Show clarifying LARD OIL FOR THE haia HAIR to every 20 2 pints of lard oil add one of alcohol place them in a clean glass vessel and und shake them frequently for about two days after which allow them to stand until they have become quite clear and a sediment has fallen to the tho bottom pour off th the clear and use it for hair oil it may be colored a light purple with til zil alkanet kanet root and also scented with the essential oil of lave bergamot ac maintaining the same proportion of parts by measure Z 1 of alcohol to 20 of lard aard a pint of the latter may thus be eldri clarified fied as weli weil as twenty 0 jtb the tho horse chestnut has been beell employed in france and switzerland for bleaching yarn and is is evid et id to hav great power in whitening silk wool i flax and hemp bemp the tha is abstracted by peeling the chestnuts and then grinding or rasping them they thay urr ura ar then mixed with hot rain ram or 1 running waters water in the proportion of twe twenty nty uty nuts to ten or twelve quarts of water |