Show BUSINESS NOTICES F yon FOR OR SALM SALE NB CARRIAGE and CUTTER it inquire n 0 ONE of S M X CLAIR riano PIAKO noree PORTE 0 ON N SALE SAIE inquire inquiry eaf of E R IT P V L r lann LANB ALL LL persons holding receipts receipt son on land adaina blair biair greer and bassett baggett will pret pre ill ilg beul benl tit them to me forthwith for chose choge who cannot will julura me what wad they live in til 47 3 8 M BLAIR PEACH ii it acs ics FOR foe OR sale and a quantity cir crr superior V pie plant seed at calix corner commer of inquire of the subscriber at De dairen tren teen iren boom first kotu south of amys tin shop shon 48 2 11 CANNON NOTICE r rohe PHE undersigned undersigner Under signed med having leaving been ap J JL polaa e by 1 the judge of probate fer tor weber coun ty administrators of the estat estate ot of daniel birch dirch deceased berby ber her herby 1 rb by all persons knowing themselves indebted to ald aid estate tx to cor acme e forward delts deity forsett tor leme adrid all per sont having claims ahw fam am id estate wu will plase please file them tb m with james brown on or before the art first day of june jane AD 1107 JAMES BROWl BROWN rf JAMES 96 NOTICE HAVING BEEN APPOINTED ARINI krit ATOR of the estate of thom thoma di tle tl tie e judge of the probate court sor tor great sal sai sait salt lare lale county th the undersigned undersigner under signed hereby all persona persons knowl knoal ing nt taft id es indebted to alg aig said ald estule to tat cume forward havin loay ljay and cancel the tm ame and those bavin barin baving baring ing demand demands a aa dna ana ast said estate wili will plean pleasa file tiie them with lle judge of t ile tip aforesaid court coort properly as soon boon as circumstances circum will dmit ana and within the time by 1 litt lutt janrel jabrel JA KreL administrators sura STRA NOTICE ephe I 1 tiie undersigned undersigner under un dersi signed 6 nea ned having liin ing been ap ja pot nei by the judge of probate sor tar sit salt imke jake cumy of the estate of A TV babbitt de dec aed aad hereby noury notify all sli 11 knowing tiem selves delves delittA tn ln to tr eaid eald estate to come foiw forward 1 rd without delay for i and 11 II 11 gayln baring t claims clattis a alast sll saki adte tate i tit will please file them with the it uon non nilas eilas smith PL piolate bate judge on or i enore etore ghe the amt ant dy day of june juneac Ju neAD AD 1837 1857 joma JOUA ANN DA IT 11 troop P F johnsoa jonn JOHN soy SOi great salt lake lahe city dec 2046 4 ji tf jobbers klooss heue here lacounty AN N order having been made by the conn coun y court of G if T L a the ceolor hoid hold in id on I 1 he the ii ic cud nd day or of february ims lust for pening opening the canty bow rowl no 6 lying between the of orem oram JM ward want pugh puh amt ami ts intersection milli the road running south from th tin city to the tha I 1 holiday 4 wear bear r the of japh jub jus ph fielding Fieldi ag there va be bew t on n the 1 round ground to tb III lowet regp alme nime bid cr 0 on the lust a the kraden of bill hiir building brid brio bridged ger gez ble ice ile fcc p commett eing at me che house howe of edw edv ard pugh at 10 ame ate I 1 he mn U n will rill be on the grodna tha the day before the blotting let lot t ing ting to all til e aliv information that may be b dedred desind la in rel rei relation atin to th alif iture n of the work worl 48 li lloil 61 NINTH NOTICE ALL LL persons Person 3 owning owning lots in the 9 ath th war 1 G S L I 1 city cit ared are requested sted to seo sec that their fences fencee a i I 1 lit ut in good repair in the bp gp ing num nue lu to gardening i 0 i in 1 niti notice I 1 Is d rg R agni ni for thon owr owl I 1 T I 1 I 1 ill ili N tins vt war dr dri 1 who wiio I 1 livel lve ive in noh 04 hr r parts of the city 0 or r u LL i c cju u it irv ry and an the thoi thol is f nce ice veed i oell pell i pair ilir ing ins there are also alao many of the lots that are