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Show i;7: APARTMENTS L i F0RRENT NEWLY DECORATED VERY CLEAN, 2 bedroom, no pels, deposit, wd, air, $275.00. 1875 So. 477 West, 292-7642. 292-7642. 112-17 $245. TWO bdr., washerdryer hook-ups. 1715 So. 440 West. No pets. 546-2304 Woods Cross. 1102-17 ATTRACTIVE. CLEAN, quiet 1 bedroom in 4-plex. 4-plex. $235. Hot water paid; washing facilities available. No smoking, pets. 292-7553. 1 102-24 3 BEDROOM apt. at 882 W. 4100 S., Bountiful. Housing Authority ten-tants ten-tants welcome. Call 295-1516 for appointment. appoint-ment. 11-9-17 APARTMENTS FOR RENT ONE MONTH free 2 bdrm west of Marion Wiliey Ford. Wd hookups. $275. 573-2078292-9533. 28-ttn SINGLE LEVEL, no stairs, 2 bedrm near 5 Points, ac, private patio, wd hookups, fenced yard. 2007 S. 500 W. $265. 928-tfn CEDAR SPRINGS 1 bedroom, carport, no hook-ups. Call after 4:00. 544-3103. 544-6905. 544-6905. 1005-1123 EAST SIDE APARTMENT CLEAN & HOMEY 1 & 2 bedroom units wcarports. Walk to shopping, church, , bus stop & schools. $239-$279. $239-$279. 292-9546, 292- ?Rfi? mi9.tfn CHILDREN CARE IN LDS home, structured days, preschool pre-school activities, 7 years experience. 298-4421. 298-4421. 119-121 LOVING CHILD care in my NSL home, includes lunches and snacks. Janeal 295-1892. 295-1892. 119-17 CHILD CARE AT ITS BEST COMPLETE MORNING preschool pre-school program. You must see our classroom to appreciate it! Ages 3-5. 3-5. full day. $180month, 6 to 1 child adult ratio. Call Susan Fields 292-6007. 292-6007. 295-0137, 397 West 800 South. 1012-1130 1012-1130 LICENSED TO tend children in my home. Lunch and snacks, big play room, lots of activities, ac-tivities, take all ages. 295-7406. 1026-1117 CHILD CARE in my Centerville home. Near J. P. Stewart. Room for two more, infant welcome. Flexible hours. 298-1383. 1026-1117 LZff. APARTMENTS f FOR RENT CHILDREN'S DELIGHT NEXT TO Washington Elem. & park, 2-bdrm, wd hookups, covered parking, huge yards, quiet residential area, 218 W. 650 So. Mgr. $315. 298-9194 573-2078. 573-2078. 928-tfn $295!! 2 BEDROOM apartment. Lots of amenities, sauna, jacuzzi pool, weight room, game room, laundry facilities, storage, much more. NSL. 298-7497 413-tln ONE MONTH FREE ON 12 mo. lease, 2 bedroom, 4-plex, covered parking, hookups, storage, bus route, $75 deposit, $325 per month.-298-91 94 or 573-2078 39-ttn QUIET RESIDENTIAL AREA 2 BEDROOM, wd hookup, covered parking, storage, Bountiful Power, 900 sq. ft., near shopping and bus routes, all for $31 5. 298-9194 298-9194 or 573-2078. 39-tfn unnns rpn;5 Utfll VANS - FOR SALE 1979 CHEV Custom van (Landmark), good condition con-dition 83,700 miles 535-4098 535-4098 292-1030 (Home) 1116-23 76 FORD 1 ton van, 7 passenger pas-senger $1200 292-5744 292-5744 after 6 p.m. 1116-17 rty: MOTORCYCLES VI' FOR SALE 85 SUZUKI Madura, like new, low mile, black-silver black-silver 451-6725 after 5 p.m. 119-17 ftfTi LOST& FOUND FOUND COCKATIEL 298-7410 1116-17 FOUND BOXER Bount. Area. Call 298-3871. 298-3871. 1116-17 FOUND KITTEN, vicinity 700 So. 8th East 295-2023 295-2023 1116-17 GENTS GOLD wedding band, diamond top, reward re-ward 292-04731116-17 luttii CONDOS L 3 forrent 2 BDRM. CONDO in Bountiful adult park. Quiet, excellent location, loca-tion, w-d hookups, cable TV, carport, storage. stor-age. No pets. $335-mo. $1 75-deposit. 295-4562. 295-4562. 