Show 41 r lO veiland mail boutes f 11 0 ii since the subject of overland comma ith the pacia paci fig has beconi i e of well sach general generah steret mt int eret erHt and these communications are likely JAely to I 1 prove of such vast utility to the country it becomes proper that the various lanous routes foutes should be thoroughly examined with avith reference to distance and jhb obstacles obstacle stu to be and their relative tive merits brought before the country that the il ga may be induced to 0 extend its ita aid and fostering care are to each in tha proportion tion that it promises to teat interests of the whole union the route now most niest prominent starts from st louis and memphis ing at vort rort smith and terminates at san I 1 tha st louis branch how ever ei er has ilone alone produced prod need practical pra cUcil benefits bene e the desanca di sanca from drom tort fort smith to having baang been made so slowly that dates boj ao overda over it were fully anti ami by thet the i earlier arrival ut at the i former place by reference ref irence to the map bei ba observed thea that thi this is route aart aws from the life mississippi 1 river at afloat eight de derele degrees rele and fort forty lia mutes tes hiorth latitude and proceeds in in aou bouthi thi steely direction to dofort sinith J fort chadbourne and to a point of north katity thirty bile i degrees and 1 or more than thain four bun hung i ded A direct thence t 0 ri 1 fort yuma W sail francisco a dis anc lof about two to thousand four fiur huni hun dred nile i it will ih beben be geen tod toc that a la larghi aggi portion of thi route is below I 1 latitude tude thiry thirty two chich i suggestive 0 of f ha liva tiJA jil espe bially upon the th of sand tand over her thil thi boute route the Butterfield are now ca carr ying yip ilici ingils aa alie a st loguisto louis to san in twenty four days das for which of six six hundred hou and dollars lot lars por annum be the donation ofIa of laasi lids fda mail sla ons we vis 4 ido not oralce those rei re i mails io 11 fiadini fault with th department DepArt meni but that we may compare 1 our own awn with and that it t may appear has las the st strongest ionest claims upon 1 I the government ern ment and winch promises pio with an eduali aquai endowment benefits tp ip bo country I 1 i I 1 tie the route next in importance is that aroi rom this tais city by avay v ay of fort kearney to salt ake city upon jones co a ate W contractors actors it leaves tl the adako le i nver patst lift st joseph in ki ude thirty ni ne ds and forty Kii Auts north and proceeds in a westerly direction bear bearing ill hiorth to the lotty forty i third parallel thence to lake cit city y where il i connects v with cb co s line f from placer villee the distance between bet veen this tin s cit hild and salt aad is between bean eon a and aad land and eteen hundred miles and from thence 0 o is is about si six lk hundred miles as indicated by the map 1 maling tide the distance be between st joseph jodeh hild abdill ab abo dilt u ei eighteen hViid landred red miles ar or from hero here t to 0 san I 1 1 francisco les Is than td ivd tho thousand thod asana sand miles the route between hero here and placer is keelly service the time amie atch fro hero bore to salt lave lake city heing bein ab according cordin to contract tv anty baie one daya da s a and nd thence to place arville if memory served serves us twelve days mak making ienir lhorty itin ly three days to accomplish a distance of eighteen hundred miles whereas on oli the southern A biroute wo two thousand flur dundr hundred ed miles are arc traversed acini acim woody w in in twenty four days ali 1 1 b be bora civill tao that a I 1 I 1 1 is is cilev y sch sense more im jhb th 5 itile thorn arro route TW chri lt all utah and ali ther the forta of bl al le 11 and d ln inay IM havy 0 aby f th daj lest faculties at 0 commini communication ank and washington territories t to sayas S mth thing of f the that thai may lid be 1 I c w Y he thief channel of intercourse ich C air fo niia it it i without question tiofil moy more 1 e central in dinits its ta casern sern torn ni li n atnori ds as vall as its entire floure fc our oure 9 B by meat means lasof of the hannibal st iaz I 1 railroad its er m at ibi his s city is is of easy ness access f rom every c me 1 ry carter of the union that loby by atil roaul connections eions from e biry eherd in ali tau iene heither st louis nor oi memphis IV will ill have any a advantages t to plead ution tz it il perhaps bo bb said th atthe lugh high latitude ili through abu p which t tips 61 av a s s e s will 0 offer formidable during daring a great lof ikel yeav ye I 1 1 that there will bo be some obstacles of chr character j annot be e reasonably denied babit t may b be e fairly doubty doubted hether hlll all be found ol of a mart magnitude qu id e equal it fd cd those those 6 to be encountered in a t the he not hot dry season upon the route 0 the butterfield this 1 his is a matter which 1 ch will ill be determined how however 1 ever within the lapis af tl a fe few w months but bu it j t is a amat mat ter er fitce bey beyond d par d hat ha t through ame montas of the ear the route from this ci arvia yr Via ia salt alce Is Is L to 1 all others C rs I 1 that thai hav ade 0 been 1 lj 1 t tested e sred of the route of Ale siri barrow Barro porter r co i froyd from kansas ato v not hoa pea at jp present as tic ability has pot be been e I 1 i fully ales ca bep ye ho vever predicts success thesa routes s tar are all 11 much peeked need and all 11 traversed traver trai erse sd legion of ferriol jy which ai aust be with rl niah facil mes and by ilicia establishment he has waft won golden from U sections sections t ti arties beneral ce eral brown in ill thase ailiese attell ions to wistern western interests has endeared endea to toab the people of the cesi will ao nai t be jov boj to testify ihei r g gratitude e A e nae e 66 occasion ca may olter i rs s hoped and lieveld bratth that the w adduced above wi willbe ean the tha Department and acted upon as tl ther K I 1 importance cd avoult suggest I 1 it t i as bv t the h 0 from t this is git city the soult pas Salt LaLe city and d aja corville cerville ville thit aci san arltie anticipates spates t ha ie desulis i itis upon r e 0 of w erecting erects a ahne or or telex 1 aal it t ine s 1 atle ni ants ol 01 the south up in peaking 11 z or the h erland tid calf californian r ili iary says say s viii fowl 4 shall q buil bandit dit of co course ure an on the 6 reain anam line ine of travel oi on f th line by tuch G ex hect to have mok ht cours lowith e aih the valley T la I 1 ae is by y C car ar son Valley I 1 sail Sali lake aty qty the pass and st 3 josepha asp h I 1 B by Y th tha imp route nine tenths ot or th the i overland ill rim hats h ats I 1 giov iri california ha have come alix and it i is s that route by which the great beai majority 0 of future immigrants M will 11 ll coin caroe 1 st joseph jaseph gazette i n i I 1 |