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Show 'J , T 'i . 1 ' i v 3 fp . ! - - n: ' a TL.s Jr": w , V V- j :r . M j I h t . ' . -i f ' ' . , J i i , i s ' ' j' M ' ' i : . S) " V'' -"" PiNK LAUltS and a skilled surgeon operate on Santa Claus in the Uintah Coun-ty Coun-ty Hospital. The operation was a success and he should be recovered fully tor his strenuous Ourney Christmas Eve Santa admitted to county hospital While flying over the Uintah Basin checking chimmey sizes, Tuesday, Santa San-ta Claus suffered a sudden attack of appendicitis. ap-pendicitis. His raindeer rushed him to the Uintah County Hospital where he was operated on by three able surgeons who successfully suc-cessfully removed his appendix. Last report was that he is in good condition con-dition and will be able to make his deliveries Christmas Eve. It was all a part of "getting the hospital in the Christmas spirit" with the Pink Ladies as Santa's helpers. The ladies sponsored a Christ, party, Thursday, which feared M drawing, and they decorated th. hospital walls and ceiling with color ball, stockings, and other decorationT Persons who visit Santa while he is in the hospital my get some candy from his stomach, said Barbara Rada Pink Ladies president. ' Also the hospital staff wrote letters in Santa hoping that with the attention h. received during his operation, their tZ quests would come true. |