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Show I WEEKLY REFLEX OCTOBER 1 9. 978 DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, 1 location would include easy access off Interstate 15 at 200 North or from other highways, a commer- By TOM BUSSELBERG - FARMINGTON from sentatives Clearfield, UT .015 sec. ft, of water is to be diverted from Pullman Pond, at a point N 2100 ft. E. 2200 ft. from SW Cor. Sec. 1, T4N, R2W (Clearfield); and used Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of .25 acs. in NE'SW'1, Sec. 1, NOTICE OF SALE OF DAVIS COUNTY SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that Davis County will sell at a public auction in Room 10s. County Courthouse, Farming-ton- , Utah at 12 00 noon on the 24th day of October 197S the T4N, R2W. 519 described real following property: the at Beginning to Point); and used Apr. Oct. 31 for the irrigation of .50 acs. in S W 4 S K 4 Sec. 32, point of intersection of the Northerly line of Mutton Hollow' Road and the Westerly line ol Fairfield Road at a point South (UIO'30 41 feet blast along the Quarter Sec tion line and South 5425 West 61,43 feet along road from the center of Section 27, Township 4 T5N, R2W. Protests Slate Engineer, 231 F. VKi S., SIX', U'l 84111, on nr before Dec. 2, 1978 F C. I1AS1 Suite npmecr DL North, Range West, Salt lake Meridian, and running thence North 30 35'3ii" We-,MI6.01 feet along the Westerly line of Road to an angle corner in said toad, theme North 59"2F0i" b ast 2a 0 feet them e South 3ll,35'5(i ' bast 803 8.3 feet to the Northerly line of Mat ton Hollow Road, thence South 5t2 West 23 09 feet alone said road to the point ol beginning, conlaimng 0.44(2 acre, moreoi less 1 1 Published ill the Davis Journal Fir-- t puhh at ion Ot t 12. ist public alum ik t PI Kl ,M)I nr IS Ui R P A BY 1 HI U it v to be held at I ast I ay ton Citv Hall, KHONorth bmeiaid on Drive, Thursday C' November promptly at 2, 1978, to 8 Ui p m begin for the purpose of granting a variance on five lot front, im-lor s9 ft at i ather than lie 10 requirement ot tin ft ft frontage Approximate its n rd proper tv is 1775 ! kl K nun" lakr nlge Di ive N, N 2 IT. W Wei klv 0 Reflex First publiiation Sept 2s. inert Last publication o t 19, 9,s in the Da, e. 2 V, 'i7 3 A i sale ui 'fs i.rnal on t it IT 2s f NOTH b TO BID ( iv North lln v s'), He'ghts Bids will b er i November , a k I y m Bn! . will be i i.rd that time in !he hr. , ( ...',v ( h i : 1" r s ( 01 nu ss ion t ouniv ( no: ui u, r r r, tan Sjh d, e m, a t 'on, .It aw rig a O' tv lie r .a . .1 m si !i v ' i r. i r : i ; land at no cost. HII E ACCESS fpnn tin south would be good, those coming from the north would have no immediate access and chawing puwei mm the i ! . ft I to ! Mi w i mi i hi- ! C ' , ari , i ' mi m . ( oun'v ( n, i: ii. t 1. n i r.i i.i '(1, I )epa ! ' H i umirn gt.r iiriF. i hd, ,.!) ,1 : i take tn ha .'mg V i t pt.il!. i'v( s h i,,.k m f ' ii r t PLANS f d ' tii' i X r t t ; v f i perns thru 1 , V t ' i . r 1 ' ' ii i i n t ( mi!" ! i HM ii- -i - r i . ha i: ip a: iinic tin Tr of Mrs M !r u-- HI I I RT f ,0. id iii " n- ; ) , r s'. d F - iv - ".'I'' M l.e -in R . in Sum! i w ith harh's no re and aKo with Dr C i mission to Noxn o on Nov ; Spr ' ni'i i r. ... g, xu i o 'n ; .J , '' op r ix from t k n - O ) t , e . , CilODi ; i , d fding , 12 - d n f , " ' I ! t UMI 'it Y n ., e lie, n J " t v v a v t" r t i ( ' i TN i it I HJMOS s I ' s A , d pt r i I ! t - .h A A ,1 I')! R i M .in i : h ! - ' t A - i ai At ior, a State s iv in fi mjre grb t 7 a i " I ' i t f . , J ' 2 .MM t ' - i r . : M-; r - i ' i Ml Nlc ' Ml K M Bt IM It Cl I ' iV ' i ' ' F I i Mini i H t W 11 s in ID i i . , I ' I -- s I " I r or 'to nd . ' mo 9 , K '! : 5 mi i e i r ' ' ( d r l I t . II C.I Nnilt e. il No. ( I 2 . .! or im - J ' , i i ' : ' r.d 'u; to ( v 2 I ft the SA i F a ' ,M right. i s.