Show REMARKS by president heber C kini Kinf kemball iball dball tabernacle G S L city feb 1 1857 reported REPORTED BY LEO 11 awkins I 1 do not know but the people are getting weary though I 1 rather think not for your eyes look pretty bright when people liscome become weary their eyes look dim I 1 assure you brethren that I 1 feel well weil that is I 1 feel very veil well in my mind and it is a great pleasure to me to see br brigham here in this stand once more I 1 am satisfied that he will be with us a great many years if this people will do ri right all who have the tile spirit of the gospel and live their re religion liggion will admit that br falgham B bigham is our head heal to use the figure which I 1 did three sundays ago a go and our head has two counselors and t together og e t e r th they e y are all an independent quorum still they are attached to the vine that runs run I 1 through Ii the vail the vail is let down and that throws throat br joseph on the other side of it while we stand on this side all the di gerence difference the nearer you approach that organization the nearer you approach tile the throne of god 11 I 1 am talking to you who understand there is no clip of that vine and priesthood if this people are the members of that body of which br im is head this side of the veil vail the more you rise up the more active and arid useful those m embers members become the higher the head bead can rise can it not dot being behig elevated by each mem baia beia ban s acting firmly in its office if it that be ehte M fac fact lie he ii out of the reach of his enemies enemies is is he lie no not they chimot approach him lie he is out of ther lher reach if you will take this kourse vourse you will live and he will live and will dwell with us a great reat teat many year but if you do not you have no assurance that lie will be permitted to tarry with you for many years year nor that I 1 will nor that several other good men whom I 1 bouldi could name will the TOP period of their sojourn with you for your guidance comfort and e I 1 cation catlon fi ica tion tiou in righteousness will depend more or ies les upon N your our inasmuch as you profess to be attached to the body the more useless tho members of my body are the more they hey oppress the head heal and anti the members that are nearly neady connected to the head they not they tind to destroy its fruitfulness fruitful nek nes we are embers members tu of 4 christ and if every one of those men those fimbers pert pertaining dining to ane body of chro or to lne the church will do their duty ditty do vold void you not see what a beatie beautiful ft I 1 people we wili will be I 1 know tight this is the place of gathering and 1 know that thousands and tens of thousands ards and millions will flock to this tins land for wherever the ho carcass is i they will come with t their 4 air budgets under their arms I 1 knew 1 mcw that I 1 want to know if persons who have nothing not liing but a bud budget budet et of clothing under their arms nothing but one drock frock frock one shirt one pair of stockings rs and one bonnet are called to lay down their view bodies and leave this earth whether they are not riot jast list as well off as I 1 would be though I 1 bal haj millions 11 ons of millio millions s 0 of go gold d and thousands of wagon loads of the things thing of t his tilis world at such a time those persons would be just as well off as I 1 would be so far as taking any earthly possessions with them is concerned suppose that tomorrow to morrow my div body fall falls that I 1 die these clothes will be taken from me roe and a shirt and a shroud and a p of stocking stockings will be put on this body and a napkin about my head to icee lice keep I 1 my chin up and that is all of this earths goods I 1 shall shail then need with nith the he exception of the narrow house you would inake make and deposit me in and arid should you go to my grave in five years from this time you will find everything there that you put there even to the ring now on my finger in case cuse you had left it at the time of my burial 6 then cometh simon lter peter following him and went into tile the sepulchre and seeth the linen clothes lie 7 and the napkin that was about his head not riot lying with the linen clethe s but wrapped together 9 et herig in a place by itself what do I 1 take from liis earth nothing but my spirit and those eternal principles connected therewith as it leaves this boa body and the dross ie remains to turn to its native e elements efe eie ments which restores back to the earth that which had been organized from it when I 1 die I 1 die to everything that is of an earthy nat nattlie natine tite ilie and leave all that surrounds me here by way of property in earthly possessions bothin nothing leaves here but heavenly liea ilea venly matters and those things that pertain to heaven and happiness then what good does it do to hoard board tip lip earthly treasures 9 non whatever what sli sll should ouid you yot do with them put them to a good use 1 in what way go and buy for instance one sheep ald and when you have got one sheep you have bave got one root if you cultivate it it will add to itself and by and bye you will have a large flock flock of sheep whereas if you ou had tile the money in in your