Show secretary of wars report 7 v 1 i x ai 1 ait 0 o r t we ex extract track tile life following ina by the last las mail froia ahe repot ci iary abyo A v wh I 1 be to the people of this territory i i a fie the 0 oi the army in connection qt of Utah since theadate the date ofray last report deserve particular abuce they have bie been ii in 14 and fri fraught tight with most important results ai irali the inception and band progress of bf the Morri mormon ion jap to the meeting ofton gress last YeAr Ahei co arylis familiar it is the importance tance ascribed aloit 0 it by congress with the reasons ass assigned ned lip by b that body fori the large larg sums 0 oe appe ahe he 1 ath blow low the ne the preparations ana at first made to 0 a accomplish abia object I 1 te have heretofore hereto heretofore ford reported ran isue si ut thel the final bious for f t g nut glit the expedition 1 edition edi fion and an the actual the life troops upon that re habte and difficult tel ay have not until ade tle subject of 1 cial communication mu muni ni cation nor ha have ve UKI bly ben beneficial conse consequences resulting f from rom thi the policy I 1 of that beeh gat to 0 your to jo 0 that 0 of the fablie pil blie i i i il lf iii after the open acts of erf by BIB ofle i mormon people against the varto d iti ih the provision trains or of destroying dest toying themi with fe and driving 0 ir th e herds ot of ettl cattle I 1 and horses belonging to the command although the these ge were jo lahe I 1 beof gut troops and their pro against a hinst starvation these t h ise people pa continued ead to manifest vv eiery cry proof of a fixed inq 1 tie termination toj push puli itolle extremity e lef bloodshed b ah ed and ar only martial mait ial latiin arri tory without a peete t but against ivery cveta of justice of lawalin la walid voil coli l luiey v hole force of effective inen man and kept constantly contently cont antly drilled and un under or arash arms hv vc crin ri bout about oar beelan a favora favorably bl a eve OT off and destroy ithee athola command i nal they 1 mounta moun n l tn towards the town and i 1 chief settlements it herot bev reside and collected from remote neighborhoods all ther deluded people beh nging to their sect everyl every preparation at which 1 hicl pi a l l ter clity iq ban 0 ol 01 treason ofia ekr characterized war these thes I 1 deop V evert ac t I 1 oad and bothin nothing e but menace arf et ards towards ate he aff aw feu fell from the t he lips of their c chief I 1 bip I 1 of his hig rafe any raes oHi jl I 1 when a small force forc was as J first is t pen os a thil afe MArr oong attacked attacked lari and destroyed destry ed air train gand ad reay ready fot for a g elexa tj upon pont the column colar n etien 1 hen a B er MW wag put ai on foot to put success beyond all doubt their bluster an sank into whispery spera of t ff thia upon that Territory Wis demanded demand edby by the th moral emoral sentiment i of odthe the cou ritty was due to a vindication bofty lav lavas and and was essential tb lotfe ittel mona the power pow brof 0 the federal advel ha alj ament to chastise and uell rebellion ho however reve formidable or position it maht might seem to bei be AddI adequate dAte antii and a prompt advance bf the ithe army a amy was an all a ct lof barcy and humanity itye ta t those h se deluded keople people for it presented the ithe effusion of blood i ri i ri ii il fl these people however still evince a it of insubordination and moody d discontent 1 they keep up strictly their org alich has for its object and ITO en cOmp complete liete I 1 exclusion X lusi orf of fedi fed gyal flat Autho authority ity from ah participation ticie aaion in the affair affa affi inifi ail ahe th territory byon beyond q mere hollow strow th the head mail or chief of their bet beet rules the pio peo 1 i ale mth absolute power er and under N baic 1 pert they hey mara manifest fest upwards file government aisil bif the arnyas that of a 4 queued a foreign necessity it which called for forthe tile pr preem esmee cei of troops in utah will a strang torce force still to be kept there the reports from the i sent to utah tor for the 0 of f ascertaining thi the exact condition I 1 I 1 of th A I 1 ate are alread alred dYl yIn ill f your ar hands and are ra at bac 0 c arid Interest hite resting fi nothing could cob bei b more praiseworthy thad thia the just alia i F bial manner in it aeb pa dial tha ed 11 ties 1 nj responsible b le tin 0 u iche the conduct of both off officers acers a A a fin 6 jr cached to the armar orriah has been N I 1 arthy of al all I 1 praise I 1 the comman commander deri brevet bh a dier adier Getic general ral A S J dined ats 11 Is command d at 1 a great trial a and ambar ras tsaan ts arn t with i th a calm and lofty bearin bearing witly with a tribe true and manly mahly ayin flashy ifo A I 1 aroun around d I 1 liim am 1 infused n fused into a hia Is com in a I 1 la kirit 8 of serenity and content contentment mer rit which t amidst uncommon bai d s I 1 v which hichi were ivere unabated throughput 5 11 ut it uie tedious anil and inclement season of ile the v bi V ae destruction lest ruction of our trains by th TI ons the disasters halh which I 1 necessarily fl flod kd lioy it drove droe gen johnston to the oie necessity a detachment ment of men to next new