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Show m w WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS i JOURNAL, OCTOBER 19. 1370 ITT g r-- u eaeiiieo Classroom teachers who g m their leai hmg careers in the Davis Si hoot District five v ais ago have reieived salary increases totaling $5, 4.", or K2 I percent. This l.ut was reported by Utah the i mind.tt mn, pm ale, tw reseatih nonprofit ion f ti at organizat- annual smvey of her salaiies in Utah in tin ir THE SltDY shows that a teacher who began loathing in the Davis School Distrit I in I'lTI would have reieived a si irimg suluiy of Jo.li.'t) In l'rs-71(he same teat her with five years exponent e would I0UNDA1I0N M Ctf command a Salary of $12, lr Approximately $1,1x5 ol this 1 ' j: a i '. f J 3 V KKrffSLLSZZ, .' $; - v "u'id vv-, O'j w - 4 1 ", f f BlSSriBI - N didn't have iiJu.i 1 I ven if you calendar, a you oulil tell ( hristmas is gelling closer just h wait hing a few of TV commercials, especially (hose aimed at children of ads volume AS THl piomoiing new and exciting lovs gels even greater, stores are beginning to gear up for the "Christmas rush" and ihat means hiring extra help the expected 10 handle customers in through the Yule holiday It isn't too early to be checking into that part-timlob, savs Dave Myers, supervisor of the sales department at the Ogden Job Service, the increase e office where many North Davis residents must go lo obtain job referrals "We anticipate that in the last two weeks of October and the first November that of the hiring will be done for part time Christmas help " RANGE from to delivery and stock personnel as well as cashiers and clerks Most of the increase comes in large retail stores but even grocery stores hue on extia help, he savs I avion Seivice Job Manager Gary Bush says theie is little change in the job situation for his office betoie (hnstmas because of doesn't mean North Davis residents don't out Yuletide seek employment According to statistics, the oncoming of Chnstmas means an increase M H M Bt MAY J2i FOR M TOO IXTFNSE YQgNGtfi N CHILDREN M Show Dates rt M Oct 18 19, 20, 21, 23. 24 M Show Times 7 30 4 9 35 Sat Mat 15 4 3 20 1 Adults 2 00 Students 1 Children 1 50 00 W KAYSVILLE THEATRE urmiT Money. Ogden Job Service labor market analyst Weber County, to which many Davis residents turn for ( hristmas employment, has seen an increase ranging from fU) lo 800 jobs is keen fm these part time jobs and job seekers must be prepared to put their best foot forward or forget it, Mr Myers savs "Appearance is important and they wont be considered otherwise There are a lot of Jus's G. nv i By GARY THOSE Sf KING wmk through lob Si n, u t must be legisieted and i an do th u at THOSE INTERESTED in ( ristmas wot k can visit the O.'din office weekdavs with n n mews conducted from 8 a n to 4 10 p ir, The office is f age m r v nil all the compel non fot does mu h nt a i bunco Attitude m ikes ,i big ill f ft lent e We nt t d W J in i,vs cj f Li Hns u Li NAMED TO a second term r of the group was Jack C. Price, Clearfield Mr Price is chief of the MiAmmunitions and ssiles, Weapons Division, Direc torate of Maintenance, at t e northern Utah air base Mr Price, who was chosen at the National AFA convention in Washington, D C , previously served as chapter and state president, national vice president for the AFA Rocky Mountain Rpgion. and chairman of the national AFAs advisory council HE HAS been active in the local, state and national organizations for several vears and has been presented several AFA awards, includ ing chapter and state "AFA Man of the Year grb u L u - Neai Iv 2 Snake" (iun plunged 2Mi fee t to near dt ath while rappeling down I u mingtun ( anvon to mv t s' tigate an abandoned vihit ie Sheriff fairy FIVE MONTHS lan-with the nc ar fatal plungi still ividh in his mind Deputy i Green was again called on to -- j i sue he thought, but as he reui lie the peak he lealized thil a benaged boy wa- - w bis help for nting "IT BOTHF RF D me some on ihe way up the mountain bill after 1 i cached the peak and saw what had to bt done ' did it without thinking It was for t h act rip piling about 50 fee t to a li clge where the injuicd boy had (alien- - that earned Deputy Green the Medal of alor for I i - heroism perfoi m a dangerous mnun lam c limb But this time, it was to a teenager who had fallen down a cunvon cnviu wlele throw ing snow balls m ir Trane is Peak oveihang and was wedged between two large roiks IT WAS the f i s t time Deputy