Show THE triz CHEST those persons in ili easy circumstances or those who pursue sedentary employment within doors use their lungs but little breathe but little air ili in the chest and thus independently of positions contract a wretchedly edly small chest and lay the foundation for the loss ios of health and beauty all this can be obviated by a little attention to tile the tiie manner of breathing recollect the tha lungs are like a bladder ili in their structure and can stretch open to double their size with perfect safety giving a noble chest and perfect immunity from consumption the agent ag nt and only ag lit nt required is is the tiie common air we breathe supposing however that no obstacle exists external to the chest I 1 such as lacing lacarl it tight with stays or having the he shoulders lie upon it on rising lug mug from the tha bed in the morning place yourself 1 in I 1 I an erect posture with your head thrown back and your shoulders entirely ein ea irely off from the chest then inhale all the air that can be be got in then hold your breathe as long as possible repeat these long breaths as many times as you ou please done in a cold air it is much better because the air air is much denser and will act much more powerfully in expanding the chest exercising the chest in in this manner it will become flexible and expansible and will enlarge the capacity and size of the lungs |