Show HU III ORO us I 1 its the last ostrich feather that the husbands lack back f rats and conquerors must expect m rcy in misfortune mL fortune the man who was filled wilh emotion room for hl his dinner beware of the gaming table cant always nick what fishes have their eyes together the sinal smallest lest when is the w weather eather favorable fai arable to hay makers when it rains rams pitchforks can you return my love dearest julia Certai certainly lily sir sir I 1 dont u auant ant it im sure if petticoat government is not oppressive op e now than formerly it is certainly il y double in extent A man can no more believe another mans faith than he can his hunger by saeid seeing another man eat washing shuts shirts says an elchan exchange g e raper wears them out when they get sar dirty airty rub them over with chalk econ tiny is wealth when you hear the phrase 1 I may say without vanity you may be sure wine some characteristic vanity will follow in in the same breath jack I 1 think your father is going nay ay ach you and make leather of your skin why so soa because I 1 heard rim that he would tan hide well you the new york evening post tells a large story of freaks of lightning in n fr france anne A anouna young girl wa as struck by b jig lightning haning and changed to aboy a boy VV IV e dont donl be behave teve it it albany Slate sawn we e cannot say as to the changing luthe gutave have observed that when ever she was in in danger c is UPI apt to turn to abo boy if theres on one e about louisville journal it san can hardly be said of a man when aben he is is hung hang that he pays the debt of na lure are it is altogether likely that he goes into nto a sate awe of sp suspension every rose roae it has 2 its lorn thorn we never he helped pei to hawl the flower of a ball room without being convinced by painful evidence that she he had a pin about her |