Show 10 REWARD 0 I 1 0 or stolen from poin t of 3 west mountain l 11 ll lewis L l rancie ono one strawberry ran branded JK jit on the neat near shoulder the above regard will be given for his bla return lo 10 tf 1 RADFORD CABOT CO LOST f ON monday alunday night bight between between dr chii clinton t and willard knowls aa pair of 0 gold aspeita cles adv person has found the mr turn abent to dr sprague Spra gui wll will be Utie rally tuy fawad rewarded it fi or trouble AJ DOW lot I 1 I 1 D W SON SOA makeel MAK Etl US WOULD respectfully info inform rill the cit T me itla and Camp floyd that the baj have just A received from the east a large of watch material and will promptly repair any as watches or other jewelery Jewel Jewil cry committed to their care charley floo J their agent at camp hoyd floyd and will rill promptly forward 1 and I all 11 watches echea placed in hla his hands trea free ot of charge ge lot for carri carriage aie tr S ll 11 L city january ard 1859 i 10 tt roil FOIL SALE SAIX i L LARGER ARGER beer and ale in lots r to bult purchasers by yogo MORO burr co RADFORD CABOT CO lo tf I 1 I 1 FOR SILK SALIG t C ONE NE thousand head of in bots iota to ault it p has cre 1 will take 1 in for or thim them wheat oats and ald al d barley MOGO I 1 10 0 tt tf liot spring sew brewery Br ery |