- , )i i 4 Hi IM I It Kli.RV ; ij ntetJ tl you M Of jory Morlyaya. 1st Motlj.i ,e. Lease or uil F minctai Hr'p Chili R J 4 id M iTrrrisT l Develop-rrwn- r- - Carton and Armstrong hem3youhvpiroureii LL,i IA - , I r. v.t , J 5 , S. A, - I v I Mint TO . STEEL BUILDINGS 7 ( HI Ir i. p f eg a I, " " i - f R I i t !f (i-- t ; vit IKS! NBA' H J her tr, ' fif '9 d ' '..IHi'' : i'M a i in KM " t r A j . n r ST M - f ft if r r ,jp r port 'f Ko!rf Ft. I UT! frr f. i a'l I'lll'SV hi p ' ;hi si ! a ii ' i R I, fonjiirn f ( t 4, hi- - k irip rrhtion ani & 74.95 x ;sF rVXj fkivhmr tlP roivcn 1 5169.95 MAC 320 t INTRODUCING - r r( JIMI J TV s REPAIRRIG I j A iXffr-- g , !' i - !'. "OV wm.f! VfJ, X '4 V lJUf1 ilM' M f- , rts PRO MAC CIO i RADIO V r . j A H l v - m!lfi,( )C,.r to ' tl (i...n K a '''X-XX- MAC 110 ' ' t ci and I dl i If k 2nO - ; , ' : O . is w if Vt Mi- i - ! r o i ; ' ' f-- Ljm mm ! vp i rri g . W i ' I riv-i- i' ',1 i . r . A e tor v j '' ; v, ; D .... - i W : .IlS ft Vi di o- (1 v ; i . " a 2 fi i ' i i i Smith .! ' . i ' ,i ' ' tv - v pu r i ba i 1 go-- I. l.l.ll M ti a- hi . i ( ; i k i s P . J : , ' to "1 I'd' A) nd , I, ! l ;i it: ' r ino i o I do.-- h,t i' "ir , d - ' ! , ,i ii A C , n ' ) r ! i' ... - , RSO and - - a Mil 5 M VN IH : ; ( I til VRi'V, ( I I i ' i ' . I .1 I OR f - w ' t s.j rt f f 4399 CALL TODAY DEAN HOLLAT2 Call h, elf tf HI . 4h 5229.95 Uh Anytlm West 1X0 North. Sunset (101) 21 22)2 Si't Lite Cir. S B2S-367- S 825-02-23 I'1 fr 'ti lifts) n hh F STATE h Jk I. W f F is., irt Lat f f ( t p j ra vt n ' n ( i 4 I S (y lTAH. It Tv rd fn g is a true r r -J f t v. 1 nt ef Financial Dv tert f,' e. oner, do r( rf rrert c pv nf the srairroi on Octo r 11. m this off-r- '"v W R 21T pa--e- S P SIMM At L. D'-nn- tQ ,.l m re rHiAv CnvNDLHCUnG TV Reasonable Pates J ti a ALL MAKES THESE BUILDINGS HAVE NEVES BEEN ERECTED C4 SIZE 0 , , f .'D f n ol in' O hV IS Me r s i i i - i i i f . O.J ' ' I ir ( : i p '0 s I i d , i , 'Is ,f : i ,7. c f l . .t , t h r , h. h, ht : to i i nf D.iv is f).t O, iM"M i ' p . ; tn- - hi-- joaru flnprovcj ii old.. I the all da hiMt l.tko (Mh'.rins and hr. dpi O i, i. i ilon Rted () four dav Movu'll iht i i .. o g r m f t ir Mis 'i M r i .ui- I. m .toil a a h- 9 I, , ait- v YU m ; ' if" i m. in v id .n a id H f'-- U M h U N h o t Rt r I S i . . II - ci. I ! h a S- (Ni i ; o on ::u m r, ,,i - . J -- - tun 1!) and Mis Dale E. bar-nd ui;:hter Miss C mdv 0 Bo: ! o, Mr and Mis. Joe F. Iri" ce at traded the nns-sio- r rv farewell of Elder 3.3,! : in ( . '. d;;i T' 219 12s 'ii'! k , x f ; ! n: i;ft tj "'.t' i ( V r . M M d ( - Q r fl r ! . h I, pimi tor ale Degree f on Shoe I Hiversitv He h,m 15) ' I I R F a d ,( ' i ' 4 It mM ; M PR! NORM can- sheiiff and commission didate Boyd Ivory, grb i i I . C (Dub) Lawrence for William c 1 ! candidates Dermurdtic A r- . HE HAS also been campaign manager this year for JW !. 8 t ! r r m iv Cai Ison it at a shnin-mIt hi i mm s a l i r) Mr. Ciippen is a financial consultant and has been active in the Democratic Party as a senatorial district and candidate coordinator. Davis 'n 1 i Miumii.n bubyxiti'iig -- 24 ASSL TS (Sum of M n.h-- - RS r j , ( , t he-- i i , i 8 i; ; ! ' ' i t t si . t i N M i ( s . i , , v t , p:,i;i. - i , I , ..II "i- ,i I i: I ; i r r ' ( i t I I ' I t i ( i ! i ,1 f a g succeed Obve Jenson of who withdrew from ihe toll to a! rut e wo ; M dont think I park center. t i I Sv 1 I i' . R el November 7 general election ballot for Davis County treasurer THE APPOINTMENT W (i ft filled bv Michael W. Crippen. 