Show from the Wo homana mani mant Adv octol j art of daily happy life and here are some invaluable hints on th the subject picked out for us by mi ali a luwell chere ia is a sin bin singular bingula gula guia inaptitude e of ot mearis meals to ends chica prevails generally throughout phout the toe human buman aida aids and appliances for tor living I 1 mein dress houses housea equipages equip equi pages aes ses and hous ibold furi furl ture ther Tho result is ial isi believe that thac more inore than half of what we do to procure good is is needless or mischievous in fact thit more wore than halt half of the labor and capital of the world is is wasted in savage life by not kro kno alig how to compass what is necessary in ci life by the pursuit of what is needless need less lesi yet those these are but trifling men might live lne with tery foolish furniture around tiie tile them 1 w with tb absurdly ill built houses noisy aid avd ai d smoky I 1 cy mostly of one pattern and that a bad oae one if 11 I 1 i all were well in their social relations and social intercourse inter if it they hud hid f fund arid oat wit the art of living in these important re respects specs but bat as i it ig is how bow poor a thing thins is social course how often in society a man goes gocs out from interest interested edor or vain motives at mosi mo unseasonable hour hours to sit or stand in a constrained position inhaling tainted air suffering from front reat heat his sole occupation or amusement bilig bi ig to talk I 1 do not mean to say that there are lut lot not iut delight 1 ful fui fu I 1 hattings mgt mat tings in soc soe sleety ety which all who wha ie re at remember afterward afterwards a where the party p arty rias lias been welt weil eit ell chosen the host and hostess genial a matter of the first necessity necea sity where wit has been kind as well veil is as playful where information has known hov how ti to be as well as how to aak mak peak where good wood 00 J humor to the absent as well as to the pres preb nt it has assir ass ired the company that they were among dulong good people and aud alli where a certain I 1 fd ly D g of regard i arid and confidence has spread izick liou biou the com kany ti any su so that e each eath ich maii ulan has spi sei seal sp ai i out from frola is heart I 1 but these days are sally sadly saily rare the main current of society is is very dreary and dull and not the less so for its restlessness the cief ch f hindrances to its improvements improvement 3 are ci of A wr n rii ril il nature want of trull tro tru li valli tv 8 shyness thyness in tuition tui I 1 tion foolish couperus couders con cou cers cerus ab ti aiila nies ales lia lis vau van vdu yf faithfulness to society habits babits ba bita bits of ridicule ridi culo calo and I 1 puritanical notions want of truth is as fatal if not more so to enjoyment as it is to bustness business from want of the boldness which truth requires people are driven into un conge couge nal jal boci sooy bouy ty it t many modes of needless and gainful painful bild into various pretenses pretences excuses and aad all sorts aorta of vexatious dissimulation the spirit of barter is carried into the ama amusements and ind enjoyments enjoy ments 0 of life shyness shy e proceeds from a emo ego egotism sharpened 11 arpen arden 9 dby by needless self seif exam examinations I 1 natla natia a M and foolish 0 ih I 1 imaginations agi nations in which the shy youth or maiden is tormented by his hia or her tier personality personal i and is haunted by imagining that ee he or she bhe he is the centre of the tile circle circie the ollier ved of or all 1 observers this ibis comes from not sua SUM accustoming children to society or making them slip poso that their conduct in it ig il a v we mat ter of extreme im importance and ay from urging them tham in theu theli earliest youth bv this moat most injurious in it otis olis of all sayi gs ibs if you do this or that what will be said what will be thought of you thus referring the child not to religion not to wisdom not to virtue not even to the opinion of those whose opinion 0 0 tp have weight but to the opinion of wh chrow i e er society he may way chance to come cowe into tu TL p F rent who has happily omitted to this vile prudential consideration de or enabled the child to resist it even iii lii if he has omitted much good advice and guidance has still done better than that teacher or parent who Ls h is I 1 td d the child to the brim with good moral cc 3 le rations orations and yet has allowed on pece ece of at ailant ant world worldliness line to creep in 1 iconi giconi I come now ti to f olish about trifles a besetting sin in highly CIVILli civilized zed communities in these societies there are many things both ph and intellectual which N bieh are outwards outwardly dl K cor cot complete piete highly polished and varnished muc much t 0 is in its propel place ani and corresponds with v ilat it ft ought to correspond to 6 grove nods to grove grovey each alm aim ailey alley lias its it brot brothw bw so lliam at last there comes a morbid excite excitement mint to bave have every atle litie thin and anc an s sil sll pi ire and ne nelt neit at which heither nature nor tier man taw will allow the pl pleasure of visits and entertainments