119-23 EDGEMONT CONDOMI-NIUMS CONDOMI-NIUMS 32 to 70 West 1000 North, classy 1 and 2 bedrooms, air conditioning, fireplaces, fire-places, carports, no stairs $275 to $325. 298-2776. 119-121 CEDAR SPRINGS condo for rent. 1 bedroom, monthly rent $250. Security deposit, $150. Condo fees paid by owner. No pets. Call to see 969-0368 or see Doug or Brent in condo mgr. office. 1102-17 2 BEDROOM Lemon Tree Condo like new. Central air, gas fireplace, carport, car-port, washer-dryer hookups. $390 month includes condo fee & all gas. No pets. Consider lease with option to buy. Available December 1st. 292-7871 Mrs. Hosking. 1116-23 jftT.' HOME FURNISHINGS WOOD FURNITURE AND CHAIR repair. 295-9731. 295-9731. 914-119 58 YARDS of sculptured carpet green and brown shades, excellent excel-lent condition $100.00. 292-2608 1116-17 "TERCAR" INTERIORS AFFORDABLE FASHION WINDOWFLOORS GREAT SELECTION QUALITY STYLES GUARANTEED 298-1028 330-tfn LIKE NEW country style sofa, brown and white chintz $200. Two gold striped swivel rocker chairs $50 451-5109 451-5109 1116-17 COUCH & love seat, cream color, priced $100. Good condition 295-3350 1116-17 DELUXE KING size waterbed. 12-drawer, canopy, waveless, mirrored mir-rored headboard, more. Moving, make Offer. 292-1354 547-9232 547-9232 1116-17 DINETTE AND 4 chairs, couch and 2 chairs, 295-7200 295-7200 1116-17 ttT. AUTOMOBILES' "XT. FOR SALE 1977 VOLARE Station wagon. Great second car. $600. Call 295-8573. 295-8573. 1102-17 '82 PLYMOUTH Sapporo, $1,000.00 or best offer. 292-3689. 119-17 MUST SELL 1985 CUTLASS Cierra LS, loaded 49,000 miles looks and runs new V-6 new ti'es, $5,500 or best offer 451-2398. 119-17 CONFISCATED CARS, trucks, vans, boats, planes, jewelry and much more. Seized in drug and crime raids. Up to 90 off! 801 -268-3616 Ext. J 119-17 1981 MERCURY Grand Marquis Bronze two tone, good condition 292-4037 or 298-4560 298-4560 1116-17 1974 CHEV Malibu clas-sic, clas-sic, one owner, excellent excel-lent condition 295-9665 after 5 p.m. 1116-23 79 VW Rabbit, gas, good condition, runs well $895 or offer. 295-4744 295-4744 1116-23 '86 S-15 JIMMY Sierra classic, 23,000 miles, many extras. $11,200-offer $11,200-offer 292-37121116-17 f ' LiT. . APARTMENTS y v FOR RENT BOUNTIFUL 3 BEDROOM BED-ROOM $465. LRG. family units, backs against elementary elemen-tary school. All the extras. ex-tras. 4247 So. Hwy. 89 298-2302; 292-3813. 292-3813. 11-9-12-1 CENTERVILLE TWO BEDROOM 84 So. 300 East, stove, fridge, hookups, $275 month $100 deposit. 292-4373 or 292-9331. 119-17 EDGEMONT CONDOMINIUMS CONDOMI-NIUMS 32 to 70 West 1000 North. Classy 1 and 2 bedrooms, air conditioning, fireplaces, fire-places, carports, no stairs $275 to $325 298-2776. 298-2776. 119-121 $259 NEAR 5 Points, en-joy en-joy living in this. immaculate im-maculate 2 bedroom (main level) apt. with carport. No pets. 295-0525. 295-0525. 11-9-23 TWO BEDROOM base-ment base-ment apartment, private pri-vate entrance, two baths, wash room, with hookups, $260 month. 298-2234, 298-0649 Dean. 11-9-12-1 ONE BEDROOM apt. No steps, convenient location. loca-tion. Save! Owner pays heat, water, garbage. No pets. $285.00 298-7216 298-7216 292-2835. 11-9-17 NICE 2-BDRM condo in Bntfl. Adult, quiet, excellent ex-cellent location, w-d hookups, cable TV, carport, car-port, storage, no pets, $335-mo. $175-deposit. $175-deposit. 295-4562. 295-4562. 11-9-23 .i-t-fo APARTMENTS A FOR RENT 1 I 2 BEDROOM Apt. No pets, no smoking, 392 W. 400 N., Bountiful $375.00. 