behind with the water ditch taxes and there Is alo alo aio a tax for repairing taw til school hooi hool house hoose ami and other oilier improvements upon the F r hol hoi h 01 ol house loth lot all of u which it ie is hop boad d will bv be staled b 1 p pi IK us calling cill ln on in the bisle p and ard tt illing theft their tax jaxk ta 11 ln ilar n tica an 11 n u 3 w m ii be b tk n ap RF rj p n ii it oil ovi til ie i c is r n t ild iid 1 c il ld il lo 10 i ii i lat 1 u he be irti irta tl to 0 tl 0 c e c I 1 w r j I 1 i po ft 91 P car c J r of oj the tile biship bishopp school committee and water master mastery 47 3 jon jou it 11 bishop I 1 I 1 E ned have hive established a I 1 jj 11 helto helid ERD omi toi I 1 in R ib b N V d 1 I 1 5 an I 1 a tr pr p rt to t A i K 1 i 1 h i J w v I 1 ol 01 i c e I 1 11 it nt 01 i i tn 1 it t r r i i 1 i it t T i the vast amount of stock irit I 1 nt heretofore her through the n hg nce of herdsman herds mn n and nd the of the lle ile lie weather in othor othir oth r alir ails alls s has induced oi ui o u i ati t locate sati iad gad herd henl gri tind ant ai I 1 unter inter into inn ih ll 11 hii hil ini int i or f I 1 i r ariff tir fir the pr or T tn I 1 p 1 iu d vj I 1 i I 1 rf 11 1 p hotd ed t i bh amt anil F ff 1 si r fut tur c ck 11 i i t r tl fi ri r w AI i in th tin arr T rr tor eirv i 1 R 1 h 1 1 r i hil bil N I 1 jati s I 1 r i a d 1 ri a 1 1 ir r i t i 9 K 11 ii al a wt ur c 1 arge arle 14 wo a ati oki al umon kmon dimou tion or of sald bald valley to ft G 9 L olty city will win abie enible enable able us to renive atooli on an the and 31 34 31 monday of each mouths mouthy at the UK pound la in gid mid city WILFORD WOOD stuff CLAUDIUS V SPENCER elt ETl C urtle mrtle J W V R kil KII 11 PORTER yb tike tiie company lind wand rand bd if 1 a oa on ift left sida adi edi 23 I 1 wrights quarter A R TAILOR ON tn t N SOUTH TEMPLE STREET in the second block west of 0 the thi Taber tabernacle naele nacle all work done by him will be warranted equal in workmanship iuan Inan ship to any in this territory all kinds units of produce lumber acy taken for work give me a call THE lie lle AMBRO TYPES are the most cipar and alid durable dunable pictures that are now naw at made ade ail all who w want nt A GOOD LIKENESS of them themselves seles or children should without delay delgy oly at WRIGHTS ROOMS on south temple street one door east of A lins linb ains store oten oren opan fim 10 0 ock am until 4 pm prod pred pr duc due i c t a L n sir fur elgot 1 L ric A R Z GLOBE correr corree AND DINING rooms I 1 I 1 staines candland candia Ca proprietors 11 between livingston kinkead wa and coonc 1 3 house I 1 meals always ready parties supplied GLOBE BAKE RY rAMI IrES AND EMIGRANTS WITH HARD nard LIGHT DREAD bread WAILS NAILS wails NAILS NAILS D SABIN SA BIN has bas machinery in oper J avon ayon for fog or kiaune ma all ali kinds of nails to or order der ile lie wiil will in exclia exchange nse nails natis for tor wheat oord cord potatoes t arld arid other produce col come on with isnow is iii the accepted timet irr iry alre and aud od band iron for velch he be will ill lii pay in naime matte or meek tn in Us h shop encourage nome home W mallan BALLAD W ATCH MAKER respectfully informs the tb of great salt lake city 4 vict vici tabo tut b intends carrying on his hl business bus bua loess la in the trie homm hom q by A AI L limle limie north temple st at nth waw aw aini wip wiit warrant all work done daie by him bim to give as te bis lis bus ness nets tn in all he brala braja tha cha jairy jewery neati W re pled repaired pied very verr moderate 43 tf dress duilid mantle nantie alry mauer M MRS RS E BULL wishes to inform her and awo the s of thia this generally tat wat lsne itne ne li is now pr prepared pared to receive work worl duit auit make it to order in the most moet fd ap style not nut ward 3 doors dgorg et east of the unan L nim ulm no hogel hotel U wanted 47 3 I 1 GRINDING r 11 ile lle under med ned would