Show A BEAUTY it is is quite true that a turkish beauty really a beauty beaty sanles you ou all of a heap as the sailors say the princess sat bend in ng gr slightly forward in in the carriage carr carriage iane her gazelle eyes resting thoughtfully on a turkish fan of snowwhite snow white feathers feather which she held in in her hand band the centre centre of which Ns was as entirely of emeralds and diamonds bli slight as a fairy the exquisite tint of her skin seen through the nasty misty white veil just the hue of a shell where it approaches pink the delicate rote robe of palest sea green and the M wreath reath of diamonds trembling round tier her head like splendid drops of water in a charmed crown instantly reminded kreminec remi me of undine in in her softest mood tray trav elling in in the rich but fantastic equipage equi pae to t visit aj it some great river queen on n shore fol for r the day mrs hombis Hornby 3 syam siam boul |