Show fashionable FASHIO nagle NAiLE church GOING there th re is a great deal to be learned from those who have good clothes and are enabled to feel comfortable at church there is a sociable mixture of mutual admiration and the latest fashion that makes a church desirable as es a place of reunion re union on yesterday we so far forgot and the tile prevailing topics ef of churchgoers church goers as to ask of four who had attended the same church the fashionable church what was the tile subject of the sermon bermon the first a young you ng lady ludy replied he could not remember tae tiie other three who were gentlemen were quite as ignorant two of them admitted that they had set up late on the even evening na previous and in iii consequence fallen asleep during the preaching the other oilier one replied that there was something said about the shed drog of blood but further than that his memory was at fault these four were accidentally c called ailed upon and probably represent quite a body of fashionable churchgoers church goers how would it do to pr prescribe escrib tile calico gowns and deep hoods of our grandmothers as a church dress for our ladie ladle and pepper and salt clothing for gentlemen as a test of churchgoing and sermon hearing hearings 7 something ought to be done for the church and theatre are evidently getting so near each other that a chinaman can hardly tell which is which S F chronicle r ano 93 no man ever did a designed injury to another without doing a greater to hims himself bif I 1 N 93 ile he who lives only to benefit himself gives the tl 1 e world a benefit when lie he dies |