Show the two counselors or I 1 cant and ill try I 1 once knew a fine active little boy called ed ward all fuli full of life and joy lie he was and a clever as little boy could be every b body ody loved him and hoped he lip would becomer bec omea omera wise and useful man lie he however nearly missed it and so disappointed his friends and this was the way it happened ile ho had like other boys two little counselors who were ever ready to give him advice and counsel these counselors were by no means friendly to each other and the advice of the one was always directly opposed to that of the other so that edward could not be on good terms with both at the same time their names were ILL TRY and 1 1 I ca CAN T 1 if any thing was wa s to be done both ware eyen eyer at edwards ea reach trying to persuade him to adopt the course which he marked out ILL TRY would reason the case something in this way come try try there is nothing in the world like trying can do almost any thin thing cr if you will only try come be a man and dont sneak off and run away like a coward when any thing is to be done then 1 I CAN T would hit the tha other elbow and say now it is too hard you ou cant do it i t and what is the use of trying it it is too bad to ask so much ofa of a little boy like you I 1 would contrive some way ivay to get rid of it edward sometimes followed the counsels of the onland sometimes those of the other but ILL TRY always set him hard at work and though when the task was done and lie fie waa was reaping the tha th rich reward of his labor ha lie was ready to thank his adud kind adviser yet as the tha couii couil counsels sel of 0 1 I CANT always flattered haltered his liis indolence and love of ease he h aras afas was often strongly inclined to yield to them the tha more he lie did so the more indisposed was ha he to yield I 1 lo 10 0 the better cou coa counsels asels of ILL TRY A at t length 1 I CANT gained such an air ascendancy over him that he was always at his side and poor 1 I LL TRY could hardly get 1 to whisper a siegle word in ins his ear this ws wits rather discouraging and ILL TRY sat down and held a consulta consulia con consultation sulta tion with himself what had bad best be done in such lucli a caw ease that cowardly lazy fellow 1 I CANT said sald heg hey lie lle has the whole ground edward has quite casi cast me orf off who would be his ilia friend and make mike a man of him bim while lie he listens only to that fellow who wiio will prove his ruin really if my name nama was not ILL TRY and if it were not a alame r shame for me rue of all folks in tho world P to say 1 I cant 1 I 1 should ba be tempted to give him up buano nut but no this will never do forme for me I 1 will watch my opportunity and see what I 1 can do for or him but 11 ILL TRY was obliged to wait somo some tim timy for such an opportunity for 1 I ca CANT oty ety was vas now prime I 1 counse counselor lor if there was a hard lesson to ba be learned 1 I CANT carit would begin to whisper you cant get that lesson dont try get excused from going to school today to day 1 if a hard problem in arithmetic arith crith was to bo be worked out 1 I CA CANT IT would say corie conie carry it tu such a boy he will show you how it is done you can not find it out yourself it will take you half a day 11 but bat though 1 I CANT was always tr trying y ing to persuade edward that to follow his advice would save him much trouble yet somehow it would turn out in fit the tho end that lie he fou found ud himself involved in trouble by means of following his advice to give an instance that ordeal of every scholar examination day came and edward who had llad permitted 1 I CANT to be at his elbow all the tern term found himself ill prepared prep ired for such an event his ills dear father and mother were there to witness liis his failure and though they tiley did not reproach him their sad countenances went to his heart and lie lr retired to his room to conceal liis his shame and mortification 1 I CANT who knew it had been all his work took himself TRY said to himself nov now nor Is my time to see what I 1 caudo cando cau can do forham for him 11 solle solie so he came up to Edwar dand told him very plainly that all his troubles proceeded irom from following the evil counsels of 1 I CANT you know very well said he fie if you had followed my advice you might have come coma off with honor instead of disgrace today to day YOU xou know you can get a lesson as well as any boy in school tf if you yon try but dont hang down your head and look so sheepish about it it is not too lale late yet to make mk something if you wu I 1 only dismiss that false friend of yours and take me lii iii his stead I 1 w will I 1 ell ill promise romise to make aman a man of you yet edward knew very well that all which ILL TRY had said was wac true and ha he nobly resolved to make a bargain with him on the tho spot to be his hib hi friend and counselor for tor the rest of his life and he h ever afterward heeded his hia counsels if any duty was to be performed ILL TRY wa was sever ever ready to whisper in his ear words of encouragement and so ha he went on each dabby the performance of present du duty ty gaining strength to F perform 1 1 rford some noble nobie work on the morrow in short ILL TRY fulfilled his promise to make a man of him arld and lie he is now a n ed and beloved to evry every cill call c sil ill of duty and be ne he fie sends back the cheerful manly response lil lii ill try it would bo be impossible for me to tell you how much good ha he lias has done in the tha world unless I 1 could tell you of every h int baart haart rt that has been cheered by a kind word from him every sorrow that has ham ha beed relieved by his active benevolence and ad every mind upon which his commanding intellect and add generous heart exert a happy influence now before I 1 bid bit goodbye good bye to the little audience audi enc that have listened to my story I 1 wish to whisper one word in the ear of mf little friend who thinks himself somewhat like hike little edward and his hid hi counselor these two counselors have both tried to mako maka friends with yon yoa have they not now if you wish to be a blessing blessing to the world take my advice i say to that idle fe fellow ilow allow 1 I CANT I 1 will lial have nothing to do with you but invite til in ill try to t be your bosom friend if there is a lesson to be learned or a task to be dolle donea fault to hi ha corrected or a virtue to bo be secured r if the god points out a duty or conscience says this is the tho way walk ye in it let ILL tny whisper to you words of courage an and d hope inspire your heart with noble resola tion sand fill your life lire with worthy deeds lamp of love |