Green had nppeted a cliff since the accident and the vivid memory of him crashing against the nicks as he plunged down the immn tatnside five months bt fore ht Id the hoy in his ai ms until , was flashing thiough bis mind as he dtove up Far nungton Canyon toward I ranus Peak "fhev can l do this to me." THF BOY had fallen to an Below him was another S00 drop which would mean foot almost certain death Deputy (ueen administered first aid, wrapped the youth in his (deputy's) coat and additional help arrived FOLLOWING H1F rescue, Deputy Green collapsed and it was not until after the lescue that it was discovered that he still suffeied a broken ankle as a resuli of the fall sevi ial months belore ri "Snake" had been in tical condition" following the near fatal fall, suffering fiom his back being broken in three plates and a severely fractured right ankle c S YOUR FOR VALUABLE P0SESSI0NS CANYON STORAGE NEAR WEBER CANYON AND ZITO'S STEAK HOUSE SAFE SITE STORAGE 8 5 NO RTH MAIN KAYSVIILE UTAH WAREHOUSE HE HAD been on limited duty for only a few weeks when he got the resi ut call of the teenaged bov The point from which Deputy Green fell has been officially (in Forest StrviLe Records) named "Snake FDint "I REMFMBER very well Ihe fall, he said passed out on the way down but I tan remember hitting the bottom DWELLERS O CONTRACTORS 9 BUSINESS 9 SPORTSMEN O HOME OWNERS 9 MOBILE HOME lo stopped rolling, I My God, I'm still alive' The heroic rescue occurred on October 9, 1976, and it has taken much of the interim PEOPLE SIZESOF UNITS AVAILABLE 1 remember thinking " - RESIDENTS SEVERAL roc k After time to have the medal prepared and get clearance for the presentation, it was explained PHONE: 376 - 0011 SHERIFF William (Dub) Lawrence said this is the first time a deputy sheriff has been presented this medal by the sheriff's office averaging year 1 bus, serv ti e Bail of been so! for Pablo Roy Borrego, 37, of 19 1 1 1 irsl Street, Tooele, who is i liatgi d w ii h ohstriii justice m Ihe shooting in c f idem of a IT. ill Highway 7 THl (OMPI.AINT also (barges Bon ego with two ounts of aggiavated robbery I ourth Bail was ( in uii ( in posted ourt, with Judge Boun-tilul- S . Mark loll nsnn A warrant, also signed by lodge Johnson, was delivered lo the defendant el IDS Hospital Born go is reported in condition" "satisfactory after being injured in a highspeed auto accident following the alleged shooting BORRI GO'S SON. Pablo (Paul) Jr, H, is accused in the shooting of T roojier Ralph I vans on October 7 as the patrolman was attempting lo arrest the tld(r Borrego Irooper I vans was hit twice, om e in the hip and once in Ihe nix k The trooper is reported in "fair" condition at I IDS Hospital Ihe Borrego youth, also seriously injured in the accident whiih hurt his father, in is repoitid in "serious stead of ritual condition at Ihe I DS Hospital ARRAIGNMENT date for both defendants will be set The drilling rig that has been working in I ast I avion the past two weeks is not searching lor oil n is working lo supply Fast I avion w ith an even more valuable to appear in he ynungt r Borrego is accused of shooting the iroopei and will be airaigned in r irsl Disl ru t J uv i n lie ( ourt, Tooe'e grb sufficiently court T er. to 1.000 feet io look for a bet ti r h ise the water improvement project for Last I avion The project was approved by a bond elect toif several months ago tost of the well and the one million gallon water storage tank will be $ 120, ono Of ibis amount, $210,000 was (Yr. l, F f s4 f w a i Mongolia HIGHLIGHT of their trip was visiting the last remain- ing monastery Samarkand, Visiting Bukhaia, Pendzhikent and Tashkent made ancient his lory come alive for the ( arrolls as they walked on the old "Silk Route which crried goods from the Orient to urope long ago In the area of Samarkand they saw the cotton fields that grow cotton for the entire Soviet They ,aw hundreds of species of melons but didn't taste one as a small melon cost four rubles, six dollars in U S L money THEY VISITED a collective hectares, 6,500 people (100) families) Produce is grown to meet quotas such as so much wheat, barley, corn, vegetables, fruit, cotton, cows, thickens, sheep, etc On the farm are seven secondary schools, one hospital, two kindergartens and nurseries as well as elementary schools The people buy their homes or apartments If they move thev sell their home and maybe some fruit trees They are paid in cash and kind, food, wool, etc The workers are divided into twenty