Show tP tet iET rs C RICK will please pie age ase accept a clep fot fat A p iliae of pie melon meion seeds ook fok larded bati bap 1 ast 1st 1 st calito i IA mail those these ihli X alis 13 are sai aai I 1 to 0 o grow like oth otil r varieties of iii ilat species as 01 1 it is state 1 that pies piea made arifin them aro ard T tory vory r I 1 like ike in tte to those made fromm green alti aili ap lils blis a with a tittle little thought and tro tra trouble trod able ble bie the emers ebers abroad can cai soon enrich lmh with ith iab every ewy required janety of beeda seeds tip kip toots and cuta roots of ot the strawberry 4 aberry he 1161 and cuttings of the grape apple ac ca can be pe s 7 forwarded by b SA j if in in tin cang cans or put up with fsr and enveloped in oiled silk |