Show TO SALT LAKI LAH VIA HOSBY LAKE L r E the people of honey lake vall valley e y and vicinity are anxious to have a mail to salt lake the quincy argus says time of the salt lake and marys ville mail by way of honey lake and the american valley salt lake to honey lake six days honey lake to american valley one day american valley to marysville marksville Marys ville one day total from salt lake to marysville marksville Marys ville ei fight days in order to make the above time an expenditure pend iture of a small amount of money is is needed between Ho honey neyLa lake ake and indian valley also between indian and american valleys the balance of the road is now a passable stage road true it might tie be improved everywhere but it is equally true that every improvement v e would de minish the time requisite for making the he trip when an appropriation pria tion is called call e d for in in behalf of the central route let there be a line from salt lake diketo to marksville marysville Marys ville by way of honey floney lake and we are content to abide the result of a fair test of the merits of q the two routes aben is is a door dolar more than a door dhori do orI when it is to two why is the medical profession the roost most tedious because B e e it aires more patience patients talan any other oilier |