Show my liy bankrupt bill written fory fort or and read before the cutt cUte and ni musical At embly great salt lake city august 1856 BY r Z it SNOW some flume seir stir styled critics have pronounced it weak of or ones odes own self to freely write or speak I 1 court no critic critie ls censure cei ceL sure isore yet I 1 will wiil write of myself and my late bankrupt bill that id no money was no fault or crime but bat I 1 contracted debts without a dime which I 1 acknowledge frankly should not be and ill henceforth avoid insolvency in this as well as evry other land suie sule ame entertainments call tor for cash in han ban d T it empty handed banded I 1 perchance to be bet the law of circumstance demands of me xia to reluctantly cn the card resign to one whose funds are less than mine kidby aad by bye to alli all I 1 tain fain would say gay create no bills warn when eauva youva no means to pay to live lite within our income thus will spare Us many a fe thought and servile care to our onn young friends friend ill itil give a key whereby all future wants and withes to control yourselves your passions all re restrain etrain learn to want nathl a which you yon cant obtain then ask no odds of circumstances be in duties and in feeling feelings free tree thus create your heayns you dwail dwall ta to ali ami castl cant you know inow Is mormon bell seath the perverted sceptre mammon wields virtue and truth to golds base influence yield iren men are respected if in gold theyra wealthy whether they gained it honestly or stealthy not so la in zion works and godly tear fear preponderate oer eer filthy lucre here hen virtue fh aan ann m integrity love loye tor for the priesthood careful industry i in the true mint of headla will pa pass ss lor for moro more than all on earth eaith coined from slit glit glittering tIrIng ore the saints may sometimes suffer want wants stis als surey aurey ure bat but yet a pent rent sam saint Is never poor one la in whose soul the holy boly nire fire of 0 god 1 I the light of truth train is fully hed bed abroad what thos tho he cannot claim one toot foot et of land landy nor yet one dime of currency command aethol no gold and silver he has got A costly pearl the purse proud world has not that heavenly foretaste forett foret aste Lete ste of a glorious rest the nace peace of f god abiding in tha the breast with power the th gift of endless lives to gain henceforth our own identity retain Is I 1 wealth and wealth which holds a proa pron rite rife rif rit with evry comfort that pertains to lit life e that very gold the gentiles madly crave will yet our streets tret arst lr st the streets at of zion pave among the saint Is gold and stiver wex vex wealth lilly we might as well call food and clothing beaith health I 1 brain brainy bone and sinew here are proved to b be bith aith capital and lawful currency in Baby babylon iong loog where money Is the test who has the most Is henord as the bes best s or rather be lie who vainly seems to hav and thus la bes houard most ehos most a knave ilow now it Is elsewhere matters not bot with as us worth Is not reckoned by the weight of or pursa purse snow me mo a saint poor and once for all ill show you yon one that is no saint at all he may be money lesa who has not been ab ehat that att art hire here is neither poverty or ain sin leanness of soul and meagre mea drebes grenes ness nebs of thought an empty barrenness of mind Is what I 1 should call poverty tr and even worse than cammons Mam mons dotries vo tries think thin an empty purse I 1 hear bear one softly whisper to ray nay you have no money makes me binh bloh I 1 kune kive ns n enri blush agala to na lie that phat kind ot at blush bespeaks degeneracy crime wickedness and folly tolly bring dierce dl grce erce fir theae them should blushes mantle oer eer the face I 1 could name many things that figure worse worm in life than total absence of the pun purge T boast of wealth ani and richer than tiow flaw from the he moet mott fruitful sources here below M mine wine lae Is not wealth that stimulates with prida pride pi lda ida ns that wili will eternally abide ft it I 1 in faithfulness and patience wait IM lyl hold hoid an in a gods estate A aad and ad even now im lym richer richey aca wc athler thier far tar titan thosa those who dip in cammons Mam mons comfers coffers are my Fat Pa fathers pathena thena thera rich 1 I am his lawful child not one by silly fond fund caressing ir 1 0 through bereavement not indulgence grown ii in strength tho thos woman never neter tanda stand alone who are my frien friendt dc your tour worthy selves I 1 trust whom I 1 esteem wise noble good sll and just As ajda esch each ne I 1 a treasure in frIenda hips hipp then im lym rich in ample neasure measure me asure astre who are my ray kindred all the truly god g bod nod vod TV chor ehor hoy hot r in the holy covenants stood 11 v then are all of 0 royal liney line I 1 they fliey each can claim an origin di divine vilie who i may ray brother lub lur aels aly one I I to the flesh glesh gods goda only son 11 Is holds the birt birthright iiri lirt h t in 0 o eternity through him the Is conferred on in me and who la is my ray father rather Is he ho wise and great and well of 01 rich and large estate who Is my father does hedfelt he dwell blow belo aishe Is he a worldly potentate ono 0 no all earthly things must perish crowns will rust rest while thrones and monarchs moulder into dust who Is my father Is 18 hid his name lie he Is god goo tho the great I 1 AM provid or not provy proad dy this axiom Is 1 lurea lures bure lure js 4 fod fou roal rr al asiat of q GW omi is wr niver poor 2002 |