Show statistics rj jr emigration INTO united STATES when one studios tile the of immigration for the past fiscal year ono onn toes docs not wonder eliat the south has united in a gr great eat propaganda prop p to attract att rilet at attention teli tion to lier rc and opportunities tuni ties the lie figures show that tile the south att attracted an all almost lip negligible percentage pes of tile the total ini migration though she li lias is millions of unoccupied acres ani and lie need for libor labor is is great for the period from july 1909 to april 1010 1910 loth both inclusive tile tho number of poisons con coining iiii 11 from abroad to alabina Ala bima was arkansas arkans as 32 9 florida florid a georgia Went kentucky licky K ioni siana 1569 1 maryl maryland Ma ani api north carolina ail okla enma n in a south carolina ton ren li crisco 44 13 virginia 1171 west virginia the latter states having mines minca anti and manufactures naturally attract attracted ett enort iiii gr arants ants but bitt it was bissot missouri tri with etli and texas with dinini grants added to their population which really saved the south hi in this coni comparison parison now york is ii i i elodi credited ted with anti and pennsylvania vanla with avith immigrants I 1 massachusetts received ia 28 now new jersey 5 3 connecticut mid and little rhode island even evell addel added to haq population persons fron from abroad in ili the great corn belt illinois got while andi ana only received and iowa california on tile contrary where gilcre 0 opportunity is young counted to her eredio Color colorado 1965 arizona 2413 arid and even alaska the file total immigration for the period stated was and for the year IG latter figure lias been elcee exceeded but thrice in the history of I 1 country |