teams who elect their own manager The general manager is ap- 136,00(1 vz pointed t) the state K uni mumst Pam NFVER HD thev seen so many roses, voluptuous rose gardens in full bloom everywhere even though the 1 thiimometer registered dc m Mongolia The dailv ceremony reaches a noisy climax causing an emu tional tup foi onlookers Got den tapestries, gongs, bells and horns are used Prayer wheels and prayer boards m the cauityard are in constant use by the faithful One hundred cinnamon robed Lamas live in the compound, the last of the Tibetan type worshipers li ft in the country farm having u li 115 JO Gn -r' y OO Li - signs needed updating and now was the time to do it as money for the prop it is available thiough a fi der.il giant FARMINGTON It's a big job just to keep ail the signs throughout the county in place ASK TOM Moms, Davis County deputy assessor, who has that task among in mv other responsibilities "Were up to our necks in EAST LAYTON is om of ihe few communities to have its signing program upd ited and charted, saic) Mr Morris "Other towns and ci tics are working on the progs t " And to show the size of the he said "And thats mammoth job which lies ahead, I ast Layton reports 00 non conforming or damage d signs whu h need replai ing simple task IT TAKFS two staff members to chart the signs on otv maps and ihree mure staffers to go from sign post to sign po-,- t making ceitain all signs are updated and in "THATS JUST one of 10 communities, and a small om at that," Mr Morris sighed Ihe larger the city the more complex the problem This looks moie like a job for Supi i man " grb place Mr Morris said county and state officials agreed Ifni the grees The two cities thev visiied m Siberia were summer waim Irkutsk, the capital of eastern Siberia was progres Alpine Chiropractic Center sive and busy Hete they saw For Appointments lake Baikal which holds twenty percent ol the wot Call Ids fresh water and an amazing variety of fish I hev staved in the same hotel which was supposed to have been the sight of Christina Oniassis HOURS Mon Fn -- Saturday Thursday honey moon fuither ninth, they went through the hydro elec tut plant situated on the second laigest darn in the world Bratsk, the newest big city in the Sov let, cannot build enough houses fast enough to accommodate the workers Here the many Carrolls were reminded of the vast resources available in oil, Siberia, minerals, foiests, etc , on one sixth of the world s land Potential for i iches and power ulmost unimagined most The unusual experience was in Mongolia where the natives wear Chinese silk robes even on horseback W here the culiure of old China is fast disap pearing Where a formerly nomadic people are now collectivized They no longer own the land nor the animals AT BRATSK, Dr. T. J. Scott Chiropractic Physician 376-421- 3 2 a 2 am m -2- p m -6 Closed Equipped Office 230 North Main St - Layton Fully SPECIAL WINTER DEFER mi uumui AND CONSERVE ENERGY TOO! INSTALL A PAYNE DELUXE FURNACE. We Service Furnace Brands All We Replace Your Old ONE FOURTH of the population is in school learn We ing to read and write and where women who bear four or more children are given substantial bonuses Mrs Carroll has been speaking to various Utah groups on Mongolia and the Russian educational system Add Our New spc We m heat coo' a ad rig ations and serv ce mstai CAS BOAT STORAGE Make your reservations now New energy efficient gas appliances use your energy dollar and a precious natural resource wisely. MORGAN FARMS 1500 East Fiddlers Creek Road 1350 E. Gentile 1 Block South 1 Vz blocks Layton, Utah 84041 Tel. 376-813- InfNGT UVWGI NraCA REIITMEISTER E 1 Use the Summer Months for Snowmobiles Etc. Si Months minimum Maintain your own Insurance A 9 is begin work on the million gallon storage tank I his will take !2u dav s to uimpli te m pi (leY. r- as the drilling AS SOON completed, Dem Wat no ( onstruitinn ( umpanv will J Of cLlUL c when thev have recovered liquid-wat- provided bv the Board of Water Resources in an Itn interest free lorn remaining amount was set uied through the s.ih of general ohl'gatmn bonds The dulling rompinv has worked into a water base at K'K) feet They will drill down DRILLING A deep well is the first part of phase one of no and Mrs Casper G roll lecenily returned Horn Asia They visiied Mos tow and the southein Soviet republics, Siberia and Outer c $133 per experience - BOUNTII Dt county, Mr r This sum rises with and added academic training A teacher with only a hat helor's di pree could receive a maximum of $l),815atler 12 years If Hull at her obtained a master's degree the maximum could he as high as $18, t5 These amounts are for approxima lelv nine months of n tual $111,020 s storm drainage projects and other jobs but we still have the responsibility to account for all the signs in the f ii years ago, on M i 17 1976, Davis (minty Deputy 21 20.55 wo! k how IS!'