295-9640. 295-9640. 11-9-17 DUPLEX, 674 So. Grand Oaks, Fruit Heights. $400 per month. Ph 451-6139, 292-8379, 292-7777, 2 bedroom, dining room, kitchenette, kitchenet-te, dishwasher, fridge, built in oven & range, fireplace with gas log, fully carpeted, 2 patios, garage, beautiful yard, nice location. 11-9-17 2 BEDROOM, $250.00 cable, hookup, washer, dryer hookup, laundry room, no smoking, no pets, located Btfl 295-8686 295-8686 if no answer 292-4208. 292-4208. 1116-128 LARGE ONE bedroom, no smokers or pets, nice residential area, 275 utilities paid 298-0674 298-0674 evenings. 1116-23 1116-23 BEAUTIFUL 2 BDRM. QUIET AREA, great location loca-tion next to school, bus, church, no smoking $375.00 includes utilities utili-ties except electricity 295-7354. 11116-17 FREE LAUNDRY $289 LUXURIOUS, large 2 bedroom, fireplace, dishwasher, covered " parking, quiet, no pets Hidden Villa 897 West" 4200 South, NSL 292-6415, 292-6415, 487-8689. 487-8689. 1116-128 $200 LARGE living room, dining and large kitchen kitch-en and bedroom, 390 E. i 400 N., Bntfl. 298-1470. 298-1470. 1116-23 fijtfii CONDOS rJ F0R RENT LUXURIOUS CARRIAGE Crossing Condo, two bedrooms, two baths, all appliances, vaulted ceilings $625.00 month Dean 298-2234 or 298-0649 298-0649 1116-128 CEDAR SPRINGS 1 bdrm., new carpet, paint, condo fees paid. Includes utilities except lights, $240.00 per month $1 00 deposit. Nov. rent free. 561-9938 561-9938 1116-121 R00MS pi'-i' l FOR RENT PRIVATE FURNISHED studio, utilities paid, one adult, no pets or smokers $225.00 295-8760 295-8760 1116-23 dfliu APARTMENTS W FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM apt., water, heat, carpet, drapes $275.00 298-8489. 298-8489. 1116-17 $315 BEAUTIFUL 2 bedrm apt. All carpet, levolors, pantry, utility rm in apt. Cable avail., Ig. rms and closets, near shopping, on bus line, adults only, no pets, carport, storage, in 6-plex. See No. 5 305 W. 1800 S. East of Main St. 295-6340. 119-17 LARGE TWO bedroom apartment. Close to shopping, fireplace, air conditioning, washer-dryer washer-dryer hookup, covered parking, cable television televi-sion available. No pets. 292-0444 544-4812. 544-4812. 119-17 KAYSVILLE DUPLEX, 2 bedroom, stove, refrigerator, no pets, available Nov. 20. 255-2420, 546-4485. 546-4485. 119-121 NEWLY CARPETED and painted large 2 bedroom bed-room apartment, covered co-vered parking, pool, washer-dryer hookups, gas fireplace, cable TV hookup. No pets. Large children's play area. 295-6453. 119-23 SOUTH. BOUNTIFUL 2-BR. Townhouse, large 1 V2 bath, covered park-ing, park-ing, extra storage, available 11-21, $360 292-3006 till 5, then 295-5477. 119-17 2 BEDROOM duplex, North Salt Lake, laundry hookups, new carpet, no stairs $300, 292-8544, 292-8544, no smokers. smok-ers. 11-9 12-1 FARMINGTON, NEW 2 bedroom. $325. Hookups, on bus route. No smokers, pets. 451 -2662. 1116-121 NORTH P0INTE LARGE 1 &2 bdrms, newly remodeled. 167 W. 200 N.; Bt. From $249, move-in special. Mgr C-4 or call 298-2054 or 292-2882. 1012-tfn S210-S230, 1-2 BDRM IN 4-PLEX. New carpet, no pets, no smoking, coin laundry. 110 S. Orchard Drive 2.298-7711. 2.298-7711. 1026-1215 FALL SPECIAL. Spacious two bedroom apt. Bargain move in. 292-4574, 292-4574, 295-5610, 596-1226. 596-1226. 1019-121 SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM Apartment, large master bedroom, new linoleum, neutral carpet, washerdryer hookups, outside storage available. $280. 