Show spiritualism 11 IN ITALY A funny story is is told in m a I 1 communication to 0 the spiritual age ag e by mr J J jarv jarves c s the distinguished author of art hints confessions Conf esons of an inquirer ac now residing in m florence italy it is is as fol lows at it recent circle in in this city a skeptical physician unexpectedly entered on a visit and seeing an hat the family were about asked permission for the fun of ol 01 the chii thing g to sit with them the phenomena elia soon began and directed du acted toward him urn too who is is it wants me mea he asked the he mediums band a titled la lady dy of great refinement and distinction in m boci soci society was made to write one of your patients whom you killed dam you imagine the confusion of both parties the fhe doctor disappeared and has made no further attempts at a funny investigation of spiritualism and the mortification of the lady medium has scarcely abated yet yei |