Show agricultural NUMBER 9 khints ON THE CROPPING AND CULTURE OF CITY LOTS I 1 MR AMR EDITOR B ing aing orten often requested reone reque stef ster to give some practical haits on the planting ting city late lot allow me ine to answer such quirles inquiries I 1 through the medium of the news ili in doing this I 1 will simply point out what seems seema to ba be the tho most economical and at the same time tiie tile most profitable to tho cultivator allowan allowing every lot to be 10 ro rods Is wid wide 0 and aud iii lii d 20 rods long plant 8 reds rods at the lite lower end with wheat 0 its ats or corn wheat I 1 would 0 uld prefer which will lve kiv ive 10 bushels on an average besides the chaff and straw for fodder rot tot a cow and serve to make a portion porton of manure for the next years crop I 1 would then crop 6 rods wide with sugar rugar beet carrots turnips and vegetable roots for feed for eittle cattle and domestic use the tha remaining 6 rods abich will gene generally rally rully pe be in ili part occupied with the house ae I 1 recommend to be planted with wilh the diffie rent var vat varieties of fruit trees a few rows of offie pie plant asparagus herbs and such things as do not require planting every season tile TUB AND PLANTING it should always be borne borno in mind that the ground is in good condition namely that it Is dry and works freely so that it crumbles and lies mellow after atter the spade or plough another item Is to dig or plough deep and if manure is applied it should oe be wel wei mi mixed I 1 ed with the soil sowing SOWING THE SEED As a general method I 1 recommend tha that t the seed is sown os as soon as possible atter after digging d ug tile the ground it being then in a ft better belter state to give lite aud and seeds germinate or grow much better than when allowed to remain and become dry most vegetables will give the best crop when sown ili in drills they cau can also be mote more readily cultivated than in any other way way from 18 inches to 2 feet is a moderate distance di stane apart when planted nearer there is not so good a chance to cultivate between the rows nur bur can the tile crop be so advantageously watered iu in any other method in planting first sow the wheat then a good patch of peas of 2 ora varieties at the lite same time to give a regular supply say the early juni june then the tha blue surprise and the blue imperial or marrowfat Matrow fat for a lite crop when planting the peas sow saw over the ground broadcast a little lettuce I 1 tice lice radish early and late turnip sugar beet ac to succeed the tile peas and for an after clop onions carrots rutabaga ruta baga b ga sugar beet ac may then ba planted ili in their thel r proper place for a main cron croo crop and cucumbers me melons ons beans ac may be deferred to the first week wee k or middle of may for a summer crop 1 0 bo go far as culture is necessary the leading principles are arc to keel keep the tile crops clear from weed weeds often work the tile ground between the lite rows to keep it loose so as to admit the water freely and irrigate irrig ite the t ground moderately too little or too much are e equally q bally lal lai in cultivation in it the yi billy lly ily collect and dig into ino the ground air alf the manure that can be obtained iu lu the fall and spring fand and darlng daring d uri url ng the lite summer collect all the soap suds and other liter liquid manures and put into an old keg or barrel arre 1 and apply a little al at a time ili in tile the evening to the grape vines cucumbers melons ac E SAYERS |