pocket it would not have increased if you yoa will t turn urn your means to raisin raising 7 sheep horses borss and cattle cattie to CI cultivating tiva ting peach and apple trees or to any thing else that is useful they will increase just as is we bi lucrease increase clease crease XV we e want to C gather and re gather wather 1 arid and increase many men are desirous to gather to themselves es wives alid and this that and the other thing when I 1 go into tile the world of spirits odd 03 the old clochin clothing and lle ile lie the old body with all that pertains to it and and when I 1 go there 1 shall be clothed anew with the elements that are mads made made in the country that i 1 go to why Because jt it is immortal ani aal eternal duration that is the differ erce euce between this world and ard that world auci and then at it the same time lime that world is this world and this world orid orld is that world these are my ny feelings and as for hurting my feelings to see my brethren and sisters come from the old eld countries without anything except a little fiod f iod rod and a budget under their arms it did nt n ii t worry me neither will it worry vor rr me roe to see the tile elders this ibis season take their thel hand carts and go igo through to 0 o the state states on their way to foreign il land lands I 1 feel now dow that it if I 1 was in the old countries I 1 would not hear a avord word an elder emer from here said unless he had crossed the plains with a hand carr cart of orr with a bundle or knapsack but I 1 would listen to the man that came with the hand cart I 1 or budget you would say this is the boy for me mr at you would hear his words or if you did not bis his example e p I 1 ei has las preached louder louden lo 10 than earthquakes and is 1 the he power of god unto salvation to those that believe and practice I 1 that day has come and the he other day ha has past I 1 have known men from Nai men wio who who were there worth or come here with nothing but a bl handkerchief containing a change of shirts under their arms they I 1 left eft I 1 heir their pro property er y luiere and what we did not leave in heirs helps hells helis kitchen we left at devils gate tt the devil has a gate where lie he may catch everything every thing that is rint not to do us good rood but that is calculated to create a crt cra craving ag ap appetite p etite for that which is not here there are e some of this people who have been kent kept a as ion lon lons ions as the they have only upon the principle of their he ir being fondled and pampered if they could not have the privilege 11 of nursing at the breast and hape hare a full supply or of a sugar teat to keep them alive they would dwindle and tie tle die lie they must have something to suck stick in order to keep them alive and in existence for they are nothing but pet peb pets nets they are and pets they will go to hell heli but will find no sugar teats there probably a few will leave next spring bey hey they are all fair weather while they are in in our midst but when it comes spring they will leave thank the lord for that and while I 1 feel asido as asi ido do now I 1 shall be thankful for everything that transpires from this time henceforth that ij is if I 1 live my reli rell religion ion lon supposing that I 1 have a wife or a dozen of them and she should say you cannot be exalt exalted ed without me and arid suppose they all should say so what of thai that ariev never will affect my salvation one particle whose salvation will they affect their own they have got to live their heir religion serve their god and do right as well as myself suppose that I 1 lose the tho whole of them before I 1 go into the 9 spirit dit tit world but bu t that I 1 have b been cc n a good faith falth faithful I 1 man all the I 1 days of my life and lived my religion avd ay had favor with god and anti was kind to them then do you think I 1 will be destitute there no the lord says fays there are more there than there are heie here they have been increasing there hey they bey in increase there a great deal faster than we do here because there is no obstruction they do not call upon the doctors to kill heir their off offspring prig there are arc no doctors there that is 13 if they are thare their occupation is changed which proves that they are riot not there because they liae have hare ceased to be docto dictos doc tos top s in this his world very vety many of the he d doctors aie studying to diminish the human family in the spirit world chete is an increase of male malo and fer fet females nates nales there are millions of them and if I 1 am faithful all lia lre the lie time and continue right along with br brigham Brig hain we ire will go to br joseph and sa syl say 1 here billere we e are br bi joseph we are arc here me ourselves are we not no with wilh ith none cf of the hie p property to perty we posse possessed sed in our probationary p rora rota state not even the rings 11 on our fingers ile he will say to us come along my boys ire fre we will glye gire you a good suit of clothes where are your they are back yonder vender they would not follow us never mind says joseph here are thousand havea bave a I 1 yo you I 1 want perhaps some do not believe that but I 1 am just simple enough to believe it help heip heir