Show wiL WILLIAM LIANI attorney at i law 4 county attorney my city utai L L BAKER attorney adlaw at law conveyancing firo fire insurance Insi nance and Fideli fidelia fy bona owls evans city rsm r SM fr dr L A S DENTIST S A 8 1 OHICE OFFICE IN IH BK BANK f f tooele thoele utah Z 4 0 9 tofele tooele news store I 1 news haws confectionery stationery A STRICTLY UP TOO TE AG caen rs abr singer sowing machines tooele thoele county TOOELE POST GA GARD EMPORIUM 71 I 1 PICKLE BROS j south main st tooele thoele utah CEO CCO R DAVIS rd D E N F I 1 S F specialist in gold cold arc cycyn wn and bridge work north main st tooele thoele utah the tofele tooele opera house c E 1 GREEN ita iia naKor nager on oil the intermountain inter mountain theatrical circuit dances every friday evening moving pictures with illustrated songs ayery night except sunday and dance nights nighia first performance from to 9 second performance from 9 to 1030 admission SO 10 cents euvile nap B hii guama Q ul A L cup it will PAY PAT you W 0 o our spring kir line lije of 1 LOOK OVER OUR 1 l a 0 o und before doino doing your la C E ea 4 is now ir NG in 0 E HI E 0 A L L 1 NO N N 10 AM east a livery d food 8 baule faule whitehouse sl harris I 1 i ii 6 5 rigs of all kinds saddle horses to suit the aress and B aa gazic A specialty phone khoii d 83 TOOELE UTAH H lo ASS UN IV R elva AH alt lahe chy utah THENEA PUBLIC igl system OF UTAH 0 1 alib school of arts and ap 4 hoob 1 S 5 sciences the state IN normal or ip 1 quip school or ol the school of Edlich education tion tin the most alost of tho ampara apparatus tits machinery and state slate school of mines and it 21 school of medicine tools toola etc are new ani and of tife A very acry cry best tire embraced dembiac ed by he university of df utah sa 3 3 T arc ad the do fitted t to ill 11 s of if law which is part of the ithe 9 elwool of departments the iaan of women ivon ion looks after aftic arts and sciences tile ho of tile alio young Wolli bli sli students Ments I 1 ua i zit 9 tnt 2 many graduates ally of of jass a eq ig 19 it N wot J a ot y 6 that the gl gi eanest universities of this country and eu of ua A go 90 away to school when students come from ropo tilt the east and the west the norvi N orti and tile south I 1 the sum and the far countries of the tar ear i to v tend tile 10 79 university of berof of 1910 with utah 4 the childr children ert of the training school aloro than te of 0 stall is i 2200 young people received in the ente ants ceu lath university buildings L in last st alea inter and lath registration me 10 after V 5 dt 0 the lathi 1200 regular work L li dris I 1 mo au phew 1 ali 1611 9 1 inquire of local agents 0 fy fo railroad rail roid rates embraces 10 brick arid add stone buildings 0 02 2 ancs cat 1 edg alrig t picture bulac till and corn poto information bf grounds taid university pro porfy mit tOll free upon poll request address i OF UTAH 1 salt S jig lalle lalie ri t y etab t tag fi |