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Show I IE INDIVN TRIBE I inlnli mid Onriiy lixllmi i'-i riiiiin. I lull N(.I.IN(. PRO( I.WI M ION W HEREAS, the Ute Indian Tribe Fish and Wildlife Advisory Board of the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation, Reser-vation, having made, due and thorough investigation and received recommendations from Federal Technicians, Techni-cians, and other qualified persons find that certain rules and regulations are necessary for the conservation conserva-tion and w ise use of fishing resources on the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE UTE INDIAN TRIBE FISH AND WILDLIFE ADVISORY AD-VISORY BOARD that by virtue of authority granted by the Uintah and Ouray Tribal Business Committee under Tribal Code, Title VIII, approved by the Secretary of the Interior, that it hereby declares and proclaims the following rules and regulations which shall be in full force and effect January 1, 1980 through December 31, 1980, unless otherwise specified, subject to change, however, by the Ute Indian Tribe Fish and Wildlife Advisory Board. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this proclamation proclama-tion does not apply to enrolled members of the Ute Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation. Members of the tribe are, however, subject to the requirements of Tribal Code, Title VIII, Ute Indian Wildlife and Outdoor Out-door Recreation Code. 1. GENERAL REGULATIONS The taking of fish shall be opened to angling on the trust lands under the jurisdiction of the Ute Indian Tribe during the time of one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset each day. 2. BAG LIMIT Fish authorized by the permit are not in addition to those authorized by State License. Daily bag and possession limit shall be as follows: Trout or salmon in the aggregate 8 Lake Trout. 2 Whitefish 10 Channel catfish 24 Bass 6 Walleye 4 AREAS OF RESERVATION OPEN MAY 31, 1980 to OCTOBER 12, 1980. Whiterocks River Uintah River, canals and ponds Big Springs and ponds Pole Creek Cedarview Reservoir Yellowstone River Lakefork River and ponds Twin Potts Reservoir Rock Creek River Towave Reservoir Weaver Reservoir Hill Creek White River Duchesne River Chandler Creek c osed year round Florence Creek closed year round Clay Basin open year round Green River, Ouray Area Only open year round Bottle Hollow Reservoir ,. . . open year round Midview Reservoir open year round The taking of crawfish within Towave Reservoir, Bottle Hollow Reservoir, and Weaver Reservoir shall be prohibited. The use of corn as bait for fish is prohibited on the reservation. Chumming shall be prohibited on all reservation reservoirs. Tt shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take game fish by any means other than angling Angling shall mean fishing with one rod, pole, or trol board held in me hand of or attended by the persons angling. Angl-ng Angl-ng is permitted with one mechanical lure except no ure shall have more than three gang hooks or two ar- tifielal flies. ATTENDED shall mean the angler shall be within 10 feet of equipment being used ut all times. SNAGGING AND GAFFING are illegal. "Snag or gaff hooks" are hooks with or without handle used to take fish in such manner that the fish do not take the hook voluntarily in the mouth. Carp and suckers may be taken for personal, noncommercial non-commercial use from waters open to angling by angling angl-ing andor any other method or means EXCEPT gill nets, trammel nets, trawl nets, hoop nets, fyke nets, seine nets, electrical devices, chemicals, explosives or firearms. Set lines may be used at the Green River only, provided that set lines be attended at all times. 3. PERMITS Non-members of the Ute Indian Tribe, 12 years of uge and over shall be required to purchase a fishing permit from the Ute Indian Tribe in order to angle in any waters lying within the trust land of the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation or lands under the jurisdiction jurisdic-tion of the Ute Indian Tribe. All non-members of the Ute Indian Tribe must have both the Ute Tribal Fishing Permit and the State of Utah Fishing License, excepting excep-ting a member of another federally recognized tribe, who has an established residence upon trust lands within the Uintah Basin, will be required to have in possession a Tribal Fishing Permit only. These permits per-mits must be on hisher person in order to angle upon the trust land of the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation, Reserva-tion, provided