Show I 1 THE california MAIL mall arrived on the ath dinst bringing the mormon to dec 6 the standard to jan 3 nos 45 and 47 0 of the star two nos of the sacramento weekly union a broken file of the sacramento age L the california calil farmer to dec 1 0 ac the mail started with the usual liberal pack packages ages awes of f maa ma maga t a zineb and papers from J W sul sol sullivan livan ilvan and the tho noisy carrier in san francisco francisdo oj but arrived with hose chose packages jackg s s idly sadly pi inhere inde rei 1 as has bet bei leer leei casl casi omary of late the following foll owin 0 is a list of the abstractions from the last mail mall so far i as known 22 harpers ml all s 20 Gra grahams harns 10 deys days beys ladys i 2 lain LM L ff lon ion punch 2 loudon nees NOM 3 N as w york heralds vais vals mail ista le I 1 so regularly and makes such euch rood od ti tim mithat that thal it is a matter of sincere I 1 for somo bipeds of the hum an species that we are to pui par ia a leir aboin abom inaba pilfer ings were ex so 4 acs aca acs done in utah what a howl bawl would be raise rais but stealing yron the mormons cormons Mor mons excites no eil ell nor commik i A thee this is a goodly example and usage 1 converting the tho ermons Mr mons chip C AP no one find out where a and id by whom thia mail plundered are arp not bome of our friel is in sen san Berna nuno nUni willing to help D 1 1 I Th thormas thommas amoas aroas esq postmaster post Pos master at that place cointa easil inform US tild 41 af pf the condition of the ful ivan d ai A d noi nol noisy sy a carrier pa packages haes kaes when they rebell his office aj ad perhaps the ie postmaster at sart pedro mite mlle lind kind lind enough enoah to lend fetid his hia 01 oia oin afi cisla clala d towards ejecting the prompt and maln or of mail matter mater for utah |