Show A suspicious kibbit abbit A ge gentleman aleman relating the incidents of 0 f his bis travels while in paris I 1 says 1 I entered a restaurant on the other side of the seine and ordered a rabbit I 1 was green verdant as the first cucumber even as early ras peas or I 1 should not have done thus the rabbit came and I 1 offered the montleur to an old Fre frenchman nehman opposite whose eyes were fixed upon my plate pla lebut but he bowed a negative the bow puzzled tue me it ii was too much I 1 monsieur has not been long rin in paris no I 1 have just arrived monsieur Ron monsieur is going to eat that yes may I 1 offer you it a slice monsieur you allow me ta make a small su suggestion inquired the frenchi french man with wa a frightful grimace cortan certain ly 1 1 I replied becoming alarmed monsieur that rabbit once mewed 1 he replied with the utmost gravity |