298-9058 or 298-0426. 298-0426. 1026-1117 THREE BEDROOM $350 SOUTH BOUNTIFUL, near school, cul-de-sac, disposal, dishwasher, hook-ups, central heat, air, covered parking. 889 West 4100 South. Call Marty 295-0108. Lane Realty 298-7000. 298-7000. 1026-1117 BONNEVILLE MANOR ONE BDRM. stove, fridg., carpet, drapes, wd hook-ups, cable. 267 So. 425 West Mgr. C4. 292-7701 , no pets. 112- - 121 ONE BEDROOM APT. FOR RENT $190.00 per month. Nice area in North Salt Lake. 322-0338 322-0338 485-8701. 11-9-17 2 BED, 1 bath, hookups, covered pk., 4 plex. $240 plus utilities. Ph 483-5643 720-tfn PARRISH LANE TOWNHOUSE MOVE IN special on two bedroom deluxe apt. Covered parking, wd hookups, dw, ac, disposal. Close to schools, shopping, freeway. Parrish Lane & 100 West, Centerville. 817-tfn $225 FARMINGTON ATTRACTIVE one bedroom apt. Stove, ref rig . , washer & dryer, utilities except lights furnished. No pets, smokers or drinkers. 451 -2612. 112-17 WEST BTFL. 4 PLEX TWO BEDROOM apt. $21 0.00 $50 deposit. No pets, washer dryer hookups, hook-ups, fenced yard. Rick 359-8638, Jay 544-4155. 544-4155. 112-121 APARTMENT MANAGERS NEEDED PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE in maintenance, repairs and management of over 16 units required. Bring resume to Vicor. 460 S. 100 E., Bountiful. 831-tfn LOST COCKATIEL GREY IN color. Lost around Orchard Dr. and 2000 South. Reward. Re-ward. 292- 0116 1116-17 LWiJ INSTRUCTIONS 1 Zx TUTORING PIANO STUDIO JUDY MADSEN, piano performance major. Member University of Utah prep division piano faculty. 25 yrs. teaching experience. Program includes theory, master classes, recitals. Beginning through advanced. 295-5879. 119-121 ART CLASSES WATERCOLORS, PORTRAITS, POR-TRAITS, adults, teens. Call Debbie 298-8802 298-8802 907-1229 TUTORING MATH, $10hr. CalJ Kathy 295-4549. 295-4549. 1026-1117 PIANO LESSONS, beginners and intermediates. in-termediates. Experienced Ex-perienced teacher, Rose Anderson, 295-4802. 295-4802. 1102-17 PIANO LESSONS EXPERIENCED TEACHER, reasonable rates, COUCH, ARMCHAIR & matching loveseat rocker $150 or best offer. 451-24091116-23 LOVELY SOLID wood coffee table with matching match-ing end tables. Pecan finish, storage area in all three pieces. See to appreciate 295-3823 295-3823 1116-17 FRENCH CHINA hutch, French oval table with , six chairs, best offer 292-1165 1116-17 DINING-ROOM set, oval table, six chairs, 7 ft. hutch. Great buy 295-3156 295-3156 1116-17 jffi MUSICAL I -Wj INSTRUMENTS MOVING MUST sell upright up-right piano $625.00 or best offer. Jeanette 298-7216 119-17 LOWREY ORGAN with magic genie ex. condition condi-tion $800.00 or make offer. Must sell, desperate desper-ate 298-3667 1116-17 BUNDY ALTO Sax used only 6 months, great condition $450.00 or offer. 292-47151116-17 BOYS REFUSE LES-SONS 1935 HONDA CIVIC " AUTOMATIC, AIR, 4-dr., very low miles. Like new inside and out. $6,200-offer. $6,200-offer. 295-92421116-17 ' 1985 CAMARO SHARP CAR! 6 cylinder, 5 speed, A.C., stereo. $4,800 or offer. 295-3687 295-3687 1116-17 1985 NISSAN Sentra wagon. Must sell, excellent ex-cellent cond. Moving! $3000 or offer. 298-2852 298-2852 or 295-0815 295-0815 1116-17 '83 SAAB 900, 4-dr., good cond., high miles $3,500 or best offer. 364-3443. 364-3443. 1116-23 1978 FORD Pinto rebuilt engine, body in excellent excel-lent condition. $625 295-0333 292-1441. 292-1441. 