ephe A undersigned undersigner undersign signed respectfully JL anno to the th inhabitants 0 of f T tule tuie uele ule tle and th tin ada aning aniag courtl countley cou agi that persons wishing grinding uria Gria ding due can cm be accommodated on short notice all ail all ail asony aso nj of the tin 7 year r afi aff to the mill miti springs never nver freed it at L E T heuson henson ot 0 new orett miu mili at archville R chi alle it 24 miles w ft st from f 0 S L city bali 1 is warranted to make us its flour and ai as pod atom a lda lom out oat as any ni ohl oki 1 lu in th tie tio 45 am E T leo BENSON ICO 00 wanted WAITED BY TY dais davis woolley vilo Alro olley williams co a fanor lanor danor lanor company of men to bak their upper mail rail la laue anyon we wilh with a circular I 1 saw and d no town he the experience nce of b williams arho it saw we flatter uce arb Ars elves elvus es that w we ean ran an do as pool gowl ork as a to Is dote at iny iby oa mill our B siw iw it is tour four feet fret in diameter the fan to beer bear 30 20 miles from frol the he eity city 1 about four m mlle mile it vu ow mouth of tuf tuc linyon th elp re rv Is plenty of good food feed op lop the kanyon rr fw liu iru immer jin mer u ir ue i r e any an responsible penson to in the above b belaen ariu bresse vresse ch call m a N adavis davis or J it woolley in the tl aty trvin or IL J J at the ml 1 I any one who lives ilves at a dwa tarther farther in can CAO write writa te direct to J IT woolley G or S L city in addition to lumber rubber we saw raw i a lath pt table tabie e iea lea broom barales hand band fee tee ac al ali all of which nrc arc ere are e of a good q a 47 3 LOST loo 1011 I 1 STRAYED ac C ble BIE INTO TYTY inclosure a two year old pale ifal red under bit ont or of right ear atie blie bonu no brud troi brol visible driven from elih valley vailey idt spring gatske the tile owner Is sted to pay par d take it away joel PAR var 1811 av 4 k Cent centerville erville DAVIS co 1 1910 bealo beald AD tills aam tam foto ioto nto ato my roy enclosure on or about A U the first of juary jannary a dark brown I 1 up ur year years 4 old fin tin n we ui COW with a little white ahl e under the belly beily hayne borne 8 staled up end imi IKI the buh bu h of tier tall ribber bert bort ho no marks por dor tue tuc T owner wl wa 11 please call prove property pay cliar cilar ir and take tave her iler was war JNO gallauer atly away 48 2 odeon odion oden cita it AT k T M MILL ILL from the sub sc rihn Nr on n pc P 17 one ono ditl dirl i t norse no aud and t n arl if lt L vilt vail i i 1 ily liy lly aly and 1 li ps g J en on neail ip 1 p uti butu botu shod 8 0 or i r 9 yeat year dr old any concerning ning bouts HI 0 be thankfully received by S NOTICE ta ile P 4 subscriber ba bai taken up one ont v aie bie ef r ak alt rie h 1 aw 0 arf i r ac F i n tar nar HT if v I 1 i h sik sti I 1 ig s I 1 r rn I 1 tt ft n i I 1 rt ov to ht buc het bet L ii bu 1 W BD B D flesh brand not intelligible also ato aio fillmen others of If elfers and st bt ens ers ownen are requested d to prove property pr perty perny ply pae and ani ike tike t them away D hai PAI GIr gip 2 alln K war har taul tanem VI an A it hoiet 0 IT T tiu t A e f arst r t of 1 lne e 51 one one ore J n kl raft ifft lift eo coning ning three tears years ol 01 oil oli I 1 with ml rind sid aid and white strip across th the tail tat dart part arn art whit white hind lees ices pont port wh hiti t star in lit fo forche rheid td liol hole hoie in the tae ir fn an B 11 i the appearance ft front frost crl cri ordas trl ifs is cr he 1 ft f i artl r n n tle T ie 0 bowar vir vrr la Is r yn ji d to 0 pro proff e p i I 1 t il k h T r adv elia en at 1 U i 1 i h w d 48 49 2 strayed or FROM prom dro PRO nf the subscriber on the first of bay birge white in fare fire firebear jre had bad shod shed tf afore ore rope on hwe his neck necks when leaving arnd d r F an mch and end crt crl I 1 13 on the th lett left lib irb ariy any person