Show from new ew school hider reider 1 Dialog dialogs Dia dla logas lie iia between john hasty and ana caleb J careful john tile tiie thera it aes justas juat as I 1 expected that thal k W my luck if it bonfy on IN look took at a string siring it wili will break I 1 wish you would woold me mend ill my kite caleb for you are aro aio aie ohe obe of the til ill ek y ones oas evary thing passes smoothly through your hands but if I 1 only touch tt a thing crack smash it boest goeb goes mother mather says sas that I 1 make more tr troubie trouble uble about iut lut the house bouse than alith reat rest of the Lbs children but how can I 1 1 lip belp help ip it itt calob caleb did you ever evey try to ftp it john jahn john try what is is the use uso us of af trying ian inn I 1 wn always unlucky for lor mily only yester yesterdays davas dayas I 1 sat eat dow daw 11 to the tho tafe 4 11 a futh fit hook that I 1 happened to have in my pocket caught ln in susanna dress I 1 gaye gays it a jerk and tore her tier sleeve half wit vit knocked over the tin cabal aari know not cihat hat else elbe I 1 fr fir father told me to leave the tabled tabie table aud and so I 1 lost my im I 1 caleb calah losin losing your dinner is to no hing lung to what whit you wull ver loose lohn john if yow dash sah sas i through th world in ill this tins styler I 1 see codr new garden rake ikas lias lost last 11 five live ve teeth h bow w d did id thorf b ipen ppe spen n 1 john how didat hippen cli they were wera extracted all ull at onee once and the lise life of eather ell cil iier lier As I 1 was it came I 1 against a root which held heij the tiie rake rahe fast I 1 was ill felt feit provoked BO so I 1 give it a sudden pub pud andlous und and out came the teeth caleb celeb and the te beautiful new waw bok book which ye u r charles charies Cb arles aries geda gava kire dire you yon has several beveral of its leaves badly torn I 1 neutice rrt ift tice itice john well that ngien i diat 1 t my y lucet I 1 ck I 1 found bund some leaves that had llad noli nolt p pu TH mm edund I 1 wait waki was in lit a great hurry to read and my km kid e would not cut so I 1 gave it a twitch and tore tl the leaves you ee soe I 1 am wn uti uil unlucky lUcky cheb caleb really john you ou seem to have a great adelof trouble itil you sou are to jork and pull in lit this ibis way you ou will not get alo aloi g very ery smoothly la fa tha the world I 1 sincerely pity you and find isyou if you will to me roe I 1 will til you two lit tle tie words worms which if duly regarded will make you a lueby boy john what whit are they if two words can luckyj lucky I 1 to have hare known them b opre pre I 1 I 1 ob clab it is not wo top late now they are simply tha thrift 1 kep K ep chip J ddn jun 44 n keep Kee OW how ilow can aay nay one keep cool when every th turns dupwe awn as soon as it i lyou if you were as unlucky as I 1 am ram I 1 cleb you iou to ashow bank to keen keep cool cacek canel why john you seem sem to be a little tive but bui I 1 shoud should think natik you ou iud lud a pretty glod good for banh bank I 1 list saturday ihen yeu you ou feil fell into the tho naili rath pond jolin jelin that Is 1 just my lack any other boy i m ht have eksted skated e there a month and the lee lve n e would I 1 hate have thought oth of breaking but it is 1 1 j list as abl 1 told you h lt ht t me touch a thing and I 1 chaek am ish 19 gees goes I 1 bave have a mind to fold my arinsb crais ai d do nathE natheal ag caks caw you sy say that other boys might hive hite ii va fixated a month and aud the ice would never havn lin of ureal breAl brezine tig tir iut lut but john it is la not for ice at rakes ad aw iiii n ives vs to thi ik it is for ibisi to tibar k who br ban rc r c ived from god erod the gift I 1 of D r refal and mut r ilder aider all an for their 1 p and aud actions ssi sel jui tri u but you an b comingo ct i ta as serious 1 US sportive 11 I 1 d d not tahl think you ou were go I 1 1 ftp ith preach re ach a bet set m 0 u 0 or r I 1 would youki li hc ve g given erven ive lve n y oa ou mol ute I 1 or r tent text for I 1 am tired fired of being collid barjes bati ball i it tit or wt t i I 1 har have iw iio doun doua d u 1 I your freema v c oui oni uld lil ili e a nw text and a my new object subject suppose sou vou v we i e to gire glye th ahm m onea be coining comia a P avent allent hy boy h y john jolin I 1 bhail shall find lind it very vry v ry difficult to reform 1 I hate have auch such a habit hatel of doing things tin ga hi lir a li harr tirry ad of getting letting out ut of pittance nit nii every evry ev ry thi hit lui comes ta III my woy ay cwb ae audi ma the habit of tn vii iki ar i joh job al 0 wab y 8 th ta inn ink afore aj nil act do not tano tc no da 0 you sometimes adil bd rid lia lin bite bits are not overcome over oVe come coma at once you on must pers vare be patient and keep cool col cou john give my moe roe the ki kite t iad igl J jw TW 11 ll be begin 9 in b by picking piti rieT tet Teg out abs tbs knot P 1 b pst alad etna a ty and ce sm if I 1 cuu cou keep my ray temper caleb there bravely done john you will be a philosopher apt john hope I 1 may ila ha ha john hasty the how queer that would sound |