Show i g ali 4 A ill 11 ll n il all T n r t t R D Ls b i i V k I 1 id l 14 I 1 baat r nil I 1 elih i i lt ii ifie i i orleans della f of thoma tho PAMA kethel the inar est t 1 letter I freiri A sih Is rrB I 1 1 16 fow 0 giving fiig a detail account 1 0 na me 1111 ll alq taka baoen the iss liberal party under cunderi general vidaurri and the t tl app 1 general wl 1 ram 1 d lo 10 nvia Oct 12 1851 iian ame weeks ago f wrote you ou that it ft wa i impossible fori for the js il jil in to tai a government govern JW me 1 it having ll 11 ns its jeaa about the city oi and sustained byi jihei catholic ca clergy recent evelius h that statements i I 1 rl I 1 ii euphae i hipped oil out aali used epli V I 1 viz rc after baving 1 ity of sah 1 ii lbs roto and op V liso much was ras said f emdin findig that army as to iiii cil zeris retreated from the tha iciek city to i 1 il 11 ian oa I 1 uie ah of jiember Si ember amid miramon pall sent a of 1300 neto reconnoitre his hi scamp with orders to q fall baal ila li jilot D h ev event attach on taft paa h inter d haq r 4 I 1 I 1 aad after bavin hamiag made himself thoroughly acquainted with position tion on oil the moraima corniaa mornia a prepared foey foe for Y a gereral ef ral J his aray cod consisted sited of I 1 inen men officered by the bs t A ne I 1 mexico ex ja c eving determined to alzalie th the a atack aith ah the layone abial aud lande ize tailed a lied 3 bert tore retain tain aia as a guard for I 1 the he artillery iaillery wlad 7 he 3 lancer to take positions portions oil bp vig nd 1 et wings of V vidaurri I 1 A army aiji y at satt baad hold es an in readiness atoff off the fd feighn e ih ahe M 5 ent of a ria route U taz alie f 5 yva fid a j toward ton ard the cam camp ol of vidaurri t the le arjay armed leq upon lulls the e plain vi here vidaurri ivere e encampo it ce GA C a 11 mii aiom k dmd d t alaia qa 6 4 lindlag lin lAg k alth atcha h k ill al T S s jl abil micol there r e areah pi lemies of ahe an and 1 I th thene elene alj 11 strike a will illg iye e s aa ai ani 4 altar I 1 a L of our i 1 h I I 1 when cheh dilwor words ds fere re cacide com bolus fro I 1 11 le ie iva aa aIg glebis lebid K bowld gd in bonfe I 1 of bt 4 afta ae cepe ecea t lt IT usia sirl tho lines i A j so bo soon aa aTtal attalea sia qa wa the ded I 1 ld hd tho i army advanced ced wl uth 1 I y an ana lance order haing givan for bot a to be d tay a lien A As feci arnny ad wi laurri gu gunners imer aare distinctly acir holdi in their r haidas their f fires ires ati orders if then ir commanders n an ers bi the ee army of mexico st steadily a d a chanced need A 1 i 1 oIl ij ij hen two handrea A apis af pf of Vida urns lilies liike s the llie siderto was t agnen andiSi itty Uy pieces of call cannon n on and L eight thousand snail arras arms L f forth 0 TIN tit their air i hail il upon the assail j ants I 1 rilan in an I 1 instant nsf and before ibe troops had time itol to I 1 waver the char charge 1 ran ring down ther line from tha aice 9 of general Gener dil Ai ranion the order asa obey obeyed d a and V d b bufore p asre the artilleryman artillerymen artillery men c could 0 ill 1 re load all their I 1 e r h large aorl por eirl lion of them vere Y er e lanced af their 9 gins al and it 1110 ahe batteries batte rips Vs t vero ye talen taken ll 11 r miramont Mi ramons ip fantry latry i ajl had tallen upon Vida urna their bayo bayonets neti with such fury a was i esiL tible laucas dai amt hai conets were clotted n uh blood bullets ballets pierced the frightened fugitives es footmen were trampled fram pled under taig feet of the aila had been posed upon the riga bigit an ua left of Vida urr did and many of I 1 I 1 the xin plain to the north nort hand aAa hacienda was ivas cohered with fly ing ahe n ou 1 isains alin almost t breathless M from ir n p bl t h it was n as a sin san jacinto jacin to victory ar are e reported kill 0 bounded one fe hlf half suppose supposed oabe mortally tat prisoners sotie s iha balance aca acq made their escape scap q lait into aie mountains with the exception ecey tion of lu 1 1 i 1 I I 1 WJ it I 1 ayt 0 I 1 Js I 1 4 ti haes abt V rr 1 l The rh ictor 90 ol 01 mules p and a I 1 abo horses sab ftak 60 lleces attil iery ON pounds P pi at ammunition bayides be e yides 71 des mus leand th usual amount calop 1 I 1 cceal Vidaur nj in fu an cpr cypress i S i to iv I 1 1 Mon monteray teroy ak ii imite JQ te ite all aall is is lost arch h ajun b interpreted inter prete that he will I 1 a 11 ingy hondli uio public gullic revenue reveau nue sheso thes e dist disturbers disturb urbel ers of the he bubli p baco arc brought apat up at ia las asley ought to ha e been twelve ago aap I 1 there isi is a a ton ih ia nature ag as some bli evo anen can call pot not in the name or in ill finy other name naine long lo 10 n i lye a allowed aged to punier plumier pun ier priva private alto prop proper ryot ty rob and demolish churches arches ur ches fr alir murder and td hanla elsh priests without being aa caned aled lipon for a bettl anent and dpn although bu 26 adais ears of afre seems jo to have been the employed agent m 11 lh I 1 hands ida af an 0 arg 1 vi I 1 ade e nce to to check tho the opera d ans pi af pf this kan baal T d of t V plunderers rs and mako them ac cou coyn t 1 |