and in geni genua J the plans and projects of intercourse are at tho the mercy of small s absurd ewes eves and train trifling P of ore fences ices chii vh shi i t this his care for small things is is combined with da d intense fac tac h ar of 0 the opinion of others a sta state of mind is 13 g which wili will I 1 neither all aliw allow w he the poe poss eor r f it to be happy in himself nr permit I 1 11 i a to ejoy any arty peace or comfort I 1 ng the next hindrance e is one ran y commented upon but very important wat wait f faithfulness 1 k to society in ili Nihat whatever ever com corn ny a wn daan ia is th thrown own there are certain d 0 les ies is i s laci iaci deit delt it upon urn him in respect to that absei 33 ci is in i n i T alie lle lie birst of these is cs ce abo it avit i t he hara liwa in th t society in all ali ia social iwori urao araa there is da an implied faith falth ol 01 tip thi I 1 11 of ao SO cic etc r one ona to vw ur and it u i w wen e well ma it lined not ii would a i great daal of pain gailli an I 1 mischief b reel revel lud led ted but in mi knowings thit t h lt they in tani oi ded by people with wilh a in ni sense of n lui lul in tirs respect P e c won would I 1 d b n ni i re ire fra franl frank 1 1 0 i ni explicit in in all thom them tho the said an I 1 di th 1 As it is A il an ani 1 kewi l hearted in 11 in iii is orten olten W 0 I 1 to ni ke his di ourse jurge 3 urse vei vel vely v larren 1 irren lest it i lid id be ineat ed toa loa lo 10 a circle circie L jr f whom atwi it iv i not ill vil r nied ani aal ai by whon it il 1 child not be i 1 i I 1 pass to utti cibit of rii ril nili nill tn to e is 13 a li ii ili iii jesting flippant filp int milici 11 u ui de of 1 t liking abolt abbit thi igi aal persons persona i 0 L mai mn i in society exceed exceeding iw diffrient i i 1 I which s sli sti i ii ils s good c co 0 bation a 1 id ea es a 3 aee nae of general hostility lither th thun thil to i i i 4 if ini indi lne ine in i came cattle tw toi eth oth th r ceiell chivily I t lie lle 1 it asa aaa of ridiculing their ni n i dil I 1 I 1 L n t k kin i ng biilly t ighel r abo it mattes matteis of great co icola I 1 ain am r v A sure aara thit this cond let lei ic ii not a ra rather i han ihan a c citie clile v ie a res t t ot vanity w v P f i want of a nt it other h kil kii i es liw w h L a been cusil cus cosil lan ian ing it c b diaks ii a I 1 imen table tabie w wrt I 1 t of ch 1 tisho I 1 sli all i that th e who wiio indal in dile in it a dle die P a i y 1 iti iii vil lbs IBS of ti til dignity oc of ai swi ll 11 inte and or oi what a 4 and ard thing thin it I 1 U 1 hit fit L be e 1 lastly thle thie thie thic th ie ic ia 18 I jie uie e w walli a i t 0 ci s lieth rieth i todo to do b beside e side talk taik inix must murt lp 1 i doi do dot 1 sone of the grea greatest teet d alback 3 t tj j til ta plea plit alif utness AB as well as tite tiie asefi fil pla iba so of soc il 11 itie rc ac xe puritanical noti a have hase gpo h s te ie wi wo v a i oe c sto dioning intoning sio ning this r at it by foil 1 1 ien len mul mil ii inno cult clit or a but 1 6 that tilt any anybody body who sheild s 1 trumal lumli iLum ji attire n ich would woula li fi J d that it v ti 1 ii of 1 li 11 most dane dang dangerous erous to ua ulli 11 people ople le jather jether to talk who hav hake have e 15 lit tit litt e to t i 4 dut but this consi congi of til th ant of some lome thin thing to do bes bee drs ils lis talking I 1 i i tily illy to ti th aj it branch of 0 th tl art of it in i chich q con with acci acet 1 this we have hitherto been a rei rel rei rel fu ful wid td our pr poor and arit arll ani el cl il atlon hips hlis hiis u n anais I 1 titue tita h i heavy on 0 ir r hand hands iii q ci aport lity I 1 y f rde a il BC se mial adal adai d dnn dins d ins st t seli sell iLin llin n a alu aiu pi p w f bated tiie tile jaet juet enjoy enjoyment v silo alto x I 1 have 1 iii bial ilal ilai of the tho guts gats of ri nature attire re la a ani an ani I general i of mus c r the il n 18 e arts arta cf of manly malily and amt pi eaul exe M i of various url uri bunor or branc branch hs 0 c science i w i hilos why thy will I 1 ain ari i i jance beatly greatly re atly tin lie ti pleasure plea sire 0 caf society ocl society oci ety a an ct j linly inthis that it wiil will f bil bli ia 1 up I 1 that thac wat L alff kl ff to do besides tahi which is 13 9 i A lot ily lly felt at resent present Ti hla this hia bo boweter wever is but a aver erv erg mail mall part of the advantage an A aid to tha the a art are rt 1 E f living which id flow irom a greatly greata y id bass basa bas a of ed uc tion in A I 1 what are now d emed minor sidles didies si s idies dies tl ti whole whoa of ilfe life ard id be and divio d by thery thena var v a ia is excellencies would b be d in perna oas jas whose not i 14 buit bult suit suitable abe abc forth for th P few thins things citi cati cited and ani at present are thick yih vib thorns wid and briars ahti anal present the ot of waste iane land whereas if i sown with he fit seed an I 1 tended in a proper aliner allner Bi tu anner iner ley hey lej would coni come into corol soia sort soft ot oi cult iya ioli loli would bring forth amet mg good goud peth s something excel excellent leit of 0 its kind |