Show utah the great majority of the inhabitants of utah worship and strive to serve berve the god of abraham of isaac and of jacob jacob endeavoring to walk in obedience to his revealed will have the world learned of a being 7 more deserving of worship or of a law more fitting to be obeyed the saints are striving to hearken to the counsels teachings and examples example es of presta presto young kimball and wells of the twelve and of other r righteous 11 men met who are laboring most strenuously for the salvation of themselves and the human family have the world any teachers that will favorably compare with those men in example and ability for illustrating in 0 and leading the way to eternal lives we have been familiar from our youth hup up with the worlds teachers and aud teachings for obtaining future happiness and most unqualifiedly answer NO 0 o where on all this footstool of tho Almighty ia is there so clean a court record as in utah no where what settlements of any auy size not excepting puritanical boston are arc flee of houses of prostitution 0 gambling hells grog shops murders homicides parricides fratricides in and other great and arid abominable crimes crimea none save those in utah 0 these beld bein being stubborn facts and known to b be L so by all who wish to know the triai not only by the few poor miserable curses who are at the same time fattening from our labors and traducing 0 us but by all who hear bear our elders eldera and read our publications how comes it that one word sent forth by a lying editor or letter is hailed with joy and greedily swallowed I 1 0 wed to the rejection of hundreds of words of truth merely because good and evil are placed before us and as yet the great majority of the human family prefer the evil this would not dot be so trying were not that choice in invariably variably accompanied by oppression and violence from the wicked to the utmost extent of the 0 actions of the devil BO far as unrestrained by the almighty but this is all necessary ces cea sary aary in order to bring b to pass a probation probation worthy of one who is desirous of living for an exaltation in the celestial kingdom V f our god the wheat and the tares must grow together until the harvest the net must gather ga alther fish of every kind else how could we bo b tried in all things aa as was abraham A strict lover of all truth when the way is opened up as it now is will strive to walk in the way abat that to eternal lives no matter what course others mastake may take or what sufferings vituperation and hardships he may be called to endure it is also optional with others othera to choose broader smoother scoot her ber and less difficult paths feadin leading to terrestrial or kingdoms or that broadest broadest path of all which to the kingdoms of darkness since those kingdoms t are so different in glory and locality and the paths leading thereto so divergent it would beem stem that children of one father could manage tot tol to travel ravel through this probation with less jostling 0 and bitterness but the devil will not permit it so to be BO so long as he remains unbound for he fancies that he will yet be able to break the scriptures and gain uncontrolled led leJ possession pos of this earth to compass this end he ia is most diligent in furnishing ishin i revelations and faise false promises to the world and how greedily do they receive and swallow them |