Show auditors report AUDITORS orrice oreice fl S L CST Y U T nov 11 1858 I 1 to te his excellency jl 1 cumming bmw territory Terri Jory of utah r SIR I 1 have bare the honor of transmitting to your excellency the annual report of the auditor of public accounts by an act of the legislative assem askera uy of thi this s territory approved januray 1858 the act creating and author ili the collection of a T territorial errit orial tax TO na repealed consequently since that time there has been no revenue arising fram any source whatever to the terri tory to my knowledge the act aa above referred to however authorizes the collection and disbursement ell of all the he delinquent territorial tei talc at that thai time due and owin and the i territorial revenue law and to be paid sri in the ordinary way upon former appropriations of the legislature which lver not paid at the passage of said act Jali january uary 1st ast 1858 sine since e my I 1 last ast report november ISS 57 I 1 have h a vear issued aed auditors warrants cathe or th T treasury rl a to the amount of four thousand eight t h undred hundred and eighty six dollars and forty three cents as fol f lows low on account of adjutant generals salar salary for 1856 00 auditors salary for 1856 3 72 11 11 1857 29 44 deseret agal and manig mang society 00 1 indian wars 00 t 1 supa of Alete Meteor orl 1 observations 00 14 library arr fuel fairn furnished shed 1200 12 00 apro tano tor for mily milly purposes 1790 58 printing penitently Peni teny tenly lothing for prisoners 9 00 1 records dg marks brands 38 36 51 1 state house an a appropriation made jan an 17 1858 19 44 treasurers Treasur ers salary for 1856 00 I 1 add to this the amount in circulation a at my last report nov i isn 94 37 of the above amount there has been redeemed at the treasury during the past year 37 leaving Lea in circulation at this date 00 there is still remaining due doe on appropriations the sum gum of of nine thousand seven hundred and one dollars and eighty two and two third cents 82 as follow follo a on auditors salary for 1855 67 61 1 11 11 1857 1 38 to supt bupt of meteoric Met eorI observations for salary from march aio emst imst to oct 66 23 2 3 to deseret news office appropriation pria tion made to 23 state house appropriation made jan 50 deseret abrill and manug society 02 appropriations for military purposes made dee dec 23 1852 jan 14 1857 2211 03 i 23 2 3 the unsettled state the greater martof part of the past year has in a retarded the collection 0 of f taxes however however c according to official reports ors in my v office there has been collected ol 01 P and paid into the treasury nine nine thousand and thirty two dollars and thirty two cents say 1 I am unable to state the exact amount of territorial tax yet uncollected in consequence of some of the coll collectors ec tors not having made their proper re reports p orts to this office but in my opinion there is sufficient when collected to liquidate the amount t yet due on the several appropriations made by the legislative assembly the warden of the penitentiary reports that the sentences of the three prisoners vix white tree ankle joint and sandy hair indians expired on the day of march last and they were discharged from prison the above named prisoners I 1 were convicted and sentenced by the united states court for the second judicial district of this territory for the term of three years and they were purely united states stales cases but during the three y years e ar of their imprisonment they were f fed e d ea clothed 0 blied flied carded and all the expenses of their imprisonments paid by this territory and up to the present time the government has neglected to reimburse this territory for two thousand one hundred and thirty nine dollars and for ty y five 2139 45 cents expended in the execution of the sentence of the united states court on the prisoners or pay the services services of the warden and guards such has not been the dealings of the parent government with other territories I 1 have given given you a brief statement of the financial condition of the territory and d holding myself in ia readiness ti lo furnish you any official information relating to the affairs of this office in ill my possession I 1 am very respectfully your obedient servant signed J J IV CUMMINGS public accod accounts ants U T |