Show treasures treasurers ers Ws report ron THE YEAR YEAH ENDING OCT 3 31 1 1858 RECEIPTS OF THE TREASURER FROM NOV 1857 TO OCT 1858 amounts received from the collectors of great salt lake co 2866 43 11 11 11 davis 1 11 11 weber 11 malad 1615 cache 1500 box elder 11 89 14 tooele thoele 1 1 cedar utah juab millard iron Wa ngn I 1 no 30 total amount received 32 of which 39 was wag received rec ived in auditors Auditor Ps orders cash wheat 9 00 county orders I 1 deseret paper currency 32 disbursements Dubur for same time wheat paid out on auditors Andi tors orders 1147 08 cash 11 11 11 11 2000 20 00 county orders paid 14 11 11 11 11 1700 city scrip deseret currency bills paid is 1226 08 H B CLAW CLAWSON sox TREASURES IN ACCOUNT WITH UTAH territory DR CB ca 1857 1957 1858 nov 1 I to balance oct 31 by amount in Trea treasury ofa of Auditor u 8 orders wheat egy ac rece received ived on taxes cash 48 03 during the year city siders oders 17 60 39 disbursed dur 1858 ins ing the year 1226 18 oct 21 to in trea colp of f the bury pea treasury tury dur wheat 2950 2050 83 86 ing me the year 32 cash 92 08 blis reble 18 59 12 59 the law requires territorial taxes to be baidin paid in money or auditors Auditor 8 orders but owing to the scarcity tv of specie and territorial paper in circulation in in some counties I 1 authorized zed the receipt of 0 ahead on territorial tax in some cases as it can be disposed of without loss to the territory the vouchers for the disbursements are filed in in this office signed H B CLAWSON treasurer |