Show n ii lr pot 0 11 HI in 1 l il 11 ll li I 1 HI NUMBER or OF POST OFFICE Sj the whole nim number berloff tollof poff of offices in the U united III ted states on th pi I 1 of june I 1 last ast was of aich are ot of the class dena giriat r r ed durin during the last las fiscal year war 2121 and t the h discontinued par being an in crease of 1391 I 1 the number of appointed during claring me year was of these were ivere to fill vacancies ac n I 1 signed by ret ignation by removals removal 2 S c by dea t 1 18 29 by y change of 0 no names mes ard anasi ait i and 2121 on establishment of new eg the hie chole nimber lumber of ciss on oa the I 1 ir december 1858 1838 was fa of |