Show DEPARTURE or OF THE WAGON ROAD expedition today to day oct says the fort smith times the expedition for opening a wagon wagon road irom from fort smith to california un under er t the e of 0 lt beale takes its departure the company when together including the milila military escort w will ill amount to about men an and there will il ile be a train of 35 wa wagons ons ac the escort wicy will consist of U S troops under command lt steen the following is is the list of names of the officers belonging to lieutenant beals expedition to wit E F beale superintendent H B edwards assistant J at bell secretary and assistant WP floyd surgeon and physician J R crump engineer and astronomer capt W 11 II noland assistant physician the names of the officers of the escort lt steen commander lt B ll A A Q al A A G S dr duval surgeon thos rector and john young wagon masters aters tn 0 A birnie |