Show alei lew liv of the regiment nent V U S infantry at Beli kicia on wednesday last gen clarke TT T T S A the general commanding the de apartment part ment of california visited benicia to inspect the at ath h regiment ent U V S infant ry lately arrived at that place after a long march of 2100 miles brorn fort leavenworth which place they left on the ath of may maly last numerous visitors from san F francisco ran cisco sacramento etc 11 including luding the whole population at berni cia attended to witness so interesting a s sight ig ht the I 1 regiment tei ment looked remarkably rem irk well and afforded evidence of the pains and care taken by their officers to perfect berfect them in in discipline and drill the barracks not being sufficiently commodious to accommodate solange so large a ody body of men they were under tents and appeared as they did after eight days march in in the course of their ion long route except that the numerous trains of f wagons some in in number which accompanied them bearing the extensive supplies necessary for so long a journey were packed beyond the confines of the camp we W e counted no less than 80 tents equidistant c forming regular avenues to the rear of which were these occupied by the ae col commanding the regiment at about 11 A al the whole force marched ched into the parade ground and formed a line when the review review and inspection v was as held gen clarke and a brilliant ly inspected each company and as we understood expressed hi himself i much pleased with theirs their appearance and soldierly si leased aly deportment the color borne by the regiment was the identical one earned carried by it during the memorable campaign in in mexico in in which the ath gained such deserved laurels it presents the evidences of many a deadly affray pierced by bullets and rent in in numerous places of course it was the oba object act of marked attention the review terminated the officers of the regiment invited the visitors to lo partake ofa of a very handsome collation tl given V to their gallant general at N which vh speeches cs were made some excellent toasts green given and the pod good wine wine freely circulated we are informed that it is the first time that gen clarke although its colonel for twelve years has ever seen the whole regiment in in a body by reference to the army list we find that he was promoted to a captaincy in in the regiment he now commands in in 1815 and was breveted brigadier general in in 1847 for or his marked kill and gallantry at the siege of vera cruz his late successes in in terminating termination an extensive indian war in in oregon in in so short a campaign sufficiently attests that the veteran oi of 1812 and one of the most distinguished heroes of the mexican war has lost none of the fire and vigor of youth and fully justifies the confidence reposed in in him by the general government we regret to learn that the regiment will soon ie be separated sepe rated by the allot allotment nion t of six six companies south two to the dio one to san diego and one to humboldt bay wherever they go we feel assured they will give a good account of themselves we regret that we were unable able to witness an elegant ball given by the officers in in the evening which we are told by one who did attend was a brilliant affair |