1116-23 1977 PLYMOUTH van 10 pass., rebuilt engine, new differential, runs well $975.00. 295-0333 292-1441. 1116-23 1981 CHEV MALIBU CLASSIC, clean one owner, must see 298-4243. 1116-23 1980 PONTIAC Grand Prix, excellent condition, condi-tion, two door, cruise. I - TRUE TILL 1989 TO QUALIFIED RENTERS 298-4302 NORTH PARK VILLAGE 55 West Center St., NSL ; i UNITED I iJSLJ TRUCK MASTER TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING D.O.T. Certification Job Placement Assistance Financial Aid Available CorrespondenceResident Training Accredited Member NHSC UNITED TRUCK MASTER 2520 West 4700 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84118 Call locally 801-968-1860 Call toll-free 1-800-222-7575 Headquarters: Clearwater, FL. i I J V"" 1 I "r -- X'X ' - ; . 'v 1 1 - Si xV " I i ? "I Can't Help" ...Is A Little Hard For K Them lb Swallow. a I x Please participate Saturday, November 19th, in the Boy Scouts f ' -. of America effort to gather food for the hungry. There are jr'- ' ' y, tothousands of Utahns needing yowheh XX A-pB0Y SCOUTSyoTAMERlCA fsA '- HSCOUTING for FOOdH - - ;-v--- - - .----'.-.-.'':-:wjnn.-;-:-:'.v " HrWii iinir-m.-t ia Wi iTri -r-t" --v--i"'.!.'! vint frVT iinVni'inriinir n 'n ' i - 1 -i - r - - - - " '- 1 " .,ai"wm,J i console piano. Honey oak finish. Played less than 50 hours. $1200. 9:00-5:00 538-5814. After Af-ter 5:00 and weekends 298-2017. : 1116-17 ANTIQUE PIANO $600 OR best offer. Includes In-cludes delivery. Heavy wood, fabric inset panels, good Condition. 298-8628 116-23 Trnl SPORTING W GOODS - POOL TABLE 4x7 slate top, leather pocket accessories $500 or best offer. 295-6331 295-6331 451-0999 119-17 119-17 LANG SKI BOOTS size 1 0Vi. Good condition $25.00. Call 298-8752 298-8752 1116-17 DELUXE FLOAT TUBE COMPLETE with tube and fins $75.00 292-0904 1116-17 tyrt RECREATIONAL Ui'j VEHICLES 18 FT. Travel trailer, self contained, needs work $800 or best offer 292-5314. 292-5314. 119-17 SIX PLACE snowmobile trailer and two used ski-doos. ski-doos. Phone 295-7385 295-7385 1116-23 CAMPER $500 714 E. 1900 So., Bountiful 295-7455 1116-23 2 SNOWMOBILES 1980 JOHN Deere, liqui-fier liqui-fier with brand new trailer trail-er $2,400. 298-2800 or '298-1526, excellent condition 1116-23 26 FT. Travelese Trailer, fully contained, good condition, 295-1447, 90 So. 500 East, Bntfl. 1116-23 SNOWMOBILE TRAILER EXCELLENT CONDITION, CONDI-TION, three place. 8 ft. x 12 ft. siderails, ramp 13" rims. Heavy duty axle, stored indoors 292-5805 1116-23 1988 JAYCO Folding trailer, deluxe package, indoor, outdoor cooking, cook-ing, sleeps six, $3,300. 295-5409 1116-17 ktt,' AUTOMOBILES -5J!. FOR SALE 1359 MERCEDES 180, good condition. $1,900 offer. 295-3104, 292-8697. 292-8697. 1102-24 1985 BLACK Chevrolet Eurosport Celebrity Wagon. Power windows, win-dows, power locks, rear jump seat, 6 cylinder, fuel injection, plus much more. Excellent condition $7,800 or best offer 298-2917. 298-2917. 119-17 85 CHEVY Sprint 2 dr., good condition $2900.00 292-7410. 292-7410. 119-23 : air, cassette $999.00. . 295-5683. 1116-128 GM EMPLOYEE 1987 Buick Park Ave. 4 ; dr., 25,000 miles, white with maroon cloth, sell for NADA wholesale book 292-; 292-; 5081. 1116-17 1 971 VW SUPER-BEETLE SUPER-BEETLE ENGINE NEWLY rebuilt-body rebuilt-body in excellent condition condi-tion $12,000.00 714 E. 1900 S Btfl. Wrecked '81 Toyota, passenger side, motor 72,000 miles. $200 295-7455. 295-7455. 