Show IN ix AND aun OUTDOOR OUT OLT DOOR doon AIR if a small email portion of I 1 tiie tile air of bf a crowded room is I 1 s made to pass up through distilled water a sediment is left which contains various colored fibers of clothing and portions of hairs hair wool bits of human ekin skin or scales with a kind of fungus growth with its particles part parl acles of reproductions which adhere where ever they strike or fall fali fallon fallen an wet surfaces or bruises or sore places and grow wherever they adhere there Is also a small smal amount of sand and dirt with great numbers of it the tha various forms of animal life fire no wonder then that the blood is soon tainted and corrupted by making bitting apartments of oufa chambers by spending hours in fit crowded as gembl or stage coache or railroad cars wb while ile lle evey breath we draw is a mouthful of monster fife life I 1 I 1 but if it that room be emptied for a few hours and a portion of its atmosphere be treated in III the same way nothing will be do found but a little sand and dirt a few fabres fibres of wool and cotton only a trace of fungus but no animal life a and nd no bits of skin and hair and scales of dead 1 human luman matter if five times the amount of neighboring outdoor out door undergoes the tho same process a fibre fabre of wool or cotton is now and then tilen found a little sand and dirt with specimens of or fungus and their atoms of reproduction but no traces of decayed animal matter and no signs of organic life thus showing that in close apartments we are surrounded with organic living bodies and that animal matter living in dead or decayed de loads the atmosphere which w we e breathe in ili chambers of our dwell dwelling frigi and crowded rooms and that these corrupted particles are swallowed and are breathed into the system every moment of ofin indoor in door existence thus strongly urging as us by all our love of pure blood and high health to hurry from our chambers at the tha earliest moment in the morning and to consider eyer ever every hour of outdoor out door breathing again of life dilall halls s 1 journal of health |