of our senior citizens I hope to continue to effectively serve this special segment of our community j II Uiuil Receives 2nd Medal ! vigorously to insure that our state students will be able to attend the Utah college of their choice Io this end he sponsored a student loan bill which enables students to borrow money from com me of the. Inspectot irlift Mi1 foi education also supports the strengthening of vocational education opportunity s tor He ' - j fS J r n )h n K nary i r ) i: L-- j -- J i t ijd mJ i ) rrx , L j I l r rn j i I '7 j 1 am j 1BS9 r l A! B, Drawer L-- 7 77 7 r-- lh s 1, L lex C lemt ns w ft Ma or Betty, is the d lughti r of Mrs Irma Hansen of Sli Hint St i Lauon in ii a 1 an MS dtgne in business fti ni die I niveisity of W vo He was ci mmissiontd in up n c i niph turn of Of f u c r 1 omng St hool at I icklind te-pc- e , S' High SENATOR WARNE R le !s one of his mnM important i id p i sonullv i,i a if mg c itoi w is the p is-- . tpe of tie E no i v Par imechi g Me chi al Id lin.i urn P 1h . me isure j low t d the live i ountii s of the st ( to f c stahlish sav trig the -- U gt iduate of Orem School, the maior recuwxl his BS deg re in In dustrial psychology in I9h4 from tnc U ot U , and holds A our youth He worked to get an atea vocational untci in Davis ( ountv j , hoadboard, Diet v n V u u Li Y i ( 9 clrawor ommand He is preset tlv s rung as a personnel staff of fit r wih the )2th Support bquadi on C X.7 j (rent! a!, Headquarters, V.!- - -J I LJ M MAJOR Cl I MENS w is honoted for outstanding duty performance at Scott as p, i snnnel inspecroi in tnc Offiu V- ! i Li' t John E Clemens son of Mi and Mrs E George Clemens of 901 South East, North C abut Drive, Palm Bav, Eli , a Scott AEB, III Warner worked s SoJa, Love Seat, Chair i0 ) The second award of the Meritorious Service Medal has been awarded to Major AS CHAIRMAN of the Higher Education Committee, e4 f f- ( t ) k-- ? r - V i I t 4 tr u 8U property tax rate not to exceed one percent of the fair market value on lot ally assessed property , now h C former resident of Rov, currently resides in Cleai-fieland he and his w ifi Marlene, are the parents of paramedic piogiams Ijfea T7P Mpy fnpO'P w s w O rrx rro, nnr7rrvUf. , U u L !7 f) (Hi diji! yUU wi HE IS a graduate of ft YU and has a mas'ers degree in English He currently is in private business He is a lending institutions m Vj m K 1 ton Senator ( i t re- - 1 f jii , C'v llHf'I s LiS. , tl ilFJiOi ii J! X 1. r' I y ) Unlimited Design Selection. Ct LaJS X Spectacular Views. Great Homes. N ) ' J 1 g , x o flCH rrv CfN g co sr l o CENffRVILU TURN Of F N 822 So. Sih W r SEC SOUTH MOUNT A H TMf V TRAFFIC EIGHT SOUNTIfUL MountmiHonic 359 East 700 South Farmington 867-513- Be ootstfiisll Corner of 8th So. on Highway SI Apastmest Owners Welcome ID VISA |