heli br brigham along help br heber lieber br daniel danie t the twelve ard aad every other good per peron person on I 1 am looking for the tiie dy and it is close at hand when we will have a most heavenly time one that will be romantic one with all landkof kinds hinds of ups lips and downs which is what I 1 call romantic for it will occupying occupy in full all the time so 20 that we may never become idle nor sleepy nor case being active in tile the things cf of god which will prevent dotage am I 1 I 1 thankful now dovy I 1 never was moe thankful in my life than I 1 am today to day to see this people I 1 know that the he majority of them are rising and that there are enough of them who will rise arid and we shall see sea good days and god will protect us arid and make a way for our escape for his this is the natural branch of the house cf of israel and it sprang from that root that was planted in the nethermost part of the garden when it began to spread tte be lord said I cut away those bitter bi anches branches but do not cut them away any faster than the vine grows let us grow together and be one vine but many branches and we shall ball prosper from this time henceforth and for ever and it came to pass that the lord of the vineyard baid sald unto the servant let us KO go to and hew down the trees of the vineyard and cast them into the fire that they shall not cumber the ground of my vineyard tor for I 1 have done ail all 11 what goul poul I 1 11 I 1 have done more for my viney vl arda but bat behold the servant said unto the lord of the viney vineyard iril irti spare it a little longer and the lord saidy said raid yea I 1 will beare tp dretta drelta it a littie little longer for tie lit gri eveth me that I 1 should lose the treed trees of my vineyard wherefore let us take of the branches of these which I 1 have planted in the nethel mot ot o t parts of my vineyard and let us graft them into the tree from whence they tiley came and let ns us pluck from roatha rom th tha tree those branches whose fruit is most bitter and graft in the natural branches of the tree in the stead thereof and this will I 1 di do that the tree may not perish that perhaps I 1 may preserve unto unoo myself the roots thereof for tor mine own purpose and behold the roots 0 q the natural branches of the tree which I 1 planted ever I 1 would are yet alive wherefore that I 1 may pre serve erve m albo abo for mine own purpose I 1 will take of tho the branches of this tree and I 1 will graft them in unto them tej tea 1 I 1 will witt graft in unto them the branches ol 01 0 their mother tree that I 1 may preserve the roots also unto mine own seif self if that when they shall bo be sufficiently stringy perhaps they may bring forth good fruit unto me and I 1 may yet have glory in the fruit of my vineyard and it came to pass that they took from the natural tree which had become wid wilt and aad grafted in unto the natural freess trees bach which also had bad become wild and they also took of f the natural trees which bad wilda wild and grafted grafted into their mother tree and the lord lord of the vineyard sald said ell eil unto the servant pluck not the wild branches from the trees si haveit valt vait be those which are roost bitter and in them hema ye shall graft according to that which I 1 have said and we will nourish again the trees of the vineyard and wo will trim op up the branches thereof and we will pluck from the trees those branches which are ripened that must perish and cast caa thema into the fire fore and this I 1 do that the roots thereof may take strength because of thor good goodness nes nev and bebau b baue e of the change of the tiran bran cipes efiM that thai the good gw 1 majy overcome over coma the evil etil aud aad be ause lange that I 1 have preserved the naturi natural branches brandies ami anti the roots thereof and anat I 1 have grafted la in the natural nat branches agila into their mother tree and have preset preserved v the roots of or their mother tre tree i that perhaps the trees t if 1 my vineyard may bring forth again good fruit and that thail I 1 may have joy again to in abi brinit fi uit of my vineyard and ands urr por haps hat that I 1 may ajon cei aei that I 1 have preserved the roots and the in ol 01 the fat alt at a fl t ri fiuzi uti uli wherefore go to teai toai ai li d lai cal al cyr clr that thai wr may labor diligently with dur our might in the vineyard that we may way prepare the way hat that I 1 may bring forth again the natura natural 1 fruit which natural fruit Is to good dood and the naoia precious above all other fruit wherefore let us go to and labor with our last elmr rr ur bi b lle lit ti 14 she ink aud dibov it tibb dihl and tbs abs ill thi s is ii tor tir fir the latt lait lat lai t ti time lne lat that I 1 li ii i i i 1 my toy enyard in ln Yard gaft gratt in the branci brand ri begin at the ulf 1 idt lat t they tiler may niky be faral firt amt ami that tiu kirbt nia rua b br list last arvi sivi ani dig dis abut about the trees tresi both old and young xoung the firt first and the lasty lasts last and the list and the first that all may be nourished once again for fur the last list time wherefore dik dig about them and prune them and dung them once more tor for the last time for the end draw eth nigh and it lf it so |