Show 0 oui it ll 11 vall correspondence 1 i n gama IT i 1 1 nov 13 1858 or THE SAN I 1 afew weeks ago we had a slight blight fall oi M snow here heri which led me e would have art eArIt vid and vi pter but that tha tIlie be agett or has peri remarkably i finell hagob lagona a n dinue to cross the sierra Y abada interruption 1 1 I 1 ho hero for alt two to parties a appeared in it y field EM ma the laiter iii ilin ting g vie tile officers cerp elected gre lio weiter instructed beforehand not to it aping the wish wih of OL large majority of tae people that we beget dvera pent until the of f hie territory of nevada rather than submit to lie ruled I 1 Vs a i band of oe foreign outlaws and taxed taxed I 1 for ler the me support of D bain youngs aera seraglio lo 10 y som os those engaged ged in cl l t the i aki aph to this place from placerville erville ca came ri I 1 saito 0 to town n two daya day sago ago for provisions I 1 they th by J reported the work bithia ten miles of genoa 4 md and say the they awill will fehere ge here in four forror pr five cie days TA ti ore anal fled hl h as I 1 lately agi p nal nfl nid 11 i a 4 school aliv borst ever started in inalle the ulley f 1 |