Show sketch of Litt luther lier ty by carlyle A coarse rugged face it was waa w with ith great crags of cheek bones a wild amount of passionate energy and appetite I 1 enerst but in his dark eyes were I 1 floods of sorrow and deepest melancholy sweetness and mystery were all there often did there seem to in meet ee in luther the very opposite poles in in mans manla character he tor for example for w horn richter had bad said his word vi wera ere half battles he when he first began to suffered unheard agony oh dr staupitz dr staupitz 11 said he to the vicar general of his orders order 1 I can not do it I 1 shall die in three months indeed I 1 can not do it dr staupitz a wise and considerate man said upon this well sir martin it if so you u must die you must but remember that they ly need good heads up jonder yonder too so preach man preach and then en live or die as it happens so luther preached and lived abid ai d bons eons he e became one great whirlwind of energy to work without resting in this world worl dand and also before he ha died he wrote very many books books in which the true man for in the midst of all they denounced and cursed what touches of tenderness lay look at the ta ble talk for example we see in it a little bird having alighted at sunset on the bough of a peartree pear tree that grebin grew in luthers garden luther looked upon it and said that little bird how it covers its wings and will sleep there so still and fearless though over it are the infinite tarry starry spaces and the great blue depths 0 of immensity yet it fears not it is at home the god that made it too la IS there ap the same gentle spirit of laical lyrical admiration is irk in the other passages of 0 his book coming home from leipsic in the autumn season he be breaks forth into living wonder at the fields of corn how it stands there he says erect on its beautiful taper stem and bending its beautiful golden head bead with bread in it the bread of man sent to him another year 21 such thoughts as these are as little windows through which aich we gaze into the interior of the depths of martin luthers soul and see visible across its ita tempests and clouds a whole heaven of light and love he might have painted ho be might have sung could have been beautiful like raphael great like michael Al ichael angelo when you go to 6 drown yourself put ut off your our clobes clo lies hes they may fit your 3 1 second husband w |