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Show I S 12 Ounce Package H Tyson j DDCGoano ddgad L-J LJ S White and Chocolate, B Inch, Decorated a mp C1IHIQTMAS CAKES dj5 ) J )( Dd'c,ous ri 40 U LllLJkClJ PUMPIIIM PIES ' Parker House and ,r, PiriMan bolls (b) d0l. I 1 I ' Come in today and enter our Y 11 I - drawing for the world's largest w FSV U Christmas stocking! It's filled . . jjQ with toys, games and all kinds r"" of fun things. What a way to i J J I make a child's eyes light up J A-s I 111 with joy on Christmas morning. L B Enter today! No purchase MWMMMMimiiir ' necessary. ,- - - "-' i - -, . ;-: - ' v. f , and all its employees would like to j wish you and yours a joyous Christ- . mas and a happy and prosperous new year Thank you for shopping j - Thriftway! LIBERTY BLUE Dmnerware vsgk I Madein fM$$$k E Staffordshire, lfUkfm & England fef S fl : - This week's feature &?1srv5 y-X r t cup P1 ; ? See Our Display -Get All The Details "-" ,- ft 1 zmzzzmzzX 1 ,!anters. 12 Oz. Can l Whi,e Assorted SJ If.Vi'i '&6i Dixie "St P?3 Early California ' L 30e Off, 3-Pack, 14 Oz. " ' 3 Ounce Package M 1 ft rth Peanuts 4' 4 Roll Package fTl 100 Count ,om,1 No. 300 Can, Large MWJ Eagle Brand ffPX Assorted Fruit Ravors 1 MIXED It nQLlTHEQnf --p COLD W fh PITTED 1 evapohated M p JELL 1 1 m ! ki - r V. Ass " JVb. ; Mh: : ; : iflR : ::: 'jss, Plain or Strawberry j I et, 2-Count, 9-Inch Size Oz. Beef, Chicken or Turkey A? PDGG UfcrCjV J 'ge, Regular Margarine ! 3 LTD Z-J for U j P. Monterey, Sharp Hern or Mozzarella iUtf GCDGESG ; n rg J) Li o-:: ! t-!ig. prsco la ' ciip Top i p H ' " V Choice, Navel ()T1 1 Mi QGDGQAPGO B S : : lb- I 1 . " i Extra Fancy, Utah Red Delicious 1 P'T j APPLGG w ?0 - r m 1 1 -; lbs- u I 1 Large, Hawaiian ? , ! t j I I !':' U - -,-,-,-:--.--.r:' 41 : i J - X n 10X3 j M 7YTr!!P 'Tcj n i flli r y ti u I s V . . 1 " - y J I |