Show report of the quorum of of seventies TSi nathan 1 IS Bald baldwin wInt wing fillmore 1 U T 1 alonzo L baron G S L city olty james beck on mission mish miss ion lon to england stephen haies hales G S L city dwvid david 3 nank hank 8 gone cone to the states with the mall mail geo W taggart Ta egart esart G S L city MEMBERS robert crookston irm win price orlando F mead enoch tripp sanni saint L jones wiliiam william J luther S ay IL L South southworth worthy john squires 2 win an abon sami saml Curn abri andrew berthelsen win barnes barncs JohnT johnc john T evansy canute I Ianson alanson brown james nans hans n geor george e daniels olsen genhard Gen genson sonjI gammon hay ray ward alonzo 11 Itus ll Bell seil jens thomsen ball simon noel nod G S L city orin D farlin farnin orrice 0 Mur Murdo murdock docky tk lehl lehi thomas steed barmington neton thomas Chari charl charlesworth esworth orson tyler trier isaiah liu Ilu numan r david dart L daron earon summit creek colman boren prot pro 0 edmund pace gon gou gosby ery noga nogan session settlement thom thorn adair john jotin Man grump george spencer thomas carter charles price pricey nephi city abram durphy coal creek walter 11 smith cedar valley valler v W iesley sley II 11 seabury littie little cottonwood Cottun wood sydna A blanks society islands blugh conway morriss james woods kichard richardy V herris harris narris little salt lake laire james shanks geo A day dox cox elder lians itans hanson wm win roger jones spanish york fork win II 11 mclean california daniel Ga gamble gambie nible peter iian Ilan sony ogden samuel burgess dig big Cc cottonwood cod Cot onwood peter reter J mesick AIes lck san dernar Bernar dino dIdo andrew audrew Over lad iad kays kayas ward jeffe Jefre jefferson dimick alvah Fo foster forter ster pter unknown those whose names aro are not in the above list have apos po tati zed been drop pedy perl or have been removed into the high priests 9 quorum members wb who have bare not reported themselves recently are requested ia to do so immediately by certificate of heir their standing ns from the standing president of the seventies in their maids or thes they will wiil be dropped from their quorum meeting every saturday evening at the house of presto wimin ivard ward at lit early candle light 11 II L clerk sixteenth korim of seventies ies lEs will meet in the lower room of the C cun omin un cil cli house G S L city olty each alternate saturday evening at half halt past 6 pm comm commencing on jannary january ad all the council and members of the quorum that live in or near the city c ity will be expected to attend aud and all who connot attend will mill please report themselves by letter by order of the council alt NEW advertisements brand sheets brand NOTICE motice is hereby given that the thel J A 11 brand sheets now neatly bound can be had by calling at the Preil presidents dents office price 1 cash or wheat at cash price taken in tn payment persons persona having haying cattle est rayed or those purchasing wil wll find it to their advantage to hare bare the brand branti sheets by them for reference 11 B CLAWSO recorder of brandit brand ii TO BE nis SOLD THAT commodious and substantial JL building known as jarvis JARTIS GENERAL TRADING STORE 2 blocks south west of temple block first rate and situation for trading purposes purpose sy OFFICES or private residence for parti cult culo r a aply to henry hnnry J JARVIS ND NB A boj good FARM fanu for sale in davis co 01 0 01 1 rl to 0 be het ket on snares shares or sold nihat T well wel I 1 circumstanced FARM TH JL on n big cottonwood containing about 80 acres hair bait pasture and hait half wheat land as now la in the occupation of william chambers apply to WILLIAM HOWARD nig big cottonwood Cotlon wood or oreal great salt lake city 49 2 NOTICE ALL A LL tb 0 se indebted to MATTHEW GAUNT by noti nota or otherwise are politely called on an t to 0 come forth and settle you tou that not got cloth from me roe one two three throe and four years ago corm corn on ard and settle up also li ii all 11 3 you sou on that bold notes and accounts against mez mey me brinz bring them forward for settlement 49 2 matthew GAUNT JENNINGS WILDER R WANT W ANT ALL PERSONS indebted to ithem them to call and settie fettle forthwith this request has baa been made male for a long ions time without effect now kow unless yov rov to whom this will apply ply pay attention I 1 you may expect to be reported to your bishope bishops A any n y haying having claims present them and receive payment JENNINGS WINDER have nare a larce laree assortment of BOOTS SHOES and leath LE AT ifer iier lier eron on liand hand of superior quality and low prices purchaser pur chaBer will do well to td call and see for themselves 49 1 CA AME INIE into my in closures alfont the isto nov one red brinde brind e face STEER 3 year years oh olif white belly delly branded 0 JI 11 S iett lett born also one red and hite he steer STERIL 5 years old star in face oly telly and ali ail tall all white brand left horn born 0 ct C brand left hip one dim don OX 6 dars years old white while in franki brand S ssi sti S left horn one BULL 2 years old brindled brind br modle modie lep lej white and dun no brand visible visibly one ona red and ind white HEIFER 3 years old branded len left hip b but ut not legible the owners can bace have them by proving property rayl charges ac D W SESSIONS 49 at city bountiful davis darag county I 1 owe DO no man ALL ALL persons holding due bills or otherwise having claims against me nie will wili pies plese e greenl them for settlement before of march and all persons INDEBTED to rne rno will both me and con bult suit trier their OWN interests by speedy payment flour scrip furniture illk PAID ron I 1 good gold and silver chains silver spoons Sp oni ac 6 G pir clr PER PAID FOR FLOUR territorial find and county orders taken A ko no 3 charter oak STOVE and and an excellent L LIBRARY I 1 B R A R Y for sule sile at the GENERAL TRADING 49 am hesky J JARVIS GARDEN SE SEEDS EDS fon FOR SALE EDWARD odward SAYERS ward begs dum JUA lae inave leave to 0 o inform his friends and the public that be b has the following variety ot of GARDEN GARDEI N SEEDS of last t years growth to sell for casily cah or exchange for fl flour our out grain train bu butter tier eggs ci cleese eese ac viz riz 9 at I 1 10 cents per paper ASPARAGUS CABBAGE late lata drumhead CELERY CU CUilliER DILL letruce LETTUCE imperial Cabb Cabba cabbage cabbages age ape gep curled carted sillola Sill cla cia MELON melos nutmeg moun mountain tain sweet ONION ON lon TON large red PARSLEY PARSNIP radish lonz lons scarlet TOMATO TOBACCO TURNIP early white stone stoney red lied top tops ruta baga bagay white french SAGE SUMMER SATORY SAVORY satory 25 ints cents per pint BEANS dwarf PAS peas early june BEET white wag sigar sugar wary marr prince albert alberts red turnip blue blue imperial late gren green marrow seeds exchanged for labor hi in garden 16 46 st |