that the daily bag and possession limit for children, twelve years of age and under, shall be four (4) fish regardless of weight, size or species, except ex-cept for Lake Trout, the daily bag or possession limit of which is two (2) and children under six (6) years of age the daily bag and possession limit must be included in the limit of licensed angler who accompanies the children. Camping permits will be required by those desiring to camp within the reservation. Camping permits may be purchased separately for the use of picnic and camping cam-ping only up to seven days in any one place. Fishillli and camniny shall be aulhnripH in the designated fishing and camping areas. Group, reunions, or organizations using the picnic and camping areas require permits. Reservations shall be made through the Ute Indian Tribe, Fish and Wildlife Department, Fort Duchesne, Utah 84026. Camping shall be limited to one week in any one , place except the camping and boating permits shall not include Bottle Hollow Resort camping and boating facilities. Motor Bikes and motorcycles shall be prohibited from within the designated camping areas. 4. BOATS Boating Season: May 31, 1980 to October 12, 1980 BOATING RESTRICTIONS MOTOR Midview Reservoir with or without Cedar View Reservoirwithoutwith electric motor only Twin Potts Reservoir, withoutwith electric motor only Weaver Reservoir boats prohibited Tow ave Reservoir boats prohibited Clay Basin boats prohibited Big Spring Ponds boats prohibited Bottle Hollow Reservoir boating on Bottle Hollow-Reservoir Hollow-Reservoir shall be by special Bottle Hollow Permit only, purchased through the Bottle Hollow management. Further, it is proclaimed that angling from boats, rafts, or other floating devices is prohibited on all waters of the reservation, except that angling is permitted per-mitted from authroized boats on Midview Reservoir, Tw in Potts Reservoir, Cedarview Reservoir and Bottle Bot-tle Hollow Reservoir. Private boat permits may be purchased separately at designated agents and the Fish and Wildlife office for a fee of $15.00 per season, or a $2.00 day permit for the first day and $1.00 additional charge of each day thereafter up to five (5) days. Water skiing is permitted on Midview Reservoir during dur-ing boating period only. Rules and regulations of ihe U.S. Coast Guard governing gover-ning the use and safety requirements of boats will be enforced where applicable. In the interest of conservation tributary or portion of any reservoir may be closed to fishing or boating by posting or giving notice in at least one issue of a local newspaper. Firearms shall be prohibited on the reservation EX CEPT persons hunting within the hunting season with permits. Firearms, hunting or shooting shall be prohibited pro-hibited on, or within one half mile of all ponds, lakes and reservoirs within the reservation year round. Any non-member of the Ute Indian Tribe who violates any of the rules and regulations in this proclamation pro-clamation may have his or her permit revoked for a period of one year. 5. RESERVATION FISHING PERMIT PRICES Fishing and camping, season $12 (16 to 64 years of age) Fishing and Camping, Season $6 (65 years and over) Fishing and Camping, Season $4 (12 to 15 years of age) Fishing and Camping, Day $3 ( 12 years and over) Plus additional each day $.50 Group Camping Only, for a Group of 5 $2 For a Group of 5-10 $3 For a Group of 10-15 $7 For a Group of 15-30 $14 For a Group of 30 and Over $28. Hunting and fishing on the reservation by non-members non-members of the Ute Indian Tribe are regulated by the following: Public Law 86-634, 86th Congress H.R. 4386 July 12, 1960, as follows: 1165. Hunting, trapping or fishing on Indian land. "Whoever, without lawful authority or permission, willfully and knowingly goes upon any land that belongs to any Indian or Indian Tribe, band or group and either are held by the United States in trust or are subject to a restriction against alineation imposed by the United States, upon any land of the United States that are reserved for Indian use, for the purpose of hunting, trapping or fishing thereon, for the removal of game peltries, or fish therefrom, shall be fined not more than $200 or imprisoned not more than ninety days or both, and all game, fish and peltries in his possession shall be forfieted. Non-Indians are subject to the provisions of Utah Code Anotated, S 63-36-19, 1953, as amended. sHomey J. Secakuku, Chairman Advisory Board sWilliam B. Myore, Member Advisory Board |