merico for supplies essential to preserve the from the greatest tu pliable him to prosecute his hia march cable able despatch T this expedition was in trusted to captain R n B alaray of the and ablith with 0 to make a U an I 1 u ous capar colnear iso json botn een the of officers ahe he all it A is put ut just to arih brinsc the conduct of this officer affie and nd ins his conro inu to V our especial I 1 no notice pt may be aft af that in the ihsle v hale catalogue cali logue of ha fizzard d ous cip edition so s thickly troah I 1 border warfare filled I 1 ile is S the them are with e privation hardship and sul aut lenng no not onit on surpasses this and iii in some particulars it has been hardly arlly li e equalled equal led ed by any ally captain Captai fi blancy left rort port baldger on the 4 command cocimano coc imand ija 2419 of forty r egils enlisted d men n and abd t twenty en y five mount pa lars lp rs alii course cour lay abrou through gh an rg kles wilderness der ness ov over 1 r lot lofty ana abir anig rugged ed mountaha moun tama without a or a human habitation to w diw ter jh rough snows for mary miles t together 0 g ether reaching ito to the depth of div 1 beasts of burden very rapidly pe perished until few were left peigi supplies gave gake out oat ta their air e vas nas aba abandoned they i it were ere 1 driven M t u s carcasses of their dea boms aid n 4 mules balli the mci became gaj greaby elilah kler ere frost atten yet not P 0 ene murmur ol of discontent discont ept escaped ua the apa F S ot api gleiman athen rh I 1 ti was vas f p e 6 at T I 1 aw amenta 0 of t the a army and grI great ladi disaster ask wall men tailed failed to b air succor succor to pie camp amp they ld one and all voll ante red f for X tins this service and an 1 al thu gUthey might freeze freele or die yet they would aliu lj it t 1 1 tu 1 I 1 after acty Q vi dalp emerge the f forests or I 1 ests a and na bound nd themselves at rort in in new ew Al mexico exico during their it iq march cata katpy sharp dall the il 0 ap a soldier biath pg sleeping ingan and 1 dmn eating as hlafter lielah elay at this post past for the purpose 0 of f I 1 allcie cess cessare itry supplies for for anh 11 vor h a ta re in the h meantime an I 1 T M ui 1 t ift thit I 1 he P mo 1 oraan ing a iri e cap rn I 1 return iv with ith the supplies to stampede his ais anin animals al abid cut tere to td rem y force papain marc wila to tell wn a dalAl troph no t further aldr nibia treason garland 1 then commanding i the rith lini 1 to wd a detachment of the mounted chent tor for protection 1 it I ita biti rf I 1 these preparations necessitate da ia further abelay beia Y othe 01 the pirt of Captain marcy ather inse ise have reached ith aft eran absence af three months having accomplished a ameir of more than 1300 irit miles Is I 1 cherew herewith th transmit A mort report prepared pre prep pred pred by captain A adv rit quest vh hicha phi ain ain iii u ply w ill I 1 if be read d avith H ith I 1 interest tast I 1 where wi fiad ib tei ments are L croughton alt gecher ina a tri awe ia a I 1 general aa ora brigade ia A bould d belin bel in to iy ay it if du V hoe ar nixes now drga mufid r etli field we should Dee dinine 4 nine gentala of t go tf lh belh nece ss 1 ay iy r arrangements ent of s 11 I 1 aioo r i to on tie the itri i rai tiers evirs a and w the 11 i militar yr d de h tra iirth if i 6 pl alie s in p I 1 e comman commands alls tl t bere iere fore 11 in conr aam atm ate arc generally acner devolved ori bd the officer aho ig IB thereby withdraw arp uliey of Ws his 1 op own an t andl a I 1 r regimental 16 r are re not of 81 spin 6 hather ought g thea rule to exercised exer exercise cisel th fir functions neti ong of generals in all armei gench als ala are 1 far epsman commands by govan govern iii entA would always alays bein il for abah ilio diott at baclic to ito specht tied fed commands co as M are or r the ithe A win in 6 af V ouner i avet I 1 at car commands cam mands always berve tle the pose and where it does it is AS alering two comissi commissions 1 ion and d two offices on iio one demco office tho can li on only J d discharge J e the dutie S top ohe the expense to gover government ament jai achie PI e eane tile the officer exercises exercises UA y i aili a brevet or 01 y 4 a proper P om I 1 iniss on ion there er is gr great e need of three bree additional I 1 i brigadier I 1 geng generals als to those P pow 0 iv I 1 lo 10 cc comtois sioU rand fand I 1 recommend their ap tt 1 I 1 tj 11 1 4 great improve geem ants aa hayy lerl ben m mada de in tha fa roads d th through bigl the tern tory ot utah since thel themar in cli br the larmy thither or abhi A afew ve has been opened efrom rort fort bridger to the present encampment of 11 army near utah Iak eby what at is the valev fit the ann pa d v diminishes llie distance to california Cali tornia in With that usually traveled trivel ed by soda springs tab ii hundred and ity fifty inkles ar I 1 is is eh orter by one hundred and thirty than thep the rient route jt brough h maitla aluaro iiii an ot a moderate sum abe on th e aviles lof utah t f 1 lakour rush carson a t son I 1 va I 1 I 1 0 1 would no doubt ve te ani and benet cial it would open and materia materially air 11 ii rove a route which atay be avex me umesh time in transporting supplies lid itt wab i i |