Show NADE nr by SLOCUM or OP costim RUN BUN pm im sitting on the th style mary diary sitting Sitt ingon jon the stiles stile but the the bulldog bull dog in the front yard keep barking all the while why doot dont you tell your pa mary alary or john if lies hes a about dour L out to ask young sammy slocum cury in and snake make the dog git bout nw pm im sitting bitting on the fenced fence mary before the kitch kitchen door but th the pesky ugly gly bulldog bull dog eez 13 barks ark louder r than before and I 1 thought I 1 sa gaw tva a shadowy shadow mary A shadow slim and tall all arms and legs like reuben brown against the whitewashed wall it if that is reubens Reu beng shadow sta ilow mary it if that was reuben duade at tw ill bring the back on me im very much afraid oh why this cruel treatment why veep keep me I 1 in suspense W why dont you make we edoga e dog get et bout and let me off the fence 1 aie i gota ta keiwand calf mary 4 the he calf a f is is three weeks v beeks ow old A score re of fielty pretty sheep too A As ever fed d in fold abdad and daddy dy told me yesterday IV hen D dapple a pl had a colt hed let me eave haie it celain ceia ce iain insure sure arntt that reub brown a dolt ditl an and in mammas knitting stocking how bow to p b buy abie a cotton web one half at sheets are to be mine mine and halt for sister deb and mamma says v aich ever one first brings a partner hum shall have the pumpkin blossom quilt say mary wont won t you come gee hill ikins jou u ou ought 9 tot at the ro rooster ami the h e hen that uncle pele Shaki eford sent me lae by cousin ben I 1 guess he be wakes the folks fois around when begins he aint out oat to crow if he was here to blow his horn held hed bring you out ott I 1 know duty but mary if you wont have hav me and will have mr brown kwa I 1 guess ss as bow ow theres other gals gala t a wide awake in town but one ane thing you ought to know before 1 I 1 turn my back that is is that prudence gale gin your reub brown the sack |