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Show Davis DartBoaird placing 17th overall; and Andy Hogan, placing 32nd. Our outstanding outstand-ing football team is also to be commended com-mended for all their hard work throughout the season and for keeping keep-ing school spirit alive. The Davis High Symphony Orchestra will hold their annual "Pops" Concert at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Tues-day, Nov. 22. The program will be divided in two parts: one consists of American patriotic selections, and the second includes three Rogers and Hammerstein numbers. Admission Admis-sion is free, so everyone is encouraged encour-aged to come enjoy an evening of good music. The Musical Productions Company Com-pany is already hard at work rehearsing re-hearsing for "Guys and Dolls," under the direction of Laurie Storey. The musical will play January Janu-ary 13, 14, 16 and 17 in the school auditorium. Generic preference is the name of the next dance, which will be held Nov. 19 and sponsored by the D'e-ttes. D'e-ttes. The idea for a dance such as this was generated in order to take a break from the super-creative asking methods. To go, a guy must simply tell a D'Ette the name of the girl of his choice, and the D'Ette will then cross her name off a master list and deliver an invitation to her. The girl will" in turn RSVP with a D'ette, who relays this message to the guy. Black and white is the costume cos-tume for this event, and it will be held in the cafeteria. By AMBER WORKMAN Along with the beginning of the second term, there are many opportunities oppor-tunities for Dart athletes to get involved. in-volved. Tryouts for the Lady Dart basket-; basket-; ball team were just held and practice has begun. With coaches Jodi De-Rochey De-Rochey and Jamie Borski leading the team, a promising season is in the making. Clinics for the men's basketball team are also getting started, and tryouts will be held in the near future, j Games for the indoor soccer team i are now in session Tuesday after- ' noons at Hygea Ice in Sugarhouse. There are two teams representing i Davis, whose captains are Joel I Garr and Mike Wooley. Good luck is extended to the teams as they begin their seasons! . ! A belated congratulations goes out to the cross country team mem- bers as they placed ninth at their j state meet. Spotlighted students in-! in-! elude Clark Maxwell, who placed j seventh overall; Cami Anderson, |