.1 I ARMING ION A civilian HILL AFB employee of Hill Air Force Base has been secretary of the National Air Force Association, it was an nounced this week CONVENIENT LOCATIONS .... APARTMENT Adams and ost jobs will be listed on the b board under sales aled at b i and bouncing from rock O i i v vt ir tuM R. Bt ODGETT a piople with a good attitude," Mr Mvers savs Employers do check on temporary help " hi lore hiring Occasionally il in i mpluyer gets someone who is outstanding they mav uv to keep them full time and piople looking at Christmas w th should look at it si r muslv as they w ould s king anv job Utaes'sc; GfrClGCiOll only I xpt rienie must be g lined sunn time but stores don't hivi turn around the busy and rt lativt short Y ule m ason fm new emplovi es, Mi Mveis savs Sion s an all hi sitant to hire mnoni without exponent e in sales or m w All their wages art at i list to the i nijilovt i and thev n t d tr oiling " he s ivs 1 ht it is anv of it no i ost foi th n or anv othc r wt n e pi ix nil d In the stall .Saif Piles $1. toil with lor's degree Li J MINI come bat k sear after and often wt re tm i,ur turn emplovi i s Competition ROTECTlOft TWO CHRISTMAS win k m i not lie the piet e of i ,ih lor 'hosi under IS or mi xpt rient t d oh seekers, ht savs "IIimi an vi ry few sjuies that will go below IS vears old in fm mg, bul giftwiapjieis md bugst is in gtocel v stmi s lie otu n voting! r Older win km s an proving verv saiisf it toty and main Mines haw worm n who year for which figures are available, says Richard hue hi l i in Davis jobs of from only 50 in 1975 to 300 in 1976, the 'last 160,000-membe- PQ unemploved linking loi work I It'll anyone with lev is to throw them mil or imt wear them I hev won t gt t job as a sties pei sun i! or should be relativelv shml and m at salary year, or te ic her tl a , college and huh school as well as students 90 percent JOBS BUT THAT ri id $1 I, SO') more than u teacher with a baituTnr's degree in the Davis School District is for $8),(XKIhas According to the I ounda the above (um analysis, amounts were calculated for teachers with a bachelor's ives a THE I Ol'NDAI ION study shows that the starting salary 3 experience degree Additional sums are piovided for teat hers who added have acquired lor academic training example, a teacher m the t with a D iv is Si hool Dish it miller's digree and five Vi .u 's n aching experienc e teachers This year salary schedules teaitn-rin the Davis School District were Insisted by an average of $918 or 7 8 percent In addition to ral s.il.uy hike, must this gi-ti ,u tiers in Davis Si Imol Dis trut who presently aie not at Hie top of the salary si ale also reieived annual experience fur iIusshkiiii another Norlh Then vu re j'ihmIx aplenty .it the re ent Lizuur put on liv the woim n of Li ton tonunumt y (hur h Among those p.irti lp.itinj' m the sin (es.slul fundraiM r were, from h (t, Donna 111, Audri a li.tkt st r iw Irsula iJixon and Viola Anderson. the lack of unv large retail stores RG c days 1 V By TOM of K fm bv annual Ini reiiients '. 0 minutes -v- SGl fll the total aveiage im lease for who have not reai lied the top step on the salary schedule this year was $1, KH, or II 9 peri ent Pl(i7 f8 When allowable 18 made fur the fait that Utah provides 5 percent of the employee's share of retirement costs, a special benefit not generally available in the oilier states, Utah's average salary aitually is about I 8 pert ent above the Minimum .Slab s aver age increments im tease represents raises that have been made in the salary schedules during the past five years, with the remaining $1,29(1 ai counted r,. ; SUCCESSFUL BAZAAR OGD1 H . jJ jk . i. - H ., r 'i -- t P S, V V- - . analysts point out that the salary increases provided to Utah teatheis during resent yeats have closed the gap that existed between Utah and the surrounding Mountain Stales During l'J7 78. the average salary for classroom teachers in Utah was only 3 0 percent Ik low the aveiageof the eight Mountain Stales, compared wilh a difference of t percent in HEiTIIMMm 1950 W. 2250 So., Syracuse- - 773-690- 0 |