Show summary in addition to the news items 2 we ive find that doti noticeable ceable ceabie gire fire cestr ed buildings and other property in S sayac sr 04 N Y nor 8 valued at 1 ill ina law tew rew york city nov 9 0 to the ie etue I e of and at three rivers near L C nov 15 to the value of 50 SQ destroying au a 0 o it one hirt hitt halt bait oc of the business Orti dion ion lon of the tha town t tx A french a ier ien wainer meiner tar tener er le lyonnais Lyon naia nata was wreck nantucket oa 01 the and 2nd of nov and out ont of persons persona on oil bolard only IG 10 were ivere known to haqq been saved o tygh winds in november did hd m mich anich ich damage etrie abe one s ship lip the lakes takes and to some build inga ui buffalo chi Cht cago eago and ando other ther lake towns angress conr conTe ened aed on the of duc due and api cil cpi the 2nd and tt message message 0 was re and arid the house was angrily discussing the of allowing the delegate from eana kanas kansas kangas 3 a seat the delegate was elected soledy y by pro slavery botts the other party edtl toll ngon on the ground that thet thelcie thercIe chon cHoa was not lawf lawo lav uly he hei 1 ir 11 wo ojill ad thus beem seem that kansas adla afla irs 3 are not yet altogether so quiet as some represent the election of james jamea buchanan to be president of the I 1 eit Ura craite fhe ite S as aes aea es from flom marh manh aln h 4 IK 1857 to 4 1861 1801 lel iel is confirmed |