Show NEWS ITEMS AT maura MALTA maita malta october 15 oil on sunday th of october at eleven minutes inmates before 2 A al the islands of maita malta and gozo goza were visited by shocks of an earthquake eartle quake BO so violent in their n nature iture and so iong long in their dura kioa tio i that the tiie oldest inhabitants do not remember ever to have lave experienced anything so severe severs girst first nt shock shook made itself perceptible by a tremulous motion similar to that caused by the passing of ofa ora a heavy lun gun carriage e a thousand times repeated dod nod by a rumbling noise of distant thunder which winch rapidly increased in violence until every building trembled scarcely a minute aminita had elapsed when a more violent shook shock accompanied by a louder neise nelse occurred the abarm occasioned was general throughout tow town la and country conr try men alan women and children suddenly rud sud danty dauty aroused from their thein si umbers slumbers issued from every house mulled rushed into lato tila the streets and made their way to the squares and other spaces which soon became full ot of people rile rne rna sentry at the tiie treasury lent left his poet post and ran run to the main maln guard which bo he turned out under th ill mir assion that shells being thrown into tutu the tho town by an enemy from some steam fleat fleet the two hocks hoeks the interval belog so brief as a to ba be incalculable lasted two 1 in tid the cit city of valetta bear bLdr cely a building escaped injury ur all aud all corner structures havo more mora bartlen I 1 a buffer r ed of the tit roman catholic chu churches thice W of san giacomo st argola and alid 84 st Domi domemco aioo alco appear to have auff red ned moat moist at Flori normin alla atia and in iii lii each of f tilo ilia wee three cities chiea r vell veil as in in wa durbor tile the hecks chocks werd were felt with considerable oneider able abie vior vigor and at and mt mau man 5 ot of the build lingi alke arke injured persons on board ship ships in the port describe the eft of the earthquake as fritty reit felt by them aa as of offett lett ong S go ilia tile sli ell pa s boats bosits froat front tho the devils by the tha run ran odly only much F tha the sea aea ea receded tro trio let flat and a half The night had been w without a breath of air with a sultry sensation the sa sla perfectly calm and the moon mn mg ing in a clear clar sky with a brittnea that tint seemed teemed to transform illi iiii lit into luto mt day it fating feting within twenty one hours ot 01 lull moon at civita vecchia Vc chia in in the lAt interior exior of the island all the churches monasteries moni atrie arles aries and anc hosit hospitals als alg tile tiie tile tiie church of st excepted sustained suta ined greater or less dut dit dulmage damage mage mige tha dome of erf the cathedral ral rul is 13 rants renty rent so aa to admit the tha fahr and tho thi bafry ia much dicken dijken tilie the london rimes times maita malta correspondent says Intelligence continues to pour in frem from the sar rounding aud and more felt frit the earthquake on the night of aad and morning ol 01 the lam of october tober toben it senia senra to have ban eon mome more aeu bea feasibly sibly felt in the interior than in ill tho tha sopora town towns of hi tho neighboring island leland of sicily in a naples ilia shocks and of long dara dun ton tou lon anand aud and so like ilke likewise wha in iti cabria Cab nii rii but it to have p aerated in asia alia minor alinor or in n syria aa ae in ded deed dedla liss li been generally the cario caso phenon lena lema of th this ties nature having any dezree degree of intensity hillve hire been feit felt in malta maita with willi which count countries ries rits rather than with the nearer land of sicily malta in this respect corresponds correspond at H the shock chock was felt at 2 10 a rn en on tila tha and ua was so violent that 50 houses and t the h a celebrated tower are reported to have been razed mod to the ground ix in the twe towny towns town eown and many others ceri gerl seriously outly injured while dle tha village is in with a iosa of life ato nto also alo felt feit felt feit ft lt it and in cairo there have bave been from falling failing houses housea and mina ruina minareta reta tiie tile duration of the ilia hock shock th rought E egypt apt ui is reported to havo have ure aTe averaged raged 75 seco ec