ani and WJ said norse nore or giving t LI LU f wiil will I 1 amply reward rewarded td ly vy 0 f hio niC 48 3 2 bouth weber font pert godbee quarter ARRIVAL OF CES des TRAIN W WITH a large and complete assortment of the Gra graffenberg efenberg esenberg Comp company anys far tanked FAMILY REMEDIES the e astrig demand for which having wan wart anted acted a oan on side eld erable rabi e increase la in this thib seasons purchase also a vast variety of botanical and other everyday every day necessaries lu in the medical line witt wilt many of which the territory has hitherto been but aad sad ad others aitu altu altogether gether gethen overlooked by general dealers dea ierg lerg W S G hag has also made a laree larre purchase of GLASS PAINTS OILS and a selection of CHOICE liquors WINES and of the first quality tor for medicinal purposes with an extensive variety of perfumeries erles eries and other goods usi tul ful ul and rancy lancy which you laust must call aud and gee tee for yourselves soda t fountain still flows cool and refreshing as ever the following follow ng medicines are aall onti dently to the infirm marchalls marshalls Mar uterine dr libbis pile ointment bia baka bla nia vege vegetable table tabie pilla ritte health hitters bitters fever F r and adv agu remedy ee lotion green mountain ointment sarsaparilla compound compo ond oad grefenberg ancl anui encl of 0 J I 1 neywood HEYWOOD HAT 1 1 AT cap and muff manufacturer 0 S L city cily continues to keep on liand lsna the tb ChOlee bt assortments of articles in the abote aboto suitable to the wants wante of the people peopled for which lie be will receive in exchange all kinds of twy twi fuss grain and vege Tege abl abi ac firewood nire fire wood home manufacture tithing or ordas drs tx rit orial county and city scrip M za ml l W rew HEW GOODS T EVI STEWART CO would reg re JL ully nily announce anno once to 0 the citizens throughout utah territory that their first second and third traina trains of NEW AND STAPLE DRY GOODS GROCERIES OILS PAINTS NAILS GLASS flats hats and dips caps naola kaola and shoes ac have bare jast just arritt and end andare are nw n w opened and for fur sale tale at salt SaIt Lake late orty aal aol provo all who are in want of the above arti artl cleg cloa wiil will and find it to thir their to give us u a call before purchasing cl elsewhere ai a our stock was wag wa bought at low ratas rt and expressly 10 in meet he tibe amda of the ibo market NB N B all dersom hicksted to the late firma fann will plesse please pie call and their ac accounts counte and brid gave save crots wheat and flow will be received in payment 30 tt L T S fc CO 00 T R lil ill I 1 D 1 11 S H pt E T N haa eff PRINTED ON vi ell ELI T OC 09 THURSDAY sa per PEB OFFICE OFF ope I 1 C E P pa 0 advertising ath T 11 lines cr ar less icis constitute cne one cn ret REI retlar EEr LAR AD one ue quarter ic mum alumn thi ei squares or 01 lat lag for cha eha bertlon loo usaf II 11 kit tit obron column s yin vin juares jaarus ja ares arcs i r less lees each ing ins w fb a one cel col liuni urn urleen arteen squar f hor nor n or lw ift ct SW BT lly liy allt ST am one oie square e ei ft insertion two squares 46 im iao I 1 litree 11 it SM tiam T ins ius unwar 1 with ri ha a hal hai f dr d ii arto anto to the oal ubi square enar or riach ia cb insi ing ins i tit ti t isch lach 70 0 adye lit tit to alwart i tion lu iu th til curr HI ft ambr r mint mist be baull baud d la in bufort befort 10 0 clock on 1 tu ii 1 morning norn lu remember elmber emm ber lila liia UK BOOK ill JOB al lid iid D caid clid PRINTING arx ceitel to ora ort i ii this titi omma offa i and abd bavine having sowe somo af important add ns tooti xui stok stox of joh job jo aud type he we are re prep td to do work word work it tt ru reus lla usi lu in th the labost ost appo appa api ro etyle style B bookbinding BOOK dook BINDING in U ili III ils its Ls b ranc 1 s gilel friel ii lei lel oi on in thia this otna 15 send lu in aix yle r |