180 South 400 Fast, 33, of Bountiful He was named to hi ,m i - FARMINGTON L ! ! . H j .Mi 14. 521 t Ti Countv Democratic Party has filled a vacancy on the Bv outstanding m f : i near the center of town in an existing commercial area, and is Mr. Janson said. available at minimal or zero cost. The city has offered , r rvi irlg A"t - h- : ' I 1 IABILI I ILS maud deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Deposits of United States Government of States and political subdivisions IXpoMtx of foreign governments and off'Cir! institutions e posits of commercial banks ( ertified and officers' chi ks TOTAL DEPOSITS IN $29 N5 DOMESTIC OF FK FS ( i) Fnal demand deposit-502 1. ) Total time & smrgs d- pu its ont Bt I AT THI- - sue. 'm u it V Wantd ti.e v, i. an- - wuh rl.' c ti.ee . - i m ir, she a id . IT Dt o el foi a new fat day n,.iv we go wdh the ( mH r ,v, ID fuesi nl !v op1 r ie hbrai ; ' f f T'U i t i station and Lavton "It would be High School. O' her asset-- )' s : to g aw hall-polic- e ' I es ihr i ,,"l rf i .it; daily The second proposal would place the library in the commons area near the city , si) K I librarv . investments m unconsolidated subsiduri-and associated companies C liability to this ban) on acteptur-- i I i oi, .1 I of average premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises Real estate owned other than bank premises . own BUT THAT money is tied up courthouse for at least another couple years meaning a new library won't be built tomorrow, as Board Chairman Wavne Thornock said, tb in the Bank and while if part of the futility sv the countv is unable er m:-.lllitg to pr f iv ale the Idu.ipv n in tin- - v er v near fnlcu e , e the md a to rn . u ton to retain iw hr .md evmill levy fund-en m ulue the i ' es - , r v a aniount to hum1 m itv libr.it Spea ki ti g a long s m, nt's was K.n sv b Mu , .r ( ,.i r t lisun (1111 lac Dry i, poor bul it w e ha e to w , t to fisc y ears dnw r, tn !t.r i's i' ; An use the patrons project is completed. Commissioner Wendell N. Zaugg, who mis on the board. , nuns, net Direct lease financing c m dj a c s ) npit.i! r s to be a it pn-f- ; i . l'l7s 2 Is 215 that when construction The board took no action but said it would probably be ' 48 pmrr a need for o', ton ; nun!v FI inr.u nmmissinn imh! rtm '! ( I I i civ e r the D.tv is u lit 9 NO (,I. it Na. I I 149(1 s H. R1I.8Y lay r ot a dt r 29. Is, t 'e't'.i INAL I c ,'i-- xu m m r, vx ! i m Dl 1978 Last publication Oi tt, s 12 TUT card holders. facility. Both would serve . ju.-t-- emphasized and read, library (in several years before any facilities could be built said it might consider taking over the two mill levy being presently used for courthouse about 7,500 residents with one possibly set in Centerville and the other in South Bountiful. Treasury securities S. . , Clipper First publication Sept hit tpn out tv ! ) v S S! M, N V- SJ 1W tsiO 22 tr to Pt g 1 ( e. Ir it .t, fi I of Set 1) IN. 21', W (,,i A It, tr, S t) 21, A ( 2o R Published -- inn,w Bt g ID f lei in Tin' U ' - AFFECT ON THE facility by the Hill Air Force Base library must also be weighed, he said. That library houses 33,000 volumes, covers 6,000 square feet and boasts 12,500 1 Obligations of other U. S. Government agencies and corporations Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Federal Reserve stock and corporate stoi k T railing account securities federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell in domestic offices d Loans, Total (exi lading urieinid iii'.omrO 14.968 b less- Reserve for pos able loan losses i - to offset growth and demands on the present Bountiful ASSETS i 1C HEARING of the Board of Adjustments of b ast Lay urn library themselves. It has very good access but is less efficient because of possible overlap (the North Branch in Clearfield is only about two miles away). Land would probably cost about $100,000 an acre, however. and due from banks ( Points mi l.idi d I avion sec ond lor gest cm n Davis County with edini.ned popu'.ition at 22 H9 md projected at 1h,090 bv 1995. ihe city has contributed H), (8 to the county ssi m in taxes dm mg the post he, r I uv inn would i ot y ai s and inIntel estt d m a pre- fa facility men' nuied "n tie Os a ARING 1C HI I GIVIN OH- Published - . R ( library piu-en- buildings the size of the present headquarters library, would have a drawing power from Farmington to Ogden. We expect someone to go to the mall and drop their kids off and possibly use the Utah 84037 And Foreign and Domestic Subsidiaries, at the close of business September 3, 1978, a state banking institution organized and operating under the banking laws of this State and a member of the Federal Reserve System. Published in accordance with a call made by the State Banking Authorities and by the Federal Reserve Bank of this District also presented a paper I avion Needs a I ibr.ii c, iso-wV, outlining seven she telt that city should nphoo the new library p)-,- 750,000 foot facility, or enough space to include more than 40 square Davis County, (4 Kaysville, SHE IS A member of a avion librarv cninminee an s area, CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION OF BARNES BANKING COMPANY w bids. D.iv is ( own or NOTICE Terms of sale are i aMi upon award of bid The Davis Countv Commission reserves the right to rejei t am and all Y W. U 41 Mrs. said the he le t dnu Wilcox It a genet i of lay ton said, tion of kids has to grow up without a library (m 1. avion), then we should start savin.: our own money anil st.et our 97s ;ti, two acres needed for the facility, he said. Its farther south (than the Layton sites) and closer to what we call the median location where it is as close for someone from the south as the north. The existing facility there we feel would be dropped and it sets up a relatively efficient system with less overlap. Kaysville and Layton city council members and library personnel from those areas to their regular October meetAlter alternatives AGAINST the POINTS Kaysville site included its weakness as a commercial center, potentially containing far fewer stores than the $22 million Layton Htlls. Looking at the Layton Hills LAND COULD be obtained for about $65,000 an acre with vices m the county. It invited explained, both. land costs. low relatively board has been studying proposals to construct a new headquarters in either Layton or Kaysvdle and expand other library ser- ing. Overlap refers to areas that could utilize two libraries because of their proximity to h cial area drawing more people to the area than a library might by itself and THE LIBRARY R 213 , ROHM Kays-vill- e r- ! ( the resisting granting of these applications with reasons therefore must be filed m duplicate with the Repre- and Layton told the Davis County Library Board Tuesday that unless action is taken towards constructing a new library soon, both cities may have to go it alone for library service. 1 12-- bv Gerald ) 438 N. 3500 W., West Point, UT .030 sec ft. of water is to be diverted from a well. 0 ft. deep, at a point V 630 ft. E 250 ft. from S:, Cor. Sec. 32, T5N, R2W (West Yearsley, north-sout- Come in and e the lull tin of Mi Culioc h Cham Sawra 7f2 BiMLBSPA 86 East 2nd North, Kaysville - 376-422- 9 ' |