1116-23 CREDIT PROBLEMS? HAVE YOU had poor credit, cre-dit, bankruptcy, slow credit, or no credit? We can help! We have several sev-eral used cars and trucks for as little as $199 down & $100 per mo. K&J 298-5820. 298-5820. 1116-128 $499 DOWNI 82 CAPRICE Classic, blue green metallic, air, fully loaded V-8 305 engine, en-gine, K&J Auto Sales, Bountiful and No. Salt Lake. "No credit? Don't sweat it!" "We tote the note" 298-5820. 298-5820. 1116-128 63 CHEV Impala SS, fair condition 596-1827 295-9147. 1116-17 1971 EL CAMINO, hea-ter, hea-ter, A.C., P.S., P.B., automatic. Runs good, but needs some body work. Asking $800. After Af-ter 2:00 298-8148. 298-8148. 1116-23 1980 CJ7 Excel, cond., new paint, tires, shocks, all carpeted, AM-FM cass. 6 cyl., 4 spd., 298-3873, 298-9690 298-9690 Paul 1116-17 El TRUCKS I vUI'j FOR SALE MUST SELL 1979 FORD 3A ton camper cam-per trailer, special crew cab sleeper, auto, power pow-er steering, like new, runs on propane and gas, 2 tanks $3000 or best offer. 451-2398. 451-2398. 119-17 1970 FORD Pickup V4 ton. Runs great $920.00 292-21 05 after 5 p.m. 119-23 TRUCKS & CARS WE FINANCE! No credit? Don't sweat it. K&J Auto & Trucks Bountiful & North Salt Lake 298-5820 298-5820 1116-128 87 BRONCO II MUST SELL, loaded. Call 295-2144 1116-23 1976 BLAZER, good cond. with snow plow on it. Phone 295- 7385 1116-23 Lrr,i VANS I I. 1 F0RSAIi 1981 CHEV Van ton, white chrome, P.S., P.B., 350-V-8, exc. cond. 295-8455 after 4.30 p.m. 1116-17 1968. 1102-24 PIANO TEACHER EXPERIENCED, HAS openings for students 451-5855 1116-23 . BEGINNER & Inter piano lessons taught in my home: For info call 292-7443 292-7443 1116-17 TUTORING - CERTIFIED teacher will tutor your child in math or reading. read-ing. 298-2827 1116-17 NEED TUTORING? BEHIND IN school? Can't keep up? Losing interest? in-terest? Let me help you learn how to learn and be successful in school. Jr. High, High School, College. Call Art Neilson 295-6418. 295-6418. 1116-121 PIANO AND ORGAN FULL PROGRAM for beginning through advanced levels. Franklin Eddings, M.A., M.Ed., UMTA-MTNA & AGO certified. 295-5979. 295-5979. 330-tfn. -tf. TEND CHILDREN LOVING MOTHER would like to tend your child M-F, good freeway access, ac-cess, loving atmosphere. atmos-phere. 298- 7079 1116-17 WANTED 2-3 children to tend. Live 1 V4 blocks SE of Boul-ten Boul-ten Elementary. For information in-formation 295-3821 295-3821 1116-17 RESPONSIBLE AFFEC-TIONATE AFFEC-TIONATE care for your child or children in my fun, safe home, good rates. Patti 295-0126 295-0126 1116-17 LICENSED DAY care. Loving home atmosphere. atmos-phere. Fun activities for all ages. Please call 292-7138 1116-17 CHILD CARE in my Cen-terville Cen-terville home. Loving LDS Mom will tend children chil-dren 3-5 yrs. Preschool activities. $10 day. 295-8456 295-8456 1116-23 HELP IN home with chil-dren, chil-dren, light housework, flexible hours. 277-1016 277-1016 after 5 p.m. 1116-27 QUALITY CHILD CARE in my Bount. home. Reas. rates, room for two more children. Call 295-1 295-1 920 for appointment. appoint-ment. 119-17 NEED AN experienced, competent, full-time babysitter? Call Chris. I am experienced and I have refrences available. avail-able. I will take and pick-up from school. Drop-ins welcome! 295-4417. 119-17 QUALITY CHILD care in my Bountiful home. Fenced yard, meals, and snacks. Infants, pre-schoojers- and school-age children welcome. Reasonable rates and hours. 295-6554. 295-6554. 119-17 |