oud the aur greeb grees with ulta alta rhe the austrian lloyds teamer adria adra thou though h distant jully lully 50 milos mi from rhodes felt fall it so severely thal tuai all on oil board thought she lidd alistick Ck oil on some eoina new submarine formation fornia lioi the tile st andrew eaghish steamer to alexandria alizai dna from fro n liverpool and malm malta ota at a distance of mils miles mil s ironi this tills last petitioned port got so 0 o strain bli cun cua ed by tile the shock that she sprung a enous serious leak tea lea kloft lost one of her malto masto inA lna tiana and baw bak goods ware wre pitched into thet tha from oat out the hold THE DINGERS OY TIM LAKES those who live far away from tila ilia great greta lukes lakes and hava bava never neter sadiki them thern when lashed into fury by the storm can an have but a faint conception of the danger of navi Havi navigation gatlon gation and the tha hazard of those who sail supoj theba thega inland seas tha season of 1856 will long iong be remembered as one of di sa rasters s t ers on the lake lakes at and alli when the statistics of the loss of ilfe lifa and pro pert vare are prepared as they soon will he b by the bouli of underwriters the figures will m uston asto nili lidl lidi eren eyen who reside oil on tilo ilie shores sli sll ores A rough 0 of total losses this thus far foots f up thug thui 8 side wheel steamers 9 propellers 5 1 brigs and 28 schooners ners A number of anese vessels disappeared and not a soul of kneir cre ere crew w were left to tell tile the tale idle of dis disaster aster asLer besides tilis tins many vessels were part purt partially ialy laly wrecked and suffered material dagg not iss less than thre three hundred lives were ost lot tot and property to miLi mill uns rochester Adv ruis riis r OCEAN TELEGRAPH the tiie british Britis li government has at the request iest lest of cyrus W field esq of new york ordered a steamer to be fitted out under efficient officers to ex mine thoroughly the coat of ireland an till 1111 i N and to sound across tile the atlantic between these parts to ascer aseer tan tau the best place 1 for laying 1 and aud flauding lauding the submarine sall Sub marine marina te begraph cabie cuble tie tle tie tle government lias has further agreed to guar guarantee ailtee atiteo four per cent interest per annum on the tho whole capital required to manufacture and lay down tho the cable between ne newfoundland and ireland contracts for the full extent of the lle ile lie atlantic cale cable were signed in london on tuesday the tha uit one half to be manufactured fac lured by diess Aless rs W kuper kyer glass co of london and tila the other by it S nowell co of liverpool i it is till ull to be completed and priced on board of two steamers ready for sea on or telore the ilia of may ilex item s aud and by the eth of july lit tit at it is con ide fide expected that grett greit britan britain brit un and tiie ilia united states will bo be in ill telegraphic communication DROUGHT IN SANTA CLARA COUNTY for the tranquil tran trin quil quit and fruitful county of sinta swita clara clra says I 1 the pacific sentinel sentinel the tha last dry sealon serl serf lon con may bs bt truly said to be b one of poverty and adversity one who has been recently traveling in the county I 1 says bat there ha has as yet been no rain taia of importance I 1 that the plains aie ale entirely destitute of vegetation I 1 ami and that cattle are dy dyvig hg of starvation I 1 much wealth will be lost in this way it in that region before the spring grass will give succor and vigor to lit lite e SEBASTo rol roi the tho russian government intend to make Seba sevastopol sebastopol a dicent city A letter from constantinople says tile the made to get up the fragments of the vessels at tile the mouth of tile the harbor appears likely to be suc sac ST lous lows nov 21 1 I 1856 F firn FIRE R IN ST LOUIS list lisl L isi nig night ht the block o on the city levees known as the city it and d consisting of 04 thirteen stores stored mccu occupied pied pled by gonie sonie of the heaviest firms in the city was entirely destroyed by gire fire nie hie loss is estimated at tim tire bloch sold a ago for 1 I nun non ANCIENT in lii the tha ot 01 peru there has been discovered covered pl a beautiful tunnel tindel under a river the work of the old iuca luca iad lad indians